
  1. Anxious Newt

    Anyone have any experience with this hatchery?

    I've been a long time chicken mom (15+ years) and recently I've been looking into getting some of the rarer breeds such as seramas (got some eggs on the way!), ayam cemani, and dong tao just to name a few. I found an online hatchery that sells the dong taos and they seem to be the cheapest...
  2. KillahSquid

    Injured hen lost her sisters- what to do

    Last night, my three 7 month old Easter eggers were attacked by something. One survived but was limp( Mary). We went to the nearest vet that would take her this morning. We weren’t able to get an appointment but I really wanted a professional to look at her. The vet did X-rays and nothing...
  3. Ocean Flare

    Coop recommendations?

    A client of my mother's who I know called me recently with a sort of business idea. I have an incubator and she has Serama's and eggs, so why not raise and sell some? Now I have 1 egg in the incubator and 3 hens died, leaving her with a just rooster. We're trying to buy some more eggs to hatch...
  4. Lemon-Drop

    Miniature and Toy Poodle Breeder Recommendations.

    Hi, a friend of mine is looking into getting a poodle. I want recommendations if at all possible. These are the details of what they want: Female Miniature or Toy Any color besides Apricot. Preferably less than 1,000. It doesn't need to be super close, they said they can do a road trip this...
  5. ChickenWhisperer101

    Nemo and Friends aquarium in Houston Tx?!?

    Hi y’all! There is this fish store called Nemo and friends in Houston tx and I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this store. It’s quite a long drive from me, so I was wondering if it’s worth the drive. I’m specifically looking for rams. Thanks for any help or fish store...
  6. Australorp94

    What Brand of Epsom Salts?

    Hi BYC community! I have been reading up on epsom salts and the many ways one can use them for chickens who are ill. I would like to treat my flock to a spa treatment and give them epsom salt baths when they are stressed. What brands do y'all recommend? I'm also thinking about administering some...
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