
  1. K

    Abscess in Quail?

    Hello, Sadly one of my quails just passed away due to a neck injury, and so I quickly got a new quail so the other wouldn't feel lonely. Little did I realize, the new quail has a pink bump on her beak. I'm worried it might be abscess. Can anyone help please? Should I quarantine her? Is there...
  2. Q


    Hello all I'm new to BYC, finally made myself a member. Me and my girlfriend have always had an interest in poultry my Nanna has always had chickens and as I child we hatched chicks, which I thought was amazing seeing the eggs from start to finish. From candling them to seeing the move and...
  3. M

    quail questions

    Hello I am new to quails and i have a few questions: I have an rabbit cage ( 1.9 square foot). Is that enough for 2 quails?
  4. 4 Week Old Gender Differences In Red Breasted

    4 Week Old Gender Differences In Red Breasted

    The differences in patterning in a female and male Red Breasted King Quail. The females have 'empty' bibs while the males have 'filled' ones, and the barring on the body and chest is much stronger on the male. Not shown in the pic, but there's some rusty red feathers showing up on the male too.
  5. JohnCoturnix

    Hi !

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Not really, It's a family thing so I grew up with them. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Right now 54 chickens and 31 quails. (3) What breeds do you have? Brahma, Lavender Orpington, Welsummer, Leghorn, Coturnix Japonica...
  6. birdmandan

    Breeding jumbo with regular japanese quails

    Hi peeps. I wanted to see if anyone here have had experience breeding jumbos with regulars. I am new to jumbos as they have only become available in my country quite recently and few people are selling eggs. I already have regular sized quails for eggs. I want to get jumbos for meat. There...
  7. MageofMist

    Preening obsessed quail?

    I have a young female quail, what looks like a white cinnamon, who seems to be obsessed with preening not only her own plumage, but also the feathers of other quail. I know she is female as she has the female voice and call. When settling down to sleep she preens the closest quails to her, when...
  8. L

    Any Information/Advice about Quails? Post Here! :)

    Hi! I'm currently raising laying and meat chickens, planning on getting two ducks, and thinking about quails. I don't know much about quails, however, and I'm curious to hear what sort of things you need to know and be cautious about. ANY advice or information is totally welcome and appreciated...
  9. MageofMist

    What colour morph is this button quail chick?

    It is too dark to be a white with a more reddish hue compared to the sweetcorn-like white ones I hatched before, and it isn't pale enough to be a silver and it has red lines down it's back... My guess is maybe a cinnamon which makes me wonder how many crazy colour genes Rex and Speckles, the...
  10. MageofMist

    It'll be fine... I said.

    Speckles never sits to full term, I said. It'll be fine to let her sit and have a break, I said... Famous last words. :lau Welp, she has babies now! Last 3 times she went broody, she didn't sit long enough for eggs to hatch, so I wasn't worried this time. Rex and Speckles are both proud...
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