puncture wound

  1. L

    Dog attack

    So I have two chickens that have been attacked by dogs three days ago. Each have wounds on their backs, one seemingly worse than the other. Both have some puncture wounds and I have been spraying with vetricyn each night. The one with the deeper wounds took a dust bath it seems like and they got...
  2. BitterSweetCitrus

    URGENT: Torn Skin and a Need for Advice

    About six days ago my girl was mauled and I have been tending to her wounds, one of her injuries was the first layer of skin being ripped off her. What I didn’t notice was she has a very deep flap hiding the second layer of skin that is detached from the second. It looks quite nasty. Our vet is...
  3. O

    Hen attacked by fox! Has dropping neck and puncture wound to back and stomach

    Hi all I’m new to this forum but seen some good advice posted about fox attacks, thought most did not apply specifically My dad has some backyard chickens that we just keep as pets, so we are very close to them and yesterday daytime (4pm) a fox came and attacked them. There is one dead and two...
  4. LinLinDove

    Anesthetic/wound-closing necessary? (Fox attack)

    tldr; Week-old fox puncture wounds, antibiotics+no symptoms of infection, behavior and energy all good. Can I avoid stitches/anesthesia risks? Note: Will include pictures tomorrow. They all look like they've clotted up and have minor yellow discoloration in the surrounding skin. Hi all, I...
  5. F

    Animal bite (rat possibly?) on duckling’s neck, HELP!

    Another duck post.. they just keep getting into trouble. anyways, I have a duckling that’s just almost 4 weeks old, today i left their door open for a little too long and I believe an animal went into their area to seek warmth (it was snowing a bit.) A duckling that had just hatched that day got...
  6. junibug

    infected wound

    my hen was attacked by something the other night, likely a fox or dog. her wing is broken and she has quite a few wounds. the largest, being a puncture wound, is infected and oozing green pus even though i’ve been disenfecting it quite a few times daily. i’m worried about how bad it could get...
  7. R

    Dog bite, puncture wound!

    Looking for some advice here, chicken got bit by dog, exposing a puncture wound on its side. Our bird vet is out until tomorrow and no emergency gets around see chickens. I put some scarlex spray on it and wrapped the wound. From everything I am being told and read these things heal up but that...
  8. CrizyChickenLidy

    Fox attack - bright green poo

    Unfortunately, a fox was able to get ahold of one of my free ranging hens before I noticed and scared him away. Before I noticed the commotion he was able to puncture a few holes in her. This was about a week ago, she's got a few puncture wounds on her back and belly and one nickle sized wound...
  9. CCinVT

    Help bear attack... should I euthanize?

    We had a bear tear into our coop. I dont know if this hen was then attacked by a racoon that got I to the openings or it was the bear. Deep puncture wounds on her back. One I can hear is sucking air. I'm worried about flushing and cleaning the wound like I would with just a gnarly flesh type...
  10. Z

    Help - Hen Just Hatched Chicks

    Hello my hen just hatched 4 and she has not fed them or gave them water but they are active and healthy should I care
  11. Sarahh_Janeyy

    Puncture wound inside mouth, blood loss

    My troublemaker speckled sussex got into trouble again.. Somehow she punctured the inside of her mouth and was bleeding quite a bit. We brought her to the emergency vet- not knowing what had happened until she was examined or how long she had been that way (I had checked on her at 1pm, then it...
  12. Blazel

    New Chicken enlarged chest mass, skin growth, deep puncture wound, twisted toes

    Hello, We just picked up a new chicken tonight, we got her as she was being bullied by her flock, the other chickens wouldn't let her roost or eat and were pinning her down to pull her feathers out. She's just over a year old, hy-line chicken. When we saw her we immediately agreed to take her...
  13. abita17

    Bobcat attack

    Our orpington Brown chick was attacked by a bobcat last night. Its miraculous that she lived- I don’t think I’ve ever prayed for a chicken but I did last night! Her breathing was so labored I thought her lungs were filling with blood- but this morning- aside from seeming pretty traumatized-she...
  14. LittleBird123

    Cat Attacked Chicken Leaving Puncture Wound

    Yesterday one of my chickens was attacked by a large stray cat. I was able to scare the cat away, but now my chicken has a puncture wound in her right thigh. The wound is small, though it looks deep and goes down into the muscle, it is not bleeding. I immediately rinsed the wound with distilled...
  15. purpletiger

    Please Help Treat my little D'uccle! Puncture wound from Hawk!

    Hi everyone! My sweet little D'uccle named LeeLoo was attacked by a red-tailed hawk while i was putting up an extension cord to add a heat to keep the chickens water from freezing. The hawk was no more than five feet away from me when it attacked! I ran the hawk off and was able to save her! I...
  16. CrazyDuckLady32

    Duck with hook/open chain link injury

    Looking for advice—-went out to coop a few mornings ago and found our hen Pekin duck had cknocked over the water bucket, climbed on it and bitten onto an open link of galvanized chain, essentially skewering up into the tissue below her eye. She was hanging there for who knows how long over...
  17. Z

    Rooster attacked by dog; multiple symptoms (please help)

    Yesterday our speckled sussex rooster (a little over a year, under 10 lbs) was attacked by the neighbors dog. All of his tail feathers were almost ripped off, he had 2 puncture wounds above his left wing (not very deep, but a puncture). Some skin loss to his back side. We cleaned him up with...
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