
  1. Muser

    Convinced of Roo, but was a Hen?

    Has anyone ever been convinced their chicks were Cockerals/Rooster only to be surprised with a Pullet/Hen instead? If so, what were your experiences? Was it the early development of Comb/Wattles, behavior, feathering/patterns, or even the crowing? I want to hear about your sneaky tomboy hens! :D
  2. BunnyChickenMomma

    Eggcited for Eggs!

    My second post of the night! I have four Buff Orpington chickens that are 16 weeks old. Yesterday, my littlest chicken (Rosemary) started doing what I think is the submissive squat when I approach to pet her. I have read that once they start doing this, they are near to egg laying. Is 16 weeks...
  3. C

    Golden Laced Wyandottes Pullets (10 weeks old) - Louisville KY - $20

    All hens. $20 each 4 remaining
  4. LizzzyJo

    Rainbow Egger pullets and others for sale

    13 pullets for sale will be off heat last week in July. Sold at 6 weeks old so no need to brood with heat. Brooded on chick starter and free pasture. - All vaccinated against Mareks! All sexed pullets from Meyer hatchery. 9 colorful egg layers (EEs, Steele eggers, etc) @ $20/each 1 Egyptian...
  5. B

    Buying chickens in Central Coast California

    So after buying 3 Pullets in April and having all three turn out to be cockerels, I am a bit discouraged. I was assured they were hens, but…either the breeder did not know, or they were unscrupulous. Either way, I don’t want to do that again. I live in the Monterey Bay area. Anybody out there...
  6. T

    Mixing chick ages

    Hi there, hoping to get some insight here. I have 4 or 5 (8 week old) bantam pullets that are in a coop and 9 (5 week old) standards. They seem to be closish in size. What are the chabces I can mix them together and they'll be ok?
  7. M

    How should I clean a used coops?

    Good morning! I recently purchased a used chicken coop for my pullets who will be transitioning out of their brooder this week. The coop came from a local long-term chicken keepers, and the last chicken of their flocked died about 7 weeks ago at 11 years old from old age. The coop is made from...
  8. saving grace

    My Horrid Cockerel to Pullet Ratio

    Just want to take a quick sec to rant about how HORRIBLE my pullet-to-cockerel ratio is! :he In my first batch of 20 hatchery chicks, only 7 were pullets (and one was eaten by a neighbor's dog. :hit) My batch of 10 hatchery ducks only had 2 hens (and one of them doesn't lay, so basically one...
  9. Little Tala Bug

    Pack of Pullets

    I wanted to post about our new pack of five pullets because their arrival was totally eclipsed by the discovery of my missing hen, Henrietta, and her secret nest which hatched this week. We got the pullets on the same morning we found Henrietta. Settling them into their new run was the way we...
  10. Incukahlan

    Need Some Help With Fermented Feed Issues

    Alright, I am just a couple weeks into fermenting my feed and getting everyone on a schedule. But I'd like to talk to someone who has experience with it, as I feel I'm doing something wrong. I'm guessing it's my ratio of what I mix in, but I'm not 100% sure. I have laying hens, a turkey...
  11. B

    mealworms for pullets

    Sorry if this is a silly question. Is there any such thing as too many mealworms to feed my pullets? I worry they’re having too many, they bloody love them. They about 5 weeks old.
  12. B


    Anybody use lime in their coop for smell control and mite prevention? what brand do you use? how can i be sure i’m using something that is safe for my pullets?
  13. BlueHorse17

    12 Week Genders?

    Hello everyone! Trying to help a friend out. What are your thoughts on these birds? Cockerels or pullets? They’re all 12 weeks.
  14. BlueHorse17

    3 Week Chicks: Favorelle, Ameraucana, Barred Rock, etc - San Jose, CA

    Three week old chicks: 🐣 1 White Leghorn cockerel 🐣 1 Porcelain D’uccle cockerel 🐣 1 Millie Fleur D’uccle cockerel - no longer available 🐣 1 Golden Sebright pullet 🐣 7 Barred Rock pullets 🐣 10 Ameraucana pullets 🐣 4 Buff Orpington pullets - pending 🐣 2 Red Sex Link pullets 🐣 4 Salmon...
  15. sparklez

    Pullets not roosting?

    Hello, second time I've done chickens. I now have 10 pullets and one cockerel all about 12 weeks old, no other chickens. They will not roost at night. There is poop on the roosts and ive seen them up there during the day once or twice before they were allowed in the run. I Yesterday a put a...
  16. Mutha_Clucka

    Blood on Pullets Combs

    I noticed this afternoon that all my pullets have small abrasions on their combs. They are 9 week old Easter Eggers so technically their combs having come in. I’m new to chicken raising and not sure if it is common for small sores, skin breakage, minor bleeding or irritation is common when combs...
  17. T

    Introducing a new Rooster...

    I want to be sure I'm doing this right. I got a new rooster, I don't think you call them pullets but that's the age he is, and have him in a small crate in the pen with the other two hens that are about 3 years old and they seem to be alright. I've had him like that for about a week and let the...
  18. BlueHorse17

    6 month Silkie Pullets - San Jose, CA

    I have six month old, Marek’s vaccinated white Silkie pullets available. Located in San Jose, CA. They are $40 each.
  19. F

    Straight Runs - Turned Out To Be Roosters

    Hello! It seems to be that out of the 5 RIR straight run chicks I got, 4 are most likely male, and possibly even the 5th but still hoping the 5th is a she. They are 5 weeks old. Its my first time with chickens and was hoping the ratio would have turned out to be better. Does anyone have any...
  20. K

    A Craigslist Mystery - Blue Sapphires? Sussex?

    I bought three pullets from a local--a classic Craigslist deal that listed them as pullet hens. The seller said they're two blue sapphire Plymouth rocks and one silver laced sussex. They're around 6 weeks old. When comparing them to photos online, I'm not so sure. What do y'all think? One of the...
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