
  1. Thechickentrainer1999

    Multiple Questions?

    1. What to do to prevent disease when combining new chickens with old? 2. What does it mean when you can feel the keel bone of your chicken? 3. What does a pale/dry looking comb mean? 4. Do bantam hens do well with regular hens?
  2. emmash

    Chicken cannibalism took my chicken, how to prevent from spreading?

    Hi! I have five chickens in my small flock, and about a week ago one of my RIRs was being picked on her tail area. It was quite minor, a few broken quills and minimal bleeding, so I didn't worry about it and I let her be. She was fine for a few days, then two days ago she started bleeding a...
  3. Chickadooo

    What is the deal with FG diatomaceous earth? Studies/articles please? Safety?

    I see some people use it as a preventative, some use it only after their chickens have already gotten lice. I've read that it can be dangerous for people with asthma and not to use it around children. So whats the dealio? Should I be using this in my chickens dust baths or not? It seems like a...
  4. K

    Helpful tips to Help Prevent Predators Needed !!!!

    So this is our 1st flock ever and I am a new chicken mother. Today while I was in the house taking care of my human children a hawk got one of my Rocks while she was free ranging with her sisters. I can't even begin to tell you how guilty I feel. Like I didn't protect her and I didn't hear or...
  5. KLIL

    Predator's Encountered

    Hi Everyone, I have had some issues with my chickens going missing without a trace. It got me thinking. I would love to hear some of the predators you have encountered and how you prevented them from returning? Thank you
  6. K

    Canker - how to prevent spreading

    Hi there - I am a newbie member and a newbie chicken keeper in the UK. I bought a flock off a (what looked like)- reputable breeder 10 days ago and one of the hens has already died of oral canker. It should be mentioned here that they all developed infectious bronchitis the day after I picked...
  7. T

    Stick flea Suggestions

    I live in Florida and was originally freaking out about a couple of stick fleas thinking the farm I had gotten a couple of ducklings from must have been at fault. Talked to my brother who lives 2 miles away his pidgeons have them. I have started this thread for a suggestion box for the community...
  8. A

    Any reviews for vermex? Flubenvet available in US?

    Hello! Im considering getting some vermex for my 6 mo old bantam cochins and silkies. They have been wondefully healthy but I have not dewormed them and want to have something on hand for prevention or if a problem arises. Im also interested in Flubenvet as there is no withdrawal period but it...
  9. L

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    I started spraying a 50/50 mix around the coop, especially on the roost perches and underneath.. It cuts down on the smell, especially the ammonia smell. I'm sure it kills parasites in the process, but it sure makes the coop smell more pleasant! Is there any harm in doing this indefinitely? I'm...
  10. katharbour

    CRD & Gapeworm

    We have a community farm with about 50 hens with a couple of roosters. We are challenged with CDR (CRD)? and Gapeworm without really knowing the differences. Are there symptoms that will tell us the difference and how to treat them. We use preventative (apple cider vinegar, garlic, cayenne) in...
  11. jnewb

    Scaly leg mites??

    Is this scaly leg mites? I've had my girls for almost 4 years and I've never experienced this. What is the quickest, best way to treat it? How do they get them? What can I do to prevent it from happening again? All my girls are acting normal and seem otherwise healthy. I'm hoping I can get this...
  12. torinunez

    How to make sure my duck's toe doesn't get infected?

    While clipping my little ducks toenails, we accidently cut one a little too short and she started to bleed. We read on here that flour is one of the things that can stop bleeding so we've put that on and she hasn't bled anymore. What can I do to make sure it doesn't get infected. We're changing...
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