predator advice

  1. Jurassic_Bawk

    Might be a spicy take but...

    It is your job to protect your flock from predators. While it is extremely sad to loose pets to wildlife the answer is not removing the wild animal that is just acting naturally, it is to modify your behavior to prevent future issues. Don't trap and kill that raccoon (or worse dump it...
  2. Paige2213

    Predators bringing back dead birds

    Does anyone have any ideas of what would take a bird and bring back bones and the tail? I set a live trap almost every night. I've caught a few possums and 2 coons (I haven't caught a coon since may). Whatever it was came back tonight and took a roo, killed a hen and left her. It brings back the...
  3. F

    Missing chicken!!! Need help

    My fully grown hen dissapeared last night and I have no idea if she’s alive or not. I found feathers and a tiny bit of blood near the coop and some more a little further but no body and no body parts. I’ve dealt with raccoons before and usually they leave a mess! But it’s like she disappeared...
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