
  1. P

    Not sure if chicken or turkey

    Hi, We adopted these two yesterday from a rescue. They were abandoned. We're not sure if they're chickens or turkeys though. Thanks
  2. The duck father_

    Turkey poults nails and beaks falling off

    I have nine turkey poults and I've noticed their toe nails and beaks are falling off. They weren't clipped as babies and they're broad breasted. Wondering what this is. They seem perfectly healthy otherwise
  3. H

    5-week-old turkey poults dying!

    I had 9 turkey poults last week, now I have six. All are bourbon reds, 5 weeks old (just one is about three weeks older). They are in a tractor outside. Two days ago we found one dead in the tractor and thought it had either injured itself or maybe attacked through the fence because it we...
  4. Chicken Quest

    |~Best Poultry Photos Contests- ENDS Sept. 15, 2022 -PRIZES!~|

    We're back with another contest! Me and @Duckpip will both be giving out prizes. Here are the leaderboards. All of my drawings will be pixel and @Duckpip digital art. @Duckpip will do goose and duck and I'll the rest! Duck Leaderboard Drawing of PFP Drawing of Entry with background Drawing of...
  5. H

    Only 3 poults out of 9 eggs :(

    Okay, so we bought some turkey eggs (red bourbon) from someone local and we're at the hatch date now. We started with nine eggs, freshly collected, but it looks like only two will hatch. I had to throw several out over the last few weeks as I found them not developing. Is this kind of hatch rate...
  6. F

    Can somebody identify this turkey breed?

    Hey guys! I have this turkey breed that I just cannot figure out what it is. I bought turkey eggs that were all supposed to be Rio grande. Once they hatched I realized that half of them looked like the Rio grandes but they were lighter. They’re 4 weeks old now and the lighter colored ones have...
  7. picklepat

    What to supplement feed with for newly hatched ducklings and poults?

    I'm fairly new to having backyard poultry, only for about a year and a half. I bought my first chicks from TS in September 2020. They told me to feed them chick starter, which I did and all was fine but they did not recommend any other type of supplements, vitamins or electrolytes. When the...
  8. L

    Last Minute Questions

    Hi BYC! My first ever poults are set to ship out on Wednesday and I am anxiously/excitedly awaiting their arrival. In the meantime, I'm reading through as many new BYC threads as I can trying to make sure I have everything ready to go, and its brought up some new questions for me: - Is it too...
  9. FathertoFeathers

    Will my turkey hen be upset if I take her newborn poults?

    I have a hen sitting on a clutch of eggs and this morning I woke up to two new poults and more on the way. I plan on selling them so I thought it would be better if I removed the chicks when they’re only a few hours old rather than letting her raise them up and me taking them whenever someone...
  10. S

    Eastern Wild Turkeys wanted

    I’m looking for Eastern Wild Turkeys; eggs, chicks, and or poults.
  11. Devils Flower

    Yearly preventative from Parasites and Disease.

    Does anyone use a yearly preventative to keep sickness and worms out of there flock? I have never had any problems in the last 7 years with my chickens and ducks but now I have my turkeys and I want to make sure I cover all bases and keep as much unwanted Parasites and disease out of my flock.
  12. Ozarkhomesteader

    Building my turkey coop/run- need some tips!

    Hi there! So, soon i will be getting some Narragansett turkey poults. I have kept turkeys once before, but ended up having to sell them as we were in the city and they were spending more time running around the neighborhood than in our yard. FINALLY we have 25 acres in a rural area, and I am...
  13. A

    New to turkeys sleepy day olds. Advice please

    Hi all turkey keepers, Just bought my first turkey poults. I’ve always had chickens. Put them in a new clean brooder and showed them where the water and food is by dipping beaks in (as seen on YouTube). I’ve come to check on them this evening and they’re all look worryingly sleepy under the...
  14. C

    Brand New Turkey Lover with Poults

    Hello, I have some turkeys who are beginning to grow flight feathers. How old are they? I have no idea the breed of my little ones either. Is there a resource I could try to cross examine with? They’re yellow and a couple are beginning to show brown spots on the very tips of their new feathers...
  15. 20191228_201657


    Evangeline taking a nap
  16. Victimtopoultrymath

    Buying sexed poults?

    Hi! I recently ran across a hatchery site selling sexed turkey poults, Valley of the Moon Turkeys. It is the ONLY site I have seen offering heritage breeds sexed. Is there any other company that does? My difficulty is that I need more hens, not toms, and by the time I am able to identify their...
  17. Anime2lover

    what turkey breed is this??

    I have three breeds of turkeys we got this year. Their still babies but have all their adolescent feathers. The problem is we dont know their breeds and want to try and keep a few cor breeding. So we'd like to find the best self breeding male and females we have. But we dont even know their...
  18. J

    Tom turkey aggression

    Since we've hatched out poults, now 2 months old, Tom has gotten more aggressive. Before we had poults he was fine I could touch him and he'd be kinda scared or content with it, now if I get too close he might peck or jump kick, and tries to charge when I turn my back. It's not that bad since...
  19. AltonaAcres

    Can I integrate these poults yet?

    Hey fellow poultry lovers! I had a question regarding integrating my turkey poults into my chick's pen. So, we got 25ish heavy breed chicks on April 3rd. On April 16th, we got 2 meat turkeys. The chicks are now feathered, and are enjoying the sunshine in a pen outside. (They have a heat lamp in...
  20. C

    Narragansett tom in AZ (West Valley)

    To local buyers, I have an 8-month-old Narragansett tom available for pick-up in AZ. $40 Visit my website to see details, photos, and bird availability: https://www.gallinaceoushatchery.com/
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