
  1. E

    1 polish & 1 silkie in mixed flock

    I’m starting a new 15 girl flock with 10 different, (hopefully) docile breeds ( including Cochin, Brahma, BR, EE, Australorp, Orpingtons) all as Day old chicks. My hope is they will all be different enough to not see the Silkie and Polish as too different. If I have 1 polish and 2 Silkies, will...
  2. N

    Polish gender?

    Hi everyone! I am a longtime reader of this site but first time poster. I got this cutie from a local feed store a few weeks ago. She is 8-9 weeks old. The people who sold her to me were adamant that she was a pullet but I know that these are notoriously hard to sex. She’s (or he) is a fiery...
  3. L

    Rooster/Hen size Mismatch?

    We are pretty new to chickens and I have a question about our new rooster. Sorry for the long story 😣. Tl:dr is a leghorn rooster too big for half bantam Easter egger hens? We currently have 2, 1-year old mix breed hens (Easter egger type, one looks like a black polish[Wesley], the other is...
  4. MyLifeInAnEggshell

    11 week old GL polish gender help!?!

    We have an 11 week old Golden Lace Polish and we think hen but this is our first polish and I know they can be tricky. Any advice is appreciated. We have Tolbunt Polish eggs hatching now. Can't be anymore excited!
  5. Etorb1

    I’m pretty sure all the chicks I bought this year are Roos 😔

    I am starting to think all the chicks I bought this year are male. Three are polish. One is a light Brahma and the other is a gold laced Wyandotte. Is there any hope that I have a hen?
  6. Etorb1

    Polish 9weeks losing feathers or being picked on?

    I have a 9 weeks polish that I noticed has a lot of feathers missing on the back of its head. I didn’t notice it being this bad yeaterday. It is in a run with bird of the same age that have been together the whole time I have had them which is about 9 weeks. Is this new feather growth or is it...
  7. MacNCheese6

    Several Friendly Cockerels in Need of a New Loving Home in Northern CA

    Hi everybody!👋 I’ve been reading different threads for the past couple months but, this is my first post. I hope I’m posting the right way.🤞I’ve gotten in over my head with straight run chicks.😬 Eight out of ten we have purchased this spring have turned out to be cockerels. These chicks are...
  8. TonkaTrucker

    British Columbia sellers?

    Looking for BCM, Polish, Cochin, Wyandotte, Silkie, frizzle, and some standard egg layers like RIR. Wanting pullets. I live in the Okanagan. Willing to drive, or possibly pay shipping.
  9. TheChickieWhisperer

    Broody hen

    Ello all! Over the past few days, my 1-year-old polish's voice started to change. She started screaming at random moments and it was indeed quite startling. She plucked all of her breast feathers and just yesterday started to claim a nest box to herself. She has been sitting in that box all...
  10. Winter Creek Coop

    Polish mixed hatch question?

    We have did a incubator full barnyard mix chicks. We know we had several polish eggs in there. For you polish hatchers, about how long until you can see the crest feathers? We did the hatch because our favorite polish died unexpectedly so we grabbed a few of her recent eggs and some others and...
  11. copper(3).jpg


    A pic of my Silver Laced Polish roo, Copper
  12. marsmallowthesilkie

    Chicken Stories

    Gumball was relaxing in the coop, while Cupcake was in the Chook Feast Store(aka the dining room) while some of the others were just chilling. Laksmi the Houdan was pretty much messing with Copper while he was tidbitting his little hens. Ponyo(aka Copper's GF) was with the other hens, while some...
  13. marsmallowthesilkie

    Weekly happenings 2

    So today, Copper did his morning crow, and all the hens woke up. Cupcake the silkie laid a small off-white egg and did her egg song. All the chickens ate their breakfast before heading back to usual business. All the hens laid an egg, and Copper joined the egg song. Copper took his bath inside...
  14. bougraisse

    Polish gender?

    Hello! I recently got 4 little Polish and I think they are all girls but the rest of my family is convinced we have at least a boy. They are 9 weeks.
  15. bougraisse

    Easter Egger Frizzle and Polish cross?

    Hi! I am new to this site! I was wondering what kind of babies an Easter Egger Frizzle rooster and a Polish hen make? The hen is golden laced, she is small, and the EE is splash colour I think. He is a big boy. What do you think would be the colour, would they have a crest? Would they lay...
  16. HMulvey227

    Polkies!? Show me your Polish Silkie crosses 😍

    I am going to have Polkie babies soon, my Polish Roosters were just a bit to rough so I settled on a silkie Rooster that needed a new home ❤️ Please post pictures if you have any Polish Silkie crosses!
  17. ChiknforME

    7 of 25 Laying

    I have gathered 25 laying hens over the past couple of months. 9 were younger pullets and the rest were laying prior to me acquiring them. I am getting 5-7 eggs a day. Is this normal? They have access to oyster shell and get layer crumbles.
  18. RosyChickens

    Guess that Chick Breed

    I hatched a few chicks and picked up a few from Tractor supply store But I have some questions about breed and gender if anyone can help. 1. From the Bantam mystery bin we have this cutie (guessing male from the waddles and comb?) but what breed? he is a very light cream (not really buff or...
  19. C


    Hi everyone! I'm from the bay area and have been keeping chickens for about a year now. I may just be a teen, but already I am taking full responsibility for my flock and raising them like dogs! This has payed off and I love watching my little floofsters run to me every morning :) I get my...
  20. P1010783.JPG


    Last year's Polish and Silkie X's.....
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