
  1. thoeffel1994

    Blow torch on ducks small pin feathers?

    I'm processing some ducks and didn't do the waxing method like I had in the past. Is it true that I can take a blow torch to the skin and it will burn all the tiny pin feathers. My birds have a lot of small tiny feather under the skin only slightly poking out.
  2. H

    Top hen being pecked?! Any advice?!

    Hello all, I'm new to henwiffery and will have had my first hens for 2 weeks tomorrow. They are 3 ex-commercial rescues, all pretty tatty and sorry looking on arrival but really finding their feet now! As there is only the three of them it's been pretty easy to determine who ranks where in the...
  3. M

    HELP, mother hen pecking babies

    I had an old English bantam hatch 5 baby chicks about 3 weeks ago. Today I kept hearing painful peeps. I went and checked on them throughout the day. She is plucking their feathers and eating them. One is now bleeding because she won’t stop and they’re staying away from her. I since took her...
  4. W

    Plucked tail feathers

    We bought 25 chicks this spring and have discovered one possibly two roosters. I’ve seen one starting pull feathers on some of the hens so I’m assuming it was him but one have my hens had a spot at the top of her tail feathers where they were plucked out. It was a bit bloody and I saw some...
  5. A

    When are Turkeys ready?

    So I ordered 10 turkey chicks (they gave me 12 and all have survived) from the hatchery during lockdown. I thought it would be a fun project for Christmas. Of course it was a bit early and they are currently 12 weeks And should be at 4kg oven ready so will be huge For Christmas. My question is I...
  6. T

    Ducks eating each other's feathers??

    I have two pekin ducks, both around two months old. The smaller one is often the one who leads the larger one, but I find that the smaller one always nibbles and plucks out feathers from the larger one's wing. The smaller one plucks the feathers out to the point where the other duck even starts...
  7. R

    Chick picking own feathers

    I have a 2 1/2 week old chick, it was doing fine earlier today, but I went to check on them at night and one had ooze coming from under the wing. I separated her immediately and observed her. The chicks are in a 150 gal water tub with heat lamp at 88 currently on one side of the tub. There are...
  8. What you need to know before you get your parrot.

    What you need to know before you get your parrot.

    To start, I love parrots. I am from Australia, the land of parrots and have grown up seeing wild cockatoos and lorikeets. I now have parrots of my own, all natives; cockatiels, a budgie, princess parrots, a bourke's parrot and currently three crazy galahs I'm fostering. I love having them and...
  9. N

    Extreme feather loss

    Hello I’ve been cleaning out my chickens today and there was a lot of white feathers everywhere. One of my chickens has got extreme feather loss. See pics! I’m not sure if it’s from molting, feather plucking, boredom, mites or Illness. Some of my other chickens have also lost feathers around...
  10. Dfarago

    Plucking Muscovies

    I just processed about nine of my Muscovies and let me tell you, those feathers were a pain in the butt. We did three different methods. They were dunked in boiling water before being plucked. We used latex gloves, garden gloves that were textured and paraffin wax. After all that there were...
  11. R

    Help please!! Duckling won’t stop plucking siblings feathers!!

    Hi! I have been using these forums for help with my Muscovy ducklings but I made an account just to post this because I need HELP. Long story short I can’t get one duckling to stop plucking the others feathers (I have 4 total, about 4 weeks old now). I tried separating him for a while, giving...
  12. LarissaEsq

    Plucking Feathers

    Hi, all, Our current hens are only for eggs (we had 6), but our silver-laced wyandotte died last week on the crazy cold day here in NJ. She's frozen, has been ever since. I'd like to take her feathers, but since we weren't raising meat birds, I have no idea how to do this and we don't have...
  13. chickmamat

    Light Brahma/ pecking or leg mites?

    I have an 8mo old light Brahma who has had some bleeding on her feet the last 5-6 days. I noticed a small spot at first and didn’t think much of it. But today there is obviously more and she seems to me favoring the foot slightly. I have included photos. She is eating, drinking, and laying (as...
  14. MommaHyde

    Missing feathers

    One of our girls is missing feathers on her front neck. I’m a year into our chickens and I’m not sure what it is. None of the other girls are missing feathers and doesn’t seem to look like multing. Or mites? Hoping it’s not mites. I’m thinking it is from plucking. I’ll attached a picture. Can...
  15. Western North Carolina

    Feathers on head being plucked- polish

    And so it has begun. I have 30 bantams. 20 polish, 5 silkies, and 5 cochin, all 4 1/2 weeks old. A few of the polish are showing the beginnings of plucking. The one in pic being the worst. It is also the smallest of the polish. I separated it right away. I think it is a silkie doing it...
  16. Amiloo928

    Post-Broody Plucking

    Hello all! I have a 14 month old black sexlink that went broody about 7 weeks ago. After two weeks of taking her eggs, we took pity on her and bought some fertilized eggs from a hatchery (we have no roo). Fast forward to today, and I have mama hen with two beautiful baby EEs that are about two...
  17. A

    chicks pecking feathers off themselves

    i have 2 baby chicks who are about 2 weeks old. recently i have noticed they are shedding alot of their infant hairs as well as pecking out any of their new feathers. they are constantly pecking the photo i provided you can see she has pecked one of her feathers out of its place...
  18. Z

    Red butts and plucking

    I am having an issue with my chickens missing butt and tail feathers and some have very red butts. I have treated the whole coop with permethrin and DE. Please help!
  19. J

    Plucking Question

    Ok, so I have two Cornish Rocks 6-7 weeks old. Didn't realize what they were when I bought them. I need to look at butchering them, since its time and since they're eating a LOT and since I want to make room for more egg layers. I've cleaned and dressed hundreds of ducks, and a fair amount of...
  20. GottaHatchAPlan

    Lice + Coryza + Suspiciously Taciturn = ???

    We just got our first hen from what turns out was a very dodgy flock owner. We've had Peggy, a 6-month old Australorp/Barnevelder mix, for about a week and a half. She's our only current chook, seeing as we've discovered that she's got both lice and coryza and decided to postpone creating a...
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