
  1. mega

    plants/grass in duck area?

    we have 2 ducks. they live in the backyard in a fenced in area. they have a pool and a house for shelter. the grass is dead, it is all dirt/mud. they keep escaping to eat the grass. they love greens! what can we put in there so they can always have access to greens? something that will grow fast...
  2. barred2rock

    Plant ID

    These two appear to grow exclusively in shaded areas under the Piñon trees. And these in the sunlight away from trees. Are any of these good for chickens?
  3. barred2rock

    Anyone know what these are?

    Are they safe to feed to chickens? Always thought these were wild mustard, but they don't look like the wild mustard on google images. Clover like, but not clover.
  4. CDA15

    Plants for around the coop?

    So my husband has built these lovely flower boxes for around the coop. Any suggestions on what to put in there? I was planning on planting mint, but it will die back in the winter. It will come back in the spring since it's a perennial here. Heard it helps with mites and such. I would love to...
  5. PiGE0N

    Plants/ivy for the chicken run?

    So my chicken run is build of a chain-link fence and I thought some sort of plant like ivy would look lovely growing all over it and also provide more shade for the birds. Does anyone have something like that going on, what kind of plant/ivy is it? Basically what plants are bird-safe to grow...
  6. ReillyB

    Poisonous plants

    I just recently got two baby goats and built them a fenced in area that has quite a few plants that I'm not sure what they are, my chickens and ducks will be able to go into the pen with them so I wanted to know if the plants are safe for all of them to eat. Pictures attached
  7. showmesilkies

    Summer Plant Swap/Trade

    Let's do something fun and beneficial for each other. Let's do a plant swap/trade. Rule 1. Be honest and fulfill the agreement with the other person Rule 2. Expect a fair trade. I'll start! I'm up for swapping/trading for just about anything that is not ordinary. I love cannas, Daylilies...
  8. Buff Orpington Hen

    Buff Orpington Hen

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