
  1. ShrekDawg

    Northern Lights

    Who saw the Northern Lights last night!?!?! I either missed them or just couldn’t see them from where I am but others in the area saw them so I did see some cool pictures online. I’m hoping to see even more cool pictures. I figured this could be one central place to post your Northern Lights...
  2. athomas718

    Eggs in Lockdown - Day 21

    Hey guys, My daughter is hatching her second batch of eggs and we have the incubator in lockdown now. We have 12 eggs, and so far 8 of them have started wiggling. One has pipped externally. We are super excited for our second batch of backyard mutt chicks. So I just wanted to start a...
  3. char0789

    [Pictures] Unsure of What's Happening?!

    Hey all, This is my first ever post in here (aside from the intro :frow). So, I'll try to give as much information as I can. I have 7 chicks, all bought at the same time. (I think their hatch day was April 4th abouts). One of my girls is about half the size (or a little smaller) than the rest...
  4. Bigandlittles

    Good picture taking

    I am new here and I’m not used to taking pictures of my chicks. I did not see another thread about picture taking strategies. Some of you have the most beautiful pictures of your flocks and I would love for y’all to share that knowledge with me. So if anyone wants to share some of their picture...
  5. dodey


  6. Rubycon

    My Babies!

    Hi everyone! It's been a long time since I have posted (the last time was a few months back when I needed help for a niacin deficiency, thanks again everyone!!) My ducks have all their adult feathers now so I wanted to share some recent pictures! In the last week, one of my fawn and white...
  7. F

    First silkie babies! Progression pictures/sex guesses for funsies!

    Back in April a decided to embark on my first hatching egg journey. I had been wanting to try for a while. I inherited my first flock of chickens when I bought my house and when we switched to silkies I got them as pullets, So I missed the chick stage twice. The pullets seemed lonely in the...
  8. 3buffs1barred4chicks

    Adventures with day-old-mail-chicks and broody hen (& pictures & a chigger question)

    We mail ordered four chicks in April, last Wednesday. they arrived. We received 6 chicks, unfortunately one of them passed away during shipping. Wednesday afternoon we tried introducing the five alive chicks to our broody hen, Cinnamon. She's over a year old, and has been broody for about a...
  9. Jaxx2

    Weird poop- Possible kidney issue? (Picture)

    My 4 year old wyandotte hen is acting totally normal, eating and drinking normal, running out of the coop each morning. The only thing wrong is her poop is weird. Semi-clear liquid with some solids mixed in. Every once in awhile she'll drop a semi normal one. I just dewormed her with valbazen...
  10. Tyson_chickens

    Trying to introduce a new young rooster

    Wow it has been awhile since I have had a chicken dilemma. 🤣 (to skip backstory, just skip the first 3 paragraphs) Okay so my first ever flock I ordered online from idealpoultry. I paid for 4 chickens and 2 ducks and in the same box the company sent like 5-6 free extra birds to fill out the box...
  11. Lovely Lettie

    Authentic scavenger hunt for dogs

    This is a dog Authentic scavenger hunt! Have fun yall;)
  12. The chicken nurd

    My flock thread stories, pictures, and introduction to my flock

    I’ve decided to start a thread for my flock I’ve seen these around and wanted to start one although cannot promise to be very consistent with posting in it
  13. ChickChic00

    Cross Breeds

    What would thee crosses look like/ meat size also. The Rooster will be a Buckeye. Buckeye/Barred Rock Buckeye/Black Australorp Buckeye/Buff Orpington Buckeye/Rhode Island Red Buckeye/Delaware Buckeye/Dark Brahma If anyone has any pictures of these crosses it would be very helpful!! Any idea on...
  14. RosyChickens

    Christmas Card

    It's a bit late, but wanted to share my christmas card this year - taken of 3 of my lovely ladies
  15. OtherRaptor

    Photography Club! 📷

    Welcome to the Photography Club! Feel free to post pictures you take as I critically stand by and judge your photos! (No I kid, sorry 😂) And the best part is... post whatever pictures you want! It doesn’t have to be specifically chicken-related. (although it can be 😉) Here is a picture I took...
  16. MysteryChicken

    Green Queens, & Egg color.

    Hello, I'm planning on getting Green Queens(Technically still an EE), & was wanting to see pictures of your birds, & their egg colors to see what I'd be expecting from mine once I get them next spring.
  17. MageofMist

    Serama Chick Care, Am I Doing It Right?

    I got three Serama chicks at 4 weeks of age, though the black one is 3 week old. They were being given away free to a good home so I quickly jumped into getting them. Just clearing up that I got everything covered for them care wise, as Seramas are fragile critters. Quarantined from current...
  18. Blue Raptor

    Post three funniest picture of one of your chickens you have!

    Have you caught one of your chickens doing something goofy? Post a pic, or tell us the story! This silly bird is an Australorp named Penguin. One of the kids buried her in dirt, and she didn’t mind! :gig:gig:gig
  19. psycache

    Pictures uploading sideways?

    Hi all, I seen a similar post about 10 years ago. Basically I am taking pictures with my phone in the yard and then trying to post them on byc. The picture orientation is right in my pictures, but not when it is uploaded. Anyone have similar issues? Or if there is a way for me to rotate it in...
  20. MamaGer8ty

    Sapphire Gem: Roo or Hen?

    Hey all! So I know this is a sapphire gem but I’m not sure if it’s a Roo or hen. I was thinking hen but then I noticed the red comb and wattles...what are your guesses? Thank you for all your help! 😆 He/she is about two-three months old
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