
  1. Australorpfamily

    Our flock and their eggs, Black Australorp laying first

    Our Black Australorp have started laying whoohoo! We have 5 'original' girls, two of which started laying recently. They were 18 weeks July 14(ish), so 20 weeks tmrw. Our first one was Warden, funky comb and curved foot, blue tag. She's laid in the Infirmary (nesting boxes) since day one, yay! 7...
  2. C

    Sapphire Olive Egger Rooster

    I'm having zero luck finding any pictures of this particular chicken. I have 2 1/2 week old Sapphire Olive Egger chicks from Hoover Hatchery. (NOT Sapphire Gems). There is very little information on them anywhere. I really want to know what the rooster for this breed would look like as I suspect...
  3. Blue Raptor

    Funniest Picture, Joke, Meme or Video You’ve Seen. 🥴

    Literally just read the Title. Go on. Read it. All I’m going to post here are tags. Boring. Obey the Title instead. It’s more fun. @Bakbuk 😎 @the_peanut_coop 🥜 @Noah P 🔫 @PippinTheChicken 💪 @azurbanclucker 👾 @Chicken poppy 🥀 @Anime2lover 🎭 @arwoon 🍤 @catloverlu 🐈 @cherrynberry 🍒...
  4. dirkapitation

    my pigeon dio

    he likes to look at me menacingly after 7pm sometimes also he does not like italian but his name means god and i try to only speak italian to him
  5. MamaGer8ty

    Dog vs bunny burrow

    Well, we found our dog chewing something and when we got him to spit it out, it was a baby bunny that he enjoyed partly. We found where he was digging and around it we found five more baby bunnies. Four have survived and we are taking them to a rehabilitation center in the morning. They are...
  6. MamaGer8ty

    Oreo or Johnny Cash?

    I have another one ladies and gentlemen! This is my 6 wk barred rock. I have another one but the comb and wattle aren’t anywhere near this red color which makes me think this barred rock baby is Johnny Cash instead of Oreo. Your thoughts?
  7. M

    Chicken Eye Problem? I think an injury?

    Hi all! The first two pictures are her right eye on day one and day two. The last picture is her other eye ( I snapped a picture when she was sleeping ). I have been researching and keep coming back to an injury, but both of her eyes have problems which leads me to think it's an other issue...
  8. amtindall

    Wink Wink

    Hey everyone! So after a little bit of a rough start, my little flock of 7 is doing fantastic! Yesterday, I decided to try to get some cute pictures of them and got this gem! I hope it will brighten your day! I’m not sure what kind of bantam they are, but I was thinking silkie as their skin is...
  9. PioneerChicks

    Post Your Favorite Chick Pics

    With all the crazy stuff going on we probably all need some cheering up. And what can cheer you up more than a fluffy ball of cuteness? Please post pictures of you chicks, poults, ducklings, and any other baby pountry. You can never see too many chick pictures! Everybody's welcome. If you don't...
  10. Mark_Khrushchev

    Rhode Island Red chicken

    Shot on Canon M50 with kit lens. I converted RAW to JPG so it is lower quality
  11. TheChiggens

    Delaware~ CHAT Thread

    Thought I'd make a thread on Delewares knowing there a great breed! So talk away my enthusiasts! Also, I would like to see pics and hear from people trying to breed the purebred Deleware. I know for me I just have hatchery quality. But still find them AMAZING birds :love Here is Little...
  12. Angileen

    Lavender Orpington

    Just wanted to make a thread to post pictures and talk about your Lavender Orpington's. Here are a few pictures of my Lavender Orpington's at 4 months old. The second picture shows the Pullet in the background. Don't have a good picture of her yet. She is one of my largest pullets so far...
  13. DiYMama540

    Back to school- homework time

    My littlest is back to school...the majority of his homework in the evening is reading. He's never very enthusiastic about reading so today I suggested he read to the chickens. We read Duck on a bike by David Shannon.
  14. cluckmecoop7

    Just wanted to share some pictures of my flock

    I love my flock! They are about twenty weeks old and starting to lay eggs! :love
  15. cluckmecoop7

    A picture of your coop please?

    Hi all, All I want this time is just one or two pictures of your coop. I would like it to be the hole thing, not just parts of it. Thank you! Cluckmecoop7
  16. LizzzyJo

    Meet Piper :) Blue Orpington

  17. cluckmecoop7

    Chick thread!

    This thread is for anyone who has chicks! I saw one about duckings so why not a chick thread? Here you can post pictures and/or stories of your babies and have lots of fun! Also, if your chicks are chickens now, thats fine. If you still have pictures of when they were young or remember stories...
  18. FlockQueen

    Chick pics

  19. Aliamelody

    Any develop?(daily pictures of my chickens)

    Hi Secend day of niacin cure with 50 ml niacin! 1.8 th OT 2018 ^^ Look at Gerdoo s feet ^^ Also this is a little pool in garden ;)
  20. T

    wyandotte x favorelle cross

    does anyone here have blrw or glw hen crossed with a salmon favorelle roo? i will be getting a sf roo and plan on letting my blrw and glw hatch some chicks out, so im curious about the appearance
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