
  1. jaymean

    Black bugs on quail

    Hi everyone. I started to notice these small black bugs on my coturnix quail. The bugs look similar to fleas, but they don’t jump. I've attached a picture. As of yesterday, I treated her with Scalex Mite and Lice Spray for Birds. It says to treat her only twice a week. Does anyone have any...
  2. L

    HELP! multiple injured quail!

    Hi, I've had four quail for about 6 months now (2 Japanese and 2 Italian) and about a week ago i found one injured (Italian), it was injured on its left shoulder and to be honest it looked like it had its neck hanging out. I've put some disinfectant on it and put the bird into isolation. Anyway...
  3. thegreenacrehomestead

    Stick tight fleas!

    Okay, so we moved into our homestead two years ago and our chickens have always had a FEW fleas. Like, really, just maybe a few. Nothing to worry about. WELL two weeks ago my husband and I realized that some of our ladies were COVERED in them. I FLIPPED OUT. Have you ever been bitten by a stick...
  4. Dani & Mikey

    What lives in here?

    Any idea what lives in this hole that my cat has been stalking all day? There were no mole tunnels as far as I can tell by walking around.
  5. Chickening101

    Squirrel IN the run

    My hens were acting frantic...after one of them laid, and went in the run, she acted weird too. Later I look out the window and there is a squirrel IN the enclosed run, literally eating from the chicken feeder. No wonder they were acting weird! Bottom line: how can I repel squirrels?
  6. Primal Chickens – 6 chicken keeping secrets from the evolution of chickens

    Primal Chickens – 6 chicken keeping secrets from the evolution of chickens

    When I got started with backyard chickens, I was excited by the idea of fresh eggs every day and I had this romantic idea of chickens pecking around contently in my garden. But the reality was very different. They trashed more veggie gardens than I would like to remember, turned the chicken run...
  7. jesss

    Us vs. The Rats

    over the summer/fall, it became apparent there were rats stealing our chicken feed. We have had chickens for seven years and never had a problem with rats. We built a garden coop from plans we bought online, and covered the entire coop with hardware cloth, which we also buried 12" underground...
  8. S

    Raccoon deterrent - fence spikes?

    Has anyone tried fence spikes to deter raccoons and if so, has it been helpful? We had a recent attack and are feeling horrible. Our coop is predator proof...except the door wasn't totally locked. Switching to combo lock for that. Anyhow, the raccoons come from over our fence - I know it won't...
  9. Contolini6

    Mice and Squirrel Problems

    Now that the weather is cooling down, we are starting to notice that not only are we feeding chickens and ducks, but we are also feeding the neighborhood mice and squirrels. We have two chickens and three ducks, and we have their food in metal drainpipe pieces attached to the fence, with a...
  10. Goose girl1


    Hi does anyone have any suggestions to keep away foxes? Im new on this so I'm still getting the hang on of it:D. We have chickens that are put away at night and ducks and geese that sleep on the dam.
  11. Smuvers Farm

    Mouse in Brooder Coop

    DH went to do a last check in on our emo chick, Xena, tonight and said their was a little mouse that scurried across the floor, fairly close to our girl. Now, I'm freaked out. She is the only one in the BHC (Brooder Hospital Coop). It's pretty small with only 2 nests and no roost bars, plus...
  12. Little Chicken Girl

    External Parasite Control

    Hello y'all. :D I know this is really odd... but I have a chicken that refuses to dustbath... She has space (free range), lots of good food and appears very happy, contented and healthy otherwise... However, I have to giver baths about every week to keep lice/mites under control. :p She seems to...
  13. A

    How to control Bird Mites?

    I have 30 homing pigeons that have mites. How do I get rid of them? Its not only a problem for the birds but the mites get on me as well everytime I go into the coop and cause lots of itching. I've tried Scalex a permethrin product for a week now spraying the entire dirt floor of the coop to...
  14. Lazy Farmer

    Armadillo digging under and into coop :(

    5 days in a row. 5 big giant tunnels. 1 medium size Armadillo caused so much destruction and kaos. I would fill the hole, shovel level the house floor. Wake up the next day and :barnie!! Just like that movie "Ground Hog Day" with Bill Murry, waking up to the same identical mornings. good grief...
  15. Lazy Farmer

    MOSQUITOES are considered FLIES?

    I was reading this article late last night and found it interesting.. What are your thoughts on this subject line? We have biting flies and gnats and no-see-ems! But now I call mosquitoes fles! :caf:pop
  16. WildCHILD400


    If you live with chickens and you have tons of pesky chipmunks here are some easy and effective methods. I have a few humane traps and a few kill traps. The first and most humane option is to purchase a Harvart chipmunk trap.if you have a larger one of these laying around for raccoons or...
  17. Lazy Farmer

    OMG!! BUGS BUGS BUGS! not the bunny!

    I pulled the family travel trailer out way far away from my poultry today. Stuck a bug bomb in there and ran. Thousands of bugs! O m G! Hollywood could make a horror movie from it. It is a nice camper and we take care of it. Haven't used it a 3 years so the insect world had squatters rights. So...
  18. Chicken Predators and Pests: Getting Started With The Day

    Chicken Predators and Pests: Getting Started With The Day

    Are you sick and tired of your chicken/s being eaten all the time? Well If you read this you can help your chickens survive and have a peaceful life! So are you ready to find out? Let's start our journey! Chickens like to explore and being curious about stuff, they don't know if it's danger...
  19. Lazy Farmer


    After the discovery of mites in your Chicken Bedding. Spend countless time trying your best to eliminate them. DON'T FORGET THEY CAN BE ON YOU NOW! Don't bring your clothing you were wearing into your home and throw it in the hamper or laundry basket. Wash it as you take it off. Found mites in...
  20. Lazy Farmer


    Remember the old song "I don't know why she swallowed a fly, perhaps she'll die"? Then a spider, bird etc.. Anyway, had a Lunch and had a can of soda with it a little earlier today Brought the can outside and did some farm stuff. Took a sip or two here and there. Got distracted and didn't...
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