
  1. T

    Broody hen and older chicks in same pen?

    I have a large run/coop for my main flock, and a small side pen for acclimation period for new additions to the flock. I had a hen go broody so I put her alone in the side pen with eggs and she’s been sitting for about 5 days now. I have 3 chicks in my basement that need to go outside in a week...
  2. Quackingham Palace part 1

    Quackingham Palace part 1

    Quackingham Palace....... Last year my brothers built me a new duck house, and covered pen. I helped some when they needed some extra help but they did most of it. We were able to cut the expenses a little with using supplies that are around the house like… old 2x4s, windows, doors, plywood...
  3. Aprilxoxo

    Quail pen flooring?

    Hi everyone my quail pen is open to the natural earth but now a year has past the the dirt is very bad quality and is starting to effect their feet. After some heavy tropical rain and the fact that the soil is very clay like, it stayed damp for quite a long time, which led to them getting some...
  4. Launchpad

    3 baby has turned out to almost definitely be male. Numbers/logistics questions

    Hello all This will be a lengthy one, So we began with 2 Pekin, one male (Niles) and one female (Daphne, who laid her first egg this morning!). Knowing that more females were necessary, we ordered 3 ducklings from @Metzer Farms . 2 Cayuga and 1 Silver Appleyard They were born about June...
  5. sammi_lynn12

    Covering pen

    What would be the best way to cover the top of this pen? I am thinking soft netting over top attached to the fence posts and chain linked but unsure on what to do on the barn side to secure it? Maybe just tighten as much as possible and let it hang? Any suggestions would be great!
  6. C

    Best source for quality chicken coop in Central TX?

    Can anyone recommend a great source or sources for getting a quality chicken coop that doesn't cost thousands? Thanks, in advance! :):):)
  7. C

    Running design ideas by you all - 8-10 chickens

    Greetings everybody, I think this is my first post here. We're currently brooding out (4) Barred Rocks and (4) Jersey Giants. We live in Montana on about 2/3 of an acre. I have neighbors and would like to keep things presentable (working on a nice looking coop), hoping to avoid mud holes and...
  8. DrVix2021


    Hi all, I was wondering what time you put your ducks to bed? This is my first winter with ducks and it gets dark so early. We have Alexa alarms that blast through our house at 5pm but when I came back today it was dark by 4:30pm. My ducks free range all the time from when they’re let out of...
  9. Quacking ducks

    Duck house and coop ideas?

    Hi, I am getting ready to build a new duck house and pen. what do y'all think of a cement floor? what have you use? and what do y'all use for roofing? shingles? sheet metal? wood? what do people use for walls? I need to build before winter and it needs to last a while. any ideas? thank you
  10. pine_lore

    Seeking Ideas for Chicken Pen with Fun Features

    Hi All, I've built this ~8ft cube (pic below) as the predator proof pen for my chickens. It still needs some more work but the predator proof aspects are as good as I can get them. Huzzah! I'd like to add in some more chicken entertainment to this place. Since this pen is so tall I was...
  11. TheBirdBabe

    Keeping roosters

    I have 6 roosters & I've been told that I can keep them all together in a separate pen from the hens. My concern is, will they still fight each other? How far away should their coop be from the ladies? Any advice is appreciated. ❤ I attached a picture of my boy, Leghorn.
  12. N

    question about limestone used in duck house

    is it ok to use limestone inside of my duck house? my floor is dirt in the duck house which isn’t an issue with my 6 older ducks as they do not eat or drink inside of their house at night and have the option to come in and out as they please the entire day, but i have 11 younger babies and they...
  13. Marty0Dent

    What do you think of my first try at duck coop?

    Hi everyone, This is the first time I've build anything of this magnitude and wanted some thoughts and ideas on my set up and plans. Any criticism or improvement ideas welcome! Oh, I have 2 Pekin females, 1 Khaki Campbell female, and 1 crested Cayuga or Black Swed(still unsure) male just for...
  14. April and Andy

    Looking for some advice for my ducklings

    Hello! I recently got two cayuga ducklings, and they are about 2 weeks old now. They are living in my bathtub homemade brooder, and we do not have their mother. I live on a cattle ranch essentially out in the middle of no where, and the predators out here are insane. i only feel comfortable...
  15. minsin56

    what would be the most cost efficient and strongest type of fencing for an ostrich pen?

    im planning on getting an ostrich or two but im not sure what kind of fencing would be the most cost efficient but also the strongest
  16. Sire12

    Can you use tarp sheets to line a chicken run to make it easier to clean?

    I'm moving soon and I'm going to make a narrow run for my chickens about 4-5 foot wide and 40 foot long, it's going to be connected to their coop and nest boxes and il only put them in here when it's dark so for most of the day they will have free run of the rest of the garden - but since their...
  17. Woodey2

    bobwhite and coturnin

    Can you raise bobwhite and coturnix in the same pen? I have bobs now, but am thinking of adding the coturnix to the mix. Any advice would be of great help. Thank you, Brenda
  18. olayak

    Chicken Run - Buy or Build?

    Hi, We bought a great chicken coop for our babies but now need a chicken run. I thought I found one that I could simply modify, but it was sold out :( We live in the country, plenty of mice, weasels, foxes, feral cats, coyotes and even a bear or two (although it has not been seen near where I...
  19. Nats Chickens

    Best bird?

    I am not sure if this is the right place to post this but anyway, I have a 13 square metre area with a 1 metre high fence. What is the best type of poultry to keep in it? [Not including chickens] I have a few plants growing in there and I want the type that causes the least damage and is the...
  20. Chickadooo

    I'm new here and new to raising chicks too

    I've got 6 chicks that are approximately 2.5 weeks old and I've got 4 chicks that are approximately 1 week old. I've attached a picture of their setup at the moment. I try to keep one side of it around 80 for the older ones and under the lamp gets up to 100. I started mixing in chick grit to...
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