pekin ducks

  1. WeTheWeys

    EMERGENCY PLEASE HELP!!!! i think my baby duckling is dying

    i will post pics. idk boy or girl but i call him he. his name is Puwey Bum Quack and its ironic cuz he cant poop... i think he is dying. until now he was thriving (three days old now), all he does now is sleep no matter what. no resistance to being picked up. very bloated, soft belly. Born...
  2. cajun41887

    Pekins: a pair or trio? Sexes? Many other questions and need advice and guidance

    Long story short, we were all set to have Welsh Harlequin ducks, but we live in Florida and everything except Pekins require a wildlife permit, so we’re getting Pekins. I’m wanting to order ASAP, but don’t know if I should get a pair (male and female) (female and female) or a trio (male and 2...
  3. bsides2007

    Mystery illness (Smeagol the rescue duck)

    Smeagol and Gollum have finished their course of antibiotics and I have seen no consistent results. I have NO idea what this could be. Gollum seems fine 99% of the time except for bouts of panting heavily. No other signs that anything is wrong. Smeagol on the other hand is a mess. I have no idea...
  4. bsides2007

    UPDATE on rescue ducklings Smeagol & Gollum + new questions!

    Hello everyone! Well, Smeagol and Gollum are now about 5 or 6 weeks old approximately. The last I left off, Smeagol had some pretty labored breathing which was not getting better so I decided to give them oregano oil every day as a natural antibiotic. I did this for about 5 days with no...
  5. Major Tom

    We are Debbie and Domenic a 2 chickens and 2 duck Family

    We had a lot of sugsess with our Easter Eggers. We just got two Piken ducks. And surprise one he’s a Drake and the Duck turns out to be lame, oh well. They are extremely cute and we love them just the same. We haven’t got any eggs yet and that was the goal so we’re gonna have to pick up a...
  6. jbear697

    What breed am I? Ducks.

    Bought these two at the auctions today dirt cheep as they are un-sexed and unknown breed. If anyone had ideas on what they could be it would be greatly appreciated. I thought Indian runners because they do stand more upright than my Muscovys but the white one also looks like a pekin. There is a...
  7. Hamaarahof

    Hello from Alberta, Canada

    Thanks for adding us. We run a hobby farm in western Canada. I grew up with exotic fowl from peacock to Emperor geese, to regular chickens and ducks of different breeds. It is not so exotic for us now. We focus more on heritage breeds and have a handful of SL Wyandottes, heritage ducks and Rex...
  8. L

    Lonely duck makes unknown whistling noise

    We lost one of our beloved Pekin ducks two days ago, which leaves us with one lonely little duckling. He's a little over two months old, but now all alone after spending those two months with his brother. He's been a lot more quiet, still eats and drinks very well, but kinda jumpy when we...
  9. alfy04

    2.5 year old Peking lost quack

    Hi! I have 7 ducks - 4 Pekin, 2 Runner and 1 Cayuga. My daughter noticed a few days ago that one of our Pekin girls suddenly lost her quack. We brought her in and I noticed was wheezing a little and seemed a bit congested but no trouble breathing and otherwise acting totally normal. I put her...
  10. J

    Thoughts on what slaughtered my 2 Pekin Ducks.

    Woke up this morning. Ducks are no where to be found. Find 2 separate areas in our pumpkin patch that had some feathers and a few "insides". Other than that there is no trace of them. We have cameras outside and was able to play back and heard the whole things around 12:44am. Lots of noise from...
  11. bernie131

    HELP,..someone stranded another Pekin duck at the college pond

    I have been going to the college for YEARS to run/walk and feed the ducks/geese and a few days ago someone let another Pekin duck go in the parking lot and it walked over to the lake where I was and (Shorty) the other Pekin duck there has a mate (Rocky) a Mallard drake SO since it was night time...
  12. L

    2 nine wk old pet Pekin ducks to good home

    My daughter has 2 nine week old Pekin ducks to rehome to someone who won't eat them. One is a girl, still unsure about the 2nd one but I think it's a drake. We are in the South Florida area. Need help asap. Thanks
  13. peepsnquacks

    Someone help!! Never had this happen......:(

    Helpppp!!! I have NO idea what happened, but we have a large hoop coop with 6 eight week old Pekin ducks, 4 eight week old chickens, 6 six week old Leghorns, and 5 four week old assorted other chickens. There is PLENTY of room for them all, as we have put in boxes and perches for roosting, etc...
  14. Mrs123Wife

    My ducks don't want to come out!

    Hello everyone! I have two pekin ducks and two khaki campbell ducks that are about 6 weeks old and doing well. We recently moved their duck house outside to the run. They are used to their house because they have been living in it for the last three weeks in the garage. They have a secure...
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