
  1. ShrekDawg

    Caged Bird and Parrot Thread!!!!

    This thread is for all caged birds and parrots!!!! I think there might already be one but it’s long dead and we were starting to hijack the dog thread so I figured I’d make a new one so we can continue the discussion here :lau I used to have parakeets (budgies) but had to rehome them last year...
  2. VanyaDae

    Serama Mamma With A Copper Past and Parrot Present

    Hi Everyone! I'm VanyaDae, and I breed American Standard Seramas! Right now I'm located in the Bay Area of California, but I've lived in other states and even Canada for a time. 1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I got my first chickens when I was living in Canada...
  3. Squeeing_Onion

    Quail and Parrots?

    I've heard it referenced before that people have kept quail in the bottoms of aviaries that house various species of parrots. My question is, how do you keep the birds safe bacteria wise? Do you need to introduce them as chicks? Do they share lethal disease like I've heard chickens and quail...
  4. Saaniya

    Rescued! A cockatiel he’s fully feathered need tips

    Hello there! Destiny is create circumstances that I need to rescue this cockatiel from a tree branches he’s stuck from hours screaming badly When u reached and try to unwrap him from branches he bite me off hard! Now he’s home it’s been 72h since i rescued him he’s chirping loud (idk what is...
  5. itsronni

    Conure love/hates boyfriend?

    Hello everyone! Wanted to see if any of you have any tips for my wacky bird, who is OBSESSED with my boyfriend... for good and bad! A little background on Beepers, the green cheek conure: he's a three year old (estimated age and gender) rescue. I am his primary caretaker. Previously, he was...
  6. Diveks

    Egg hatching that still has veins pipped?

    Hello I know these aren't poultry but maybe the same thing goes for poultry. so apparently today is hatching day for one for the lovebirds eggs (I do have handfeeding experience don’t worry) although since these were incubated by the hen before she suddenly died I have to guess what day they...
  7. zimileih

    Mareks in other avian species?

    Does anyone know if there is any research on mareks in psittaciformes? Has anyone had anecdotal experience with this?
  8. Tsunami


    This is Tsunami when her feathers don't look like crud. She looks really rough right now and is missing her tail feathers!
  9. Tsunami back_Jade front.JPG

    Tsunami back_Jade front.JPG

    This is how I usually see the two of them. Jade is up front and watching my every move while Tsunami looks on.
  10. Tsunami and Batburd eggs Dec 28 20201.jpeg

    Tsunami and Batburd eggs Dec 28 20201.jpeg

  11. The chicken nurd

    Dead Budgie

    today I found that one of my budgies had passed she was lying on the bottom of the cage so not sure what happened My question is could my 3 other budgies be sick and could it have somehow passed from my chickens to my budgies
  12. L

    How contagious is fowlpox?

    I have a hen who was staying indoors in a dog crate to recover from a predator attack. She’s just about ready to go back outside, except a couple days ago she started showing signs of fowlpox. The thing is, I also have a pet lovebird. She’s down the hall and I’m keeping the door to her room...
  13. BossyBantam

    Single Female Cockatiel is Broody? Need Advice!!

    Hello! I have a 4 yr old single female named Opal, who I'm fairly sure is broody? Lately, she's been being very... "flirty" with her toys, and I've noticed her frequently hanging out in the corner of the bottom of her cage for the past couple of days. She would come back up and want out though...
  14. WallyBirdie

    Parrot stand/perch DIY

    The prices of bird training perches and playstands can be outrageous. $40, $90, $394, etc... Made this for $20, plus toys I already had. (I apologize for the lighting.) Round wooden base, $8 the dowels were cheap and I added sisal cord (bird friendly) Drilled a few holes and used some...
  15. BudgieKing15

    Any extra advice on owning budgies?

    So...I've done my research...and decided to get two budgies! Does anyone here have any extra advice that I should know before getting them? Thx in advance!
  16. BudgieKing15

    What is your favorite bird (chicken, duck, quail, etc. )?

    I want to know which bird species is your favorite, mine is chickens but that is just because they are all I've ever had (and they are fluffy lol). Vote on the poll and comment why!
  17. Myrshine

    My handsome Kirby

    My handsome Kirby 💕
  18. O

    Young 8 week old Cockatiel

    What mutation is this? And is it a male or female?
  19. TheSmallestEgg

    Rescue Conures: how to socialize?

    Hello friends, I have recently acquired 2 rescue conjures, Boo and Mango. I have zero information on them, except they belonged to a woman who passed, and they were sold at an animal auction to someone I know. The person who gave them to me didn't handle them at all. When I met the birds a...
  20. S

    Toys for quail???

    So I have quail, and would getting parrot toys without the perch work to keep them happy? I know they can’t perch, but what toys are there for quail and does anyone have ideas? From all i’ve seen, they just like to play with string and roll things around, so would parrot toys(maybe slightly...
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