
  1. Chickerywitchery

    3 Baby Roosters

    I've got 3 baby roos, all are mixed but I can list the parents below. 2 of them have fluffy cheeks and those came from Easter Egger hens. The other came from a Chocolate Orphington hen. My rooster is Lavendar Orphington x Golden Laced Wyandotte $5 each - Calhoun GA
  2. S

    New to chickens and new to group

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes. Got them almost 2 weeks ago. 6 baby orphington chicks (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 6 (3) What breeds do you have? Orphington (4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens? I love farm animals...
  3. S

    Need help with winter baby Orpington chicks

    I just got 6 baby orphingtkn chickens. I believe I got them when they were about two weeks old. They are going on 3.5-4 weeks now and I’m not sure what to do with them with the winter weather. We live in a cold climate so right now in February it’s 30-40 degrees in the day time and about 20...
  4. UrbanBohoBarn

    Lavender Olive Egger Roo, breed with who?

    I have this beautiful, metallic lavender olive egger Roo, that I hatched from an egg and is now five months old. I don’t know what to breed him with. I have read there are certain things you’re not supposed to breed because of the recessive gene. I have lavender Orphington’s, and light Brahmas...
  5. Estrella

    Orpingtons won’t sleep in coop

    Hi, I know there are a few threads here already discussing this subject, but they all seem to be about young chickens. Let me introduce my flock as this could be part of the problem; I have six Swedish Flower Hens, 1 dominant rooster + 3 hens (1 1/2 yr old) and two hens that are only 5 months...
  6. BIG Feathers Farm

    Boyd from Boyds Outdoors

    Hi everyone, - My name is Boyd from Boyds Outdoors. I have my own flock of chickens since I was 12 year old. My coop is the "Overflowing Coop" I have off and on approximately 200-300 chickens. Bantams and regular chicks. I hatch my own eggs together with some hens. Mainly Orpingtons and a couple...
  7. CroneWild

    They are out!!

    The ladies are out!! Well and some gents… 5 of this are going to a friend and there are like some 5 rooster I need to relocate/cook But I’m so glad they are out of my garage!
  8. Abbie_Riot

    Gender by wing method

    Looking for second opinions because there wings are a little scraggly, but I think they are both hens. They are about 4-6 days old.
  9. Gonecluckingmad

    Pale face/comb - any ideas?

    Hi fellow Chicken People 😊 My orphington, Big Booty Judy, isn't feeling her best. She's lethargic and pale. I offered her electrolytes and probiotics, she drank it earlier but not now. I have looked for lice/mites but didn't see any (are they visible to the eye?). I also cleaned put the coop...
  10. EmmaRainboe

    Buff Orpington Rant thread!

    This is for anyone who hates buff Orpingtons to rant about them. This is strictly BUFF Orps. Not Orpingtonss in general. Though I don’t mind if you rant about all orpingtons. ;) But if you like most Orps, just not buff, you are welcome here too. If you are a buff Orpington LOVER do NOT come...
  11. jackier26

    Brahma and orphington sexing help- 16 weeks

    I suspect my two chicken are cockerels but asking for input they are both 16 weeks Gold Partridge Brahma Lavender Orphington please help
  12. jinpark8282

    New Member

    I am getting into growing my chickens, so I am a newbie. Hope to enjoy my new hobby and pets. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am new to growing chickens but I did have chicks when I was young. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Still incubating...
  13. HuskerHens18


    I'm on the fence. This is a Lavender Orphington that hatched on March 3rd. I've went back in forth, it's comb was always on the medium size. It matched my pullets up until maybe the last week or so. It's comb turned pinker than it has been and it's tail kinda sits up a little higher now. It's...
  14. TAM Farm

    Cukoo orphington - autosexing?

    I have a fantastic cukoo orphington hen that is in with a cream legbars rooster. I love her eggs the consistency and the size are great. I put one of her eggs under a broody and I got to thinking that maybe with the cukoo the chick may be autosexing. Is cukoo different than barring? Will the...
  15. Sjbuff

    Hen or roo?

    Am I outta luck hoping for a hen?
  16. Sjbuff

    I’m new at this

    Today I took my chick outside like I always do when I get home from work. Usually she tries to fly and runs around all over the place. Today however she just keeps sitting. It doesn’t seem like she is in pain or anything. Is this normal behavior? She’s almost 5 weeks old now.
  17. Sophbea

    Rooster or hen? (Lots of pics)

  18. GraceAtterton


    I have several questions. I will start with my easy ones first. -I have eggs that my Grandmother put in the incubator on 3/26/2018, they are already hatching. They started on 4/14/2018. I am not sure if this is normal or if this is okay. They are silkie chickens & are having a hard time. We...
  19. LovejoyHomestead

    Gender Confusion!!

    Hi all! We are new to backyard chickens and bought our girl from a local farmer this past spring. They are approaching 4 months old and about 1 week ago we introduced a new hen to the flock. The next morning we had 3 chickens CROWING!! I do not know for certain, but I think we have some roosters...
  20. J.D

    Buff Orps and mud...

    Hi all, I'm looking for a little advice. I've been hoping to add some buff Orpington's to my little flock, but I'm a little concerned about the typical British weather. I have quite a big hen pen but when it rains it can get a little boggy in places. Would this be an issue with Orps? There is...
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