new member

  1. D

    Hi & thanks for the add!!

    So excited I found this group! We have owned ducks for 10 years now. My poor husband said no to chickens so I brought home baby ducks & now we both are in love with our feathered friends!!! 4 Peeking & 1 Kacki Cambell later we are a happy duck home. New adventures begin as we are now embarking...
  2. Mooocoow7

    New member

    Hello I am a new member who just got 20 chicks. 10 silver wyandottes and 10 golden comets though two of the comets look like a different species because they are white and black.
  3. Faithel

    New kid 👋

    Hi there BYC! My boyfriend and I are finally raising our first (5) chickens! We’re in San Diego, CA, and while we‘d love to move somewhere more rural (and typical for raising chickens) we noticed many of our neighbors here were already raising them in their backyards. So we figured, what are we...
  4. Besotted

    Hello world

    Hi everyone-I’ve been using your advice for coop designs, hatching chicks, and now raising babies - so I figured I should stop lurking and just join already. I am brand new to this. I have two 3 day old Mille fleur chicks (out of a batch of 8 bought on eBay). Thank goodness 2 hatched, but now...
  5. CTblitzen

    New to BYC

    Well, I’m Charlie. I currently have 11 chicks. It’s my first time taking care of chickens on my own. Only one of them has a name right now, and her name is Melvin. Though to be quite honest I don’t even know what breed she is... I have a Yorkie named Romeo, a Maltese mix named Faith, a Shihtzu...
  6. Denise KanDo

    Farm living is the life for me

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Bought my babies about a month age. First time chicken mom. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have 12 (3) What breeds do you have? 6 Leghorn and 6 Blue Australorp (4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard...
  7. C

    New Chicken Mom

    After 7 years of talking about it, I finally had the time during the quarantine to take on a new project so we got chickens!!! We got 3 chicks from Rural King, a Cream Legbar, a Buff Orpington and a Dominicker. We've had them 1 week in a diy brooder in the garage. So far they all seem active and...
  8. T

    Learning everything I can about chickens!

    Hi, I'm here to learn everything I can about chickens so I can have my own. I need to learn about chicken personalities, chicken coups, what to feed, how to set up a foraging area, and keeping their area clean. I also must learn how to raise them from chicks in the house and how to keep them...
  9. AkinliAdventure

    New Member

    Hello! New to BYC and am getting 3 female and 1 male Coturnix Quails soon. I will love any advice about raising quails! I would also like to know what your animals are named! BYC is a great option to keep me occupied in this quarantine. Introduce yourself! Thanks For Reading!
  10. AllMightyPotato

    Long-time Chicken Mama, New Member!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Five years ago, I was celebrating my birthday with my family, and my little sister had to be picked up from school. She was in her gardening class, and I went in to pick her up. When I walked into the garden, the first thing that...
  11. A

    New duck mom

    Hi all! We just got 4 silver appleyard ducklings. They are 4 days old! Just joining to learn tips and tricks and ask advice when needed. These are our first farm animals. We're in Corvallis, Oregon and loving the babies so far! They are happy in their new home with fresh water, greens, and...
  12. reelmza

    New Member: Nigeria, Africa

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes, I am (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 20 cornish crows or is it cornish cross (3) What breeds do you have? Cornish Broilers (4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens? The fun of it! (5)...
  13. C

    New member intro

    Hi! I live in central NJ and just got 6 hens that look to be Rhode island reds but the person who got them for me didn’t know. I haven’t had chickens since I was a kid. My parents had coops and never let them forage so I am looking forward to this new approach. I have one child and a dog who is...
  14. ErinBeth


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? My dad got chickens when I was in highschool and now I have my very own. (8 years total) (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 2 (3) What breeds do you have? Barred Rock and Buff Orpington (4) What are your favorite aspects...
  15. L

    Hi everyone

    Hi. I am new to BYC. My family has always had chickens off and on. I moved to iowa several years ago and just established ourselves in a town that allows chickens. I can only have hens but I am excited. I currently have 4 in my small flock but cant wait to exand.
  16. KhalSancho

    Pleased to be part of the club!!

    Hey all, my name is Christopher Sanchez. I’m an American living in QLD Australia with my Misses (our baby girl in her tummy), red cattle dog, and our new Ameraucana flock (sold as Auracanas but the rumpless aren’t available here so I can only assume that due to strict import laws this is as...
  17. Megan_M

    New Member and Proud Duck Mommy

    I’m so excited to be joining such an awesome community! My boyfriend and I have raised 8 beautiful Rouen duckies! I look forward to helping other duck mommy and daddy’s, as well as hearing about their experiences!
  18. si1entshad0w

    Salutations from the chicken yard

    I've decided that I am now going to be a chicken owner for the rest of my life for as long as I can. I love chickens and got my first pair when I was 10 (one turned out to be a rooster, oops! But the other was a hen. Lucky day). I've moved a lot, went to school, and rented, so I could never own...
  19. W

    New Member in Jax Fl

    Hey everyone, My next project for my grandkids is a chicken coup. The only thing I've not yet decided is to get pullets now, or wait until spring when the weather warms up. I thought we'd get 6 heritage Rhode Island Reds, and 1 Blue Bell and 1 Americauna. This so we can send "Easter eggs" home...
  20. kaitlynerin1219

    Hello Everyone!

    My name is Kaitlyn and I have 6 very lovely hens. I used to work at a petting zoo with many chickens so I’m not new to their care, however before my current flock I had never owned my own. We got our girls when they were just chicks back in March of this year. I have 3 white leghorns and 3 Black...
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