new chicken owner

  1. crunchygranola

    Does anyone else’s SGE have this plumage on the top of their head?

    I have two that have these tufts on the top of their heads. The rest of the flock is the same breed from the same place. Normal or no lol?
  2. Brehchickens

    One Hen Laying in the Evening - Flock is Eating the Egg. Please help 🙏

    My 1 of 5 hens are laying at 5:30pm - 6:00pm when the sun is going down. My hens began first time laying for about a month now. Everyday around 8am - 2pm I have been collecting 4 eggs consistently. I have only seen 5 eggs twice since they began laying. I excused it as one of them is a late...
  3. castillo_de_luz

    Review My Shopping List!

    Maybe this is a weird request, but I'm getting ready to shop for a bunch of my chicken necessities (pullets come home first week of April) to begin chicken ownership, and I would so appreciate a review of my shopping list! Comments are next to items in case their purpose is unclear. A couple...
  4. T

    New memeber, puzzled over what breed this chicken is..

    Hi all, I started a small flock I got from a tractor supply about 8 weeks ago, and I cannot decide what sort of bird this is. Can anyone help?
  5. FunClucks

    Have the chickens, now I need a coop. Please help!!!

    I have 8 baby chicks, maybe a week or two old (got them from Rural King right after birth). I had a pre-fab coop with run picked out, and was planning on adding another big run to give me 80 ft of ground space, but reading on here realized that there wouldn't be enough space in the coop area...
  6. DClopein

    Hi, I am new here & a new chicken mama!

    Hello. :frowI am Dana. 😃 I am excited to be here. A little about my story so far.... I got my first chicks earlier this year from TS, back when they had their Chick Days & I ended up coming home with their minimum of 4. One turned out to be a Roo & I decided to find him a new home cus I didn't...
  7. PileatedFarms

    Hello from the Upper Peninsula of MI!

    Hi everyone! My partner and I are super excited to join this community - and to be new chicken owners! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Brand new to chickens! Our chickens are eight weeks old this week, and we have had them since week 1 (2) How many chickens...
  8. C

    I got 3 chicks, not sure what breed and gender...Please Help!

    I bought three chickens in early March this year (they are about 11-12 weeks old). we were told they were hens but I'm not too sure. the two black chickens in the photo below are very protective of each other and we have heard a few coockadoodles but I read that hens can still crow in rare...
  9. EHaag

    First Time Chicken Owner - Very First Egg!

    Hello all! I have a forum that explains the story of our sweet rescue chicken and this will include her new flock of friends we recently adopted.The link is here: Mabel's Story The exciting news is that we got our very first egg today! We adopted 3 one-year-old chickens from a local suburban...
  10. J

    Newbie Chicken Lady

    Hi! I’m new here. I love farm life. Have always wanted to live on a farm, but settled for a small house with a couple acres. I just got my first two chickens from my bestie who lives on a farm. I’ve been wanting chickens for years but wanted to learn more before I jumped in. Now I have to learn...
  11. Meetkatt

    Help! Chicken can’t get up/walk 😞

    Last night I discovered my Easter Egg hen (approximately 6 months old) on the floor of the coop lying on her side. My rooster was standing beside her. When I came into the coop she didn’t get up - just moved her head to look at me - I thought this was odd so I went over to check on her and she...
  12. T

    Unsure of Chick Breed/Age

    I received 3 chicks, to a day ago and one three days ago. As I didnt buy them directly I'm not quite sure their ages or breeds. Wasnt exactly a planned chickenhood. The first one is the one I got 3 days ago and the other are only from a day. Any help is appreciated!!!
  13. Bigbluefrog

    New chicken momma

    We have 7 little chicks about 3 weeks old. 4 New Hampshire Reds and 3 Dominques mixed I have them in the foyer and would like to move them into garage or coop with a heater. They love to come say hi to me. Love treats and will land on my hand. Starting to feather and fly. We are camping this...
  14. A

    3xcited new chicken owner

    Hey everyone. I'm Amy, an excited new chicken owner. I've raised many different animals while raising my children but never chickens. I'm ecstatic. I realize there is a whole lot of learning as I go. I'm pleased this site is available pleased to be here. My 2 chickens arrive the 18th of may and...
  15. CVB30

    Hello from Mesa, AZ

    Hello, I’m Chris currently living in Mesa, AZ with my wife Miranda and 2 1/2 yr old Elliot Rose. We have been talking about starting a backyard mini flock and garden for years now. Our daughter pushed us over the edge a few months ago when she fell in love with chicks at the local feed store...
  16. H

    New to Chickens

    Hello All, I am a homeschooling mom to 5 blessed children. This fall I inherited 4 hens from my brother because his township would not allow them to continue to keep them in town. I don't know anything about chickens...I am still learning what kinds they even are. 2 are white chickens, one...
  17. CaptainCanada

    Avocados For Chickens

    I am planning on getting chickens, but i have an avocado tree in my back yard so i was wondering if i could train them not to eat it or if it is really not that poisonous. Or if there was some way of deterring them from eating it.
  18. Phoebus

    Yet Another Newbie!

    Hi, Everybody! I'm Phoebus and I'm a chicken farmer! Not really. I've lived in the mountains of WV for many years now and finally I have some pet chickens! Just got a dozen babies from TC and RK. I have four Golden Comets, an Amaraucana, a Wellsummer, which are five weeks old now (4-13-18)...
  19. ChickensOfBromley

    Hello from Kentucky!

    Hello, all! My name is Maggie and I am from Kentucky. I have been raising coturnix quail for a while but recently jumped into the world of chickens, too! I am currently raising amauracana's, welsummers, egyptian faiyumis, golden comets, naked necks, and rhode island reds! I have 2-3 of each...
  20. FreezeNY

    New chicken steward!!!!

    Hey everyone. Name is Freeze and I am a new chicken dad. I have 6 total; 4 hens (Phyliss smooth Polish; Lillian frizy Polish; Abigail Golden Orpington; Violet Lavender Orpington; Ernest a Choc Orpington Roo & Zeke Polish Roo) little over a month and have lost a Polish girl named Lemon (should...
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