nesting boxes

  1. BarredRockin20

    Finished my coop, what do you think?!

    Finally finished my coop this evening. Run is 20’x15’ and coop is 8’x8’ inside. Installed bird netting on top of run, A custom door my wife can open from the outside of the run, and super proud of my nesting boxes. Made them from the rough cut pine I had from tearing down a project in our...
  2. Loving my girls

    What do you put under your perches and in your nesting boxes ?

    Hi everyone, I am in a quandary and wondered if you could help ? I currently use hemp shavings aka Auboise, Chanvre in the nesting boxes. It’s nice and soft and comfy for them. However now I don’t know what to put under the perches. I used to use straw from the local farmer but my girlz got...
  3. A

    Eggs sat in wet nest box- are they bad?

    Hey guys! I’ve had my chickens for just a little less than a year. I have 4 large hens and a silkie :) all my hens lay in the same nesting box. I change all their nest bedding and all the other pine shavings (under their perch) at the same time. Usually clean out every 2 weeks. I hadn’t checked...
  4. bacibeau

    Where Should I Put Food and Water for Chicks Raised by Broody?

    Hello Everyone! I am getting two new easter egger chicks that will be adopted by my speckled sussex broody hen. I am trying to get set up before they get here so that I don't have to interrupt them and mom for the first few hours. Does anyone have any suggestions for where I should put their...
  5. Australorpfamily

    Nesting box and pads, fyi and reuse

    First, my dad made this box for his chickens several years ago and stopped using it, so we were able to get it. Fresh paint, ta-da! We did add two crates on end as it only held 4. I'm a very visual person, so I look for photos more. Read about using feed bags for pads- I cut and sewn a couple...
  6. urbanhomesteader_shiona

    When can I collect the first eggs?

    My chickens have just begun to lay their first pullet eggs and I am very excited to collect them! However, I’ve heard that if you take the first egg, they will never lay in that spot again and they’re currently laying right where I want them to. How long should I wait and when I do begin...
  7. spiritpots

    Chickens laying outside of coop... advise please!

    I have a small flock of six chickens and several of them have started laying outside of the coop in the flower garden under one of my windows this week. One of the chickens had been broody until about a week ago (she has not started laying yet after being broody) and I'm wondering if her...
  8. Loweryfarm

    Coop build on Advice.

    I bought a used large rabbit hutch that I figured I could convert to a chicken coop and have some ideas but would love advice/ideas as well. its 10 ft long and 32” wide, floor to top is about 8 feet. I obviously want to cover the bottom half so it’s more of an enclosed coop. I was thinking...
  9. C

    Nesting Box With Storage

    I'm so happy about the beautiful nesting box my husband built for me. He took my drawing and ideas and created just what I wanted. The bottom 2 boxes are 24" w x 18" h x 18"d for my Jersey Giants. The top 3 are 16" w x 18" h x 12" deep for everyone else. I painted it 2 colors. A darker gray...
  10. P

    Allowing hens to lay outside of nesting boxes?

    Does anybody let their free-range hens continue to use their preferred “unofficial” laying spots outside the coop? A few of my hens have started using this nice little spot at the base of a tree, not far from the coop/house. I can totally see the appeal - it’s quiet, safe, sheltered, and...
  11. nesting boxes

    nesting boxes

    nesting boxes with plastic tubs and "turf" for laying and contact paper - easy to wipe off.
  12. Candy11

    Pau d'arco in nesting boxes

    Can pau d'arco herb be used in nesting boxes along with other herbs?
  13. C

    Recommendations for 5-chicken coop+run+nesting area?

    I have 5 16-18 week old pullets that are currently in a decently sized coop without a nesting area. It will be very hard for me to construct 5 nesting areas as a part of the coop, so does anyone have any good recs for a good full 5-chicken coop+run+nesting box setup possibly on amazon or...
  14. fatsGREENgarden

    Before and after coop build

    We bought a small coop from tractor supply with the intentions of building our own down the road. Basically if we enjoyed having chickens, then we would build them a more permanent one. Eight months of chicken keeping and we were ready to build the coop of our chickens’ dreams. *We are blessed...
  15. Apollos-Quackers

    Open range Pekin duck nesting + some other questions

    Hi Everyone! It's been a while!! COVID has been keeping me B U S Y !! (Babysitting for essential working daughters ;)) My Pekin ducks born on Mother's Day (19 weeks) have started mating. I have 1 drake and 3 hens (and a young female Mallard that's been adopted by them). I've been told I should...
  16. IMG_5986.jpg


    The six egg boxes and storage below. The hinges go flat for easy access to eggs.
  17. Pixelsaurus

    The Coop DeVille and Spa (Part 3) - a playhouse conversion / COVID project

    Part 3 of my Coop DeVille project….squirrels, day spa, roost and poop board V 5.0, ventilation and Zen.... June 22. Squirrels! And this was the FB post - a fun notice to the Coop DeVille residents. So all is fine and dandy in the run until the squirrels. They got through the bird netting and...
  18. Nesting Boxes Outside

    Nesting Boxes Outside

  19. hannahbear

    New to ducks and geese - coop design help!

    Hello, I am in the process of building a duck/goose house and would love some advice as I have never raised waterfowl before. As of right now, it's a large slanted roof doghouse (for lack of a better description) with plenty of hardwire clothed ventilation across three sides. My main question is...
  20. Grey Gables

    Hem Tape for Coop Curtains ?

    Hi! I tried searching around a little but didn't see much on this topic. Has anyone used the iron hem tape (heat bond, whatever it's called) to make curtains for your coop? I've used it for other projects but was wondering if the summer heat would be an issue and cause the hem to come undone. I...
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