neck problem

  1. G


    I have a chicken with a severely deformed neck. Issue presented itself about 4 days ago and all I've been able to think and do is isolate, give her asprin and soak her food...she looks to be in severe pain and I don't have any idea what is wrong with her. Would it be a broken neck? She doesn't...
  2. yukonbeck2020

    Weird hunching over/ruffled feathers/excessive quacking in my female mallard

    This is Becky, my mallard. She has always had a very spirited and sassy personality, but lately, she has been very stand-offish, doing some very gruff quacking and hunching her neck down/ruffling her feathers every time she sees me. In the picture, you can see that her neck is hunched down—I...
  3. Solemn Opossum

    Runner Duckling with Severe Corkscrew Neck (wry neck?) and Shriveled Foot

    (First paragraph is about hatching process of all the eggs, second paragraph talks about the duckling in need) So, I ordered my duck eggs from Metzer farms (First time hatching or owning ducks) on July 1st and received them late on July 6th or 7th. On Monday, August 3rd (about 28 days), most of...
  4. izzybe3

    HELP! Baby chick’s neck hurting!

    Woke up to one of my baby chicks crying and she’s very uncomfortable! We moved her to another box and I can’t tell if anything’s wrong with her neck. She’s 8 weeks old and she’s a bantam. She’s in pain and i don’t know what to do, please help!
  5. chicka_doodle

    Easter egger chick something is wrong ....

    My four week old Easter Egger does not seem to be developing properly she’s very lazy seems to be lethargic and I’m not Sure if this is just part of laziness ....she eats she drinks my three other four week old chicks All have developed their wing feathers and their tailfeathers she still hasn’t...
  6. S

    Welsh Harley Duck won’t stretch out neck

    Our “Harley” Walsh Harlequin is almost 2 months old. Our dog scared her and I think maybe stepped on something but I’m not sure we were chasing her away. But she is having a hard time lifting her head. And something scared her yesterday - have no clue what it was because I was outside with them...
  7. R

    Crippled Chick

    HELP This is my first hatch and I have a PR that hatched this afternoon and it is laying upside down, unable to support it's neck. Its is crying very loud, is there anything I can do to help it??? I think it is wry neck
  8. R

    Crippled Chick

    HELP This is my first hatch and I have a PR that hatched this afternoon and it is laying upside down, unable to support it's neck. Its is crying very loud, is there anything I can do to help it???
  9. ddschicks

    Odd neck movement. Comb injured.

    So I've had some issues with my chickens recently. It's been a rough weekend. You can see the backstory here. Anyway now I've seen several of them doing a...
  10. M

    anyone have a chicken recover from torticollis?

    Hi everyone! Thanks for reading and those who respond, I have a chicken who recently has an upside-down head.... other than that, she's happily clucking, her eyes are clear, she flaps and walks equally, can drink / eat / poop ok. I'm wondering if there's hope for her to return to the flock and...
  11. Sara L

    Chick was stuck in egg, now neck is weird

    I just hatched a batch of coturnix quail chicks and at least one of them got stuck in the egg. Two were fine once I helped get the shell off, but the third must have been like that for a while because it's neck is still twisted to the side like it's still in the egg. All chicks are now in the...
  12. ktburdi77

    Wry neck - Vitamin E experience.

    We have a 10 month old Silkie rooster that had wry neck as a chick. We treated with Poly-Vi-Sol per info we found online with good results and he went on with his business. About a month ago the condition returned with severity and that's when I found this website and we did lots of reading...
  13. C

    Broken Neck? Sick? Or just retarded?

    My wacko cockerel was "fine" yesterday... but today my sister picked him up and he stretched out his head on her lap and just lay there. He's an active little thing and has never done this before. Never been sick before, still eating/drinking/pooping. Still barely over a month, but his face is...
  14. J1Bern

    Neck Concern

    I'm new to forum and thought I posted question a little while ago but can't seem to find it. Trying again and apologize if this is a duplicate. I have two Rouen ducks almost 2 months old. I'm not certain if male or female but Petunia seems to have lines/deep groves on her neck. Should I be...
  15. J1Bern

    Should I be concerned?

    I have two Rouen ducks. Not sure of their sex yet but am concerned about one that has deep grooves/lines on his neck. Can anyone tell me if this is something to be concerned about? I also have noticed feathers on his legs. Is this normal?
  16. H

    Adult Muscovy with neck problems

    My 3 yr old muscovy male has developed a neck problem in the last 3 months. He can no longer lift his head above his body. He frequently rests his head on the ground. The radiologist says he shows signs of inflammation in his neck vertebrae. Unfortunately neither the radiologist nor any of...
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