
  1. V

    Mystery Bin at Peavey

    I ordered 6 chicks (Olive Eggers and Lavender Orpingtons) and then I picked out 3 chicks in a bin with 9 different varieties. I picked all grey/blackish ones. The grey ones could be Sapphire Gem, Americauna, Barred Rock or Specialty Brown layer, or maybe I actually picked more lavender...
  2. F

    Mystery chick, gender and breed?

    Was told it was "a gold star" but I don't know :/ his/her tail is growing in miraculously slowly and is much much smaller than the 4 other chicks I got at the exact same time. I know there are late bloomers.. but they are all 7 weeks old and this one is half the size of the others. According to...
  3. Galaxy_rules

    March Hatch-A-Long!

    Silkies, Australorps, and maybe some mixes! Come along with me on the journey of Marshmallow and her eggs. I candled them yesterday and five out of seven were developing! There “ due date “ is approximately March 29, so it’s coming up soon! They will all be named my me and my family, and I think...
  4. Z

    Buff Orpington

    Hello! Not new to chicken raising in general (variety of mutts at former workplace) but finally new to having my own chickens at home! I acquired 2 welsummers, 2 brown leghorns (I'll not know the difference between those four until their earlobes change), and 2 buff orpingtons from a local feed...
  5. G

    Lavender Ameracauna Rooster and mystery mom?

    I originally hatched it out in an incubator and then slipped him/her under a broody silkie who is now her mom. Dad is definitely a Lavender Ameracauna I have a lot of breeds of hens but majority of Lavender's babies are black. So why is this little guy/gal WHITE?! The neck in a video when...
  6. CloneFly

    Mystery Illness

    Hello all, it's been a heck of a year already, and I'd like to ask for some help from you expert chicken keepers out there.... I have a 2yr old dark brahma hen that has been having crop issues for the last month and the doctor hasn't been able to figure out what's wrong. We're getting...
  7. PileatedFarms

    My hen pooped a hairball?

    I have a Cuckoo Maran hen that is about 10 months old. Last week she started acting just a bit off, puffy and off to the side by herself. She had some watery poops so I brought her inside for a night with ACV and some protein (eggs/meat). That night she pooped what looked to be a small 1in long...
  8. PileatedFarms

    Hen with dirty butt only when laying (not when molting)

    Hi all! I've got an Easter egger named Scarlet that we rescued about a year and a half ago. When we got her she had this dirty butt (vent gleet?) and while it has gotten slightly better, it's still a constant thing she has. UNLESS she is molting and not laying. We've had her for two cycles now...
  9. AlectryonKotopoula

    Mystery Illness, Sick Hen

    Ok I have a mystery illness in one of my hens… I have a flock of 14, they are all 3 years old now. About two months ago I noticed one of my red stars wasn’t pecking around like the rest of the flock, she just stood in the middle of the other hens and shook her head occasionally. When I picked...
  10. C

    Broody or sick? Green poop and more… *pics*

    Thanks for reading. My hen ISA brown Nina is roughly 18 months old and showing some concerning symptoms. I thought she was broody, but now I’m thinking she’s sick… These behaviors made me think she was broody… Sitting on clutch of eggs, 6 days Not leaving nest Giant broody-looking poop Missing...
  11. E

    HELP PLEASE, my baby chick is being weird and not her usual self this morning I am worried.

    I have a late hatcher that had her egg sack still attached for a couple days. It dried up enough that I could snip just enough off and after feeding her and giving her water, I decided to let her rest for the night lastnight. For the past 4 days she’s been super active, always trilling and...
  12. Deja_view

    Any guess on gosling's breed?

    Hello everyone, I recently went on a journey to pick up some Pomeranian goslings. I did get three of them, but I also came home with two mystery goslings as well. The woman I bought them from raises Pomeranian, Sebastopol, Tufted Roman, and Toulouse geese. She said she keeps her goslings...
  13. Flutterbudget

    Sudden Pekin Death, Heartbroken

    My partner went to let the ducks out this morning and found my 4 year old female Pekin dead. Her neck is definitely not straight and she’s died with her legs flat out underneath her stomach. Nothing that I can see, one eye is closed the other is open, pupil seems to be dilated. Absolutely...
  14. janiedoe

    Kindle Unlimited Books

    I'm a reader and have been enjoying kindle unlimited for several years. There are several threads for readers but none just for Kindle unlimited users. I'll read pretty much anything if it's entertaining. I'm looking for recommendations for KU only. I'll list some of my favorites and I hope...
  15. Aki no niwatori

    Is that time of year to start the tractor supply guess-a-thon.

    Hallo, I fell prey to the cute little buggers at tractor supply again while waiting for my hatchery order to come in. I got 4 bantams that all appear to be the same breed. Of course there was no specific breed listed. Ill post more pictures soon.
  16. V

    EE or?!

    I know it’s too early to be sure…. 4.5 weeks old. But what breeds do you think this mutt could be? And do you think it’ll be a pullet or roo? I will update pics in a few weeks as well!
  17. CrazyCrevecoeur

    Mystery: Turken born with feathered neck?!

    Somehow, and I’m dumbfounded by this, the Turken x Ameraucana mix which hatched has neck feathers?! I may be mistaken, but for the longest time I’ve known for a fact that the Turken gene in chickens is always dominant, no matter what the cross is? Am I right? I thought that they only needed one...
  18. Mooocoow7

    Weird rooster

    This is Fabio a beautiful rooster i got from my cousin and both me and him have no idea what breed he is. Depending on the lighting some of his feathers are either green, blue, purple. His feet are feathered to. Anyone know?
  19. Joyfillednomads

    WE ALL know I can't be trusted at feed store... chicks, ducklings, etc

    Identification needed... mystery ducklings. .help
  20. Joyfillednomads

    WE ALL know I can't be trusted at feed store... chicks, ducklings, etc

    Identification needed... mystery ducklings. .help
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