my chickens

  1. BloodyBumbleBee

    New to the thread but not the game

    Obviously I'm new to the thread but I've had chickens since I was 12. My father saw chickens in the front yard of somebody's home and said, "I want to do that some day, own chickens.". Me bein a kid asked, "Why not? Why don't we have anyway.". Which sparked a realization in his mind which was...
  2. chicksonline

    cockerel/rooster fun!

    have ever wanted to do this with your cockerels wattles! i filmed this today (he might not be impressed but i defiantly enjoyed it! video here! his name is beefy tomato the wellsummer!
  3. How I Found and Created My Chicken Flock and Coop.

    How I Found and Created My Chicken Flock and Coop.

    Me and my aid/special needs assistant started our chicken flock 3 weeks before building and buying the chicken coop and run. We went to tractor supply after eating lunch and looked at the list of live baby chicken chicks in large grey tubs with heaters and feeders and waterers. We each picked...
  4. Nats Chickens

    My Chooks!!

    Hi want to introduce you to my flock! Belle, RIRXAustralorp Jewel, RIRXAustralorp Nim, RIRXRIW Leaf, RIRXRIW Sherbet, RIRXRIW Mini, RIRXAustralorp Pip and Tinky (Pip at the front, Tinky at the back), RIWXLeghorn And that is all of them, can anyone guess their personalites...
  5. FionaRose

    About Me

    Hello! I’m Fiona, and I just made an account today. Thought I’d answer some of these questions for this site, and add some info about myself :) (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I’d say yes, I am very new to chickens haha. My family first picked up 6 chicks at a...
  6. Does Chicken Keeping Ever Get Boring?

    Does Chicken Keeping Ever Get Boring?

    Does Chicken Keeping Ever Get Boring? Can or does chicken raising ever get dull? I’ve been at this chicken keeping business for years now. I don’t know about you, but when I first began my journey, it seemed as though I couldn’t learn enough about chickens. I read every book about chickens at...
  7. Clemmy

    Broody + gagging! Hot day yesterday and this happens....

    I live in New England, and It was a very hot day yesterday. My rir and EE where gagging without noise! They constantly sat in the nesting box and kept gagging, and My thought it was because of the heat. I gave my 3 chickens TONS of cool water and and my coop has a roof for shade and lots of...
  8. T

    New Chicken family

    Hi from California" I have 15 Plymouth rock hens and 4. Rooster. They are about 32 weeks and I haven't got any eggs. Am I doing something wromg ? Can withstand the rain and the cold?
  9. RiverStorm's Chickens

    RiverStorm's Chickens

    Hey, I'm River, a proud owner of 16 chickens! Loki, a 3 year old blue French Maran rooster! This is Princessa, a 8 or 9 year old buff Brahma hen! Wingit, a 7 year old buff Brahma (Princessa's chick) and Rhode Island Red cross! Hen. (No picture) Thor, a 3 year old blue copper French Maran...
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