
  1. A

    Vigoro Brown Mulch

    I was wondering if it would be okay to use the Vigoro Brown Mulch in my chicken run. I called and was told it is dyed but also safe for playground use and in vegetable gardens. I was also told it does not contain...
  2. DaisyFaye7

    Time to line the coop - Mulch vs Sand: Need your input!

    Well, the coop is almost finished, and I have a brooder full of chicks! I need to get flooring material down next. I was planning to line my coop with sand, and line my covered run with mulch (mixed size wood chips from a local tree guy). I was going to try to find suitable sand/gravel fines...
  3. KimKat33

    Straw chicken run

    Hello again! First off, im on mobile so sorry for any weird formatting that may happen. So this last winter was my first winter having chickens. I put down straw in their uncovered run so they had something dry to step on instead of constantly walking through snow. I thought it would all...
  4. BReeder!

    Discussing Mulch in the Garden

    My garden was a mess of weeds last year. I was determined to prevent that from happening this year. I pull weeds, but I decided mulch was going to be the key to my plan moving forward. I'm hoping I don't regret it. The idea is that mulch suppresses the weeds and prevents weed seeds from...
  5. Chadslost

    Location, location location....

    Thanks for all the welcomes everyone! I’m getting ready to break ground on a duck house and run and had a couple of questions dealing with location I was hoping to get some advice on?🤔 The best location on my property is located directly under a beautiful oak tree. It is shaded all day (we...
  6. Microwave Girl

    Best Run Mulch for Attracting Bugs?

    What kind of mulch/groundcover do you all use in your run? My run is bare earth, (no plants, no bugs) and the girls are very bored. Unfortunately, I can't put in a compost pile, because of rodent problems. I'm trying to find a mulching material to put down that attracts bugs for them to eat, but...
  7. F

    Anyone try Ficus Mulch

    I am just finishing up my first coop for ~10 chickens. Planning to use deep liter. I have a 100' Ficus benjamina (I believe that is what it is) tree and a chipper/shredder. There is some controversy over toxicity of that type of ficus. Would be awesome if I could use that in the coop/run as...
  8. VioletsMom73

    Free Mulch is the Best Mulch

    So its been a rainy June so far, and my chickens of course have killed the grass in their run as expected. This led to some stinky mud of course, despite my best efforts. So I knew I needed a lot of mulch so I started looking online to see what I could find at a discount. I stumbled across...
  9. mpmrla

    Brooder Bedding

    Over the last 50 years that i have raised chickens i have tried every type of bedding material for bedding and all of them require changing out almost daily to keep down odor moisture and the chicks clean and healthy. None of the traditional beddings are as effective as a 2" layer of very dry...
  10. chickengirl778

    Chicken Bedding As Mulch?

    Hello fellow gardeners! I'm wondering if chicken bedding is too hot to use as a mulch in the "Back to Eden" style. It's deep bedding, so I think it's at least semi-composted, and it's rained a bit recently, so the poop has possibly washed through the shaving bedding/been diluted. What are your...
  11. gtaus

    Deep litter bedding compost method for the garden

    I will soon be a first timer with laying hens. From what I have learned, I think the deep litter method would work best for me in northern Minnesota. I also have a 20X30 foot garden with raised beds. In zone 3b, our growing season is only about 4 months (June - September). I am thinking ahead of...
  12. Dfarago


    So my husband has a barrel with air holes mixed with hay and duck crap. It’s one of those blue barrels they’ll put feed and such in. I want to know how much air it would need. How often does it need turned. Also it’s not heating up like we thought it would. Should I be putting it in the sun?
  13. berkchicks

    Lost my first girl to an impacted crop today

    Hey guys, I know if anyone can understand how I am feeling right now, its you all. I had to have my not even 10 month old sweet Pez euthanized today and I'm devastated. 3 days ago I noticed her wattle was pale and she was a little less active and had some watery poo. Yesterday she was pretty...
  14. drdvmd

    Never ending rain/muddy run/mulch vs sand?

    I am a relative chook newbie and live in PA, outside Philadelphia. Our hens have been outside since June and it has rained at least 50% of the time since our girls were big enough to be outside (rainiest year on record in our area). Their run is a mud pit and never dries out. My husband and I...
  15. S

    Sourcing Eggshells

    So, I'm gearing up for an experiment in next summer's garden. A recommendation went by from a nearby herb farmer to use eggshell mulch around herbs that need to be kept drier than our local climate allows. I did get clarification that they meant a mulch, not a scattering of shell like what...
  16. Grits&Eggs

    to whomever first posted this - you are a lifesaver! I love this site! I answered a few simple questions and did what you said about putting "Tip upon delivery" in the comments and got myself a huge deposit of wood chips, steaming and clean (no plastic or strapping like other free drops), they...
  17. Sunshine Flock

    Reasons NOT to use sand in a chicken coop or run

    This is my first year raising chickens, but I wasn't hatched from an egg yesterday. From my months of research, I've learned that lots of folks love sand in the coop or run. For the same reason I don't use clay kitty litter, I refuse to use sand: it's not compostable, and it has a carbon...
  18. M

    Chicken Coop Over Raised Bed

    Hello all, I had an idea hit me yesterday after watching a Justin Rhodes video. Right now I have 10 chickens over a 1/4 city backyard. I use 4x12x12" raised garden beds in my back yard to grow vegetables. I want to place coops over two new raised beds and slowly add hardwood mulch over the next...
  19. MyISAbrownhens

    Chicken safe mulch?

    i have a lot of chicken safe flowers planted around my chicken coop, but it's been very rainy the past week and all the soil is almost washed away. Is there any mulch that is chicken safe? I'm using pine straw right now which I heard was ok for them but I was wondering if there was anything else...
  20. JosieMae

    beauty bark?

    So one of my family members put some stuff into the coop and some of that included mulch. It's ancient, like a decade old, but some of the birds ate some i think. It was two days ago and they're acting fine, so is it anything to worry about or no?
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