mites chickens

  1. W

    Help! Not sure what is happening with my hens!

    Hello friends! We have four Bielefelder Hens that are just over a year old. We raised them from week old chicks. (We had five hens originally but one suddenly died a couple of months ago from what appeared to be some sort of leg injury from an unknown source). We love our girls. They get a...
  2. richardbim

    Mite Problem!!

    I need some advice from more experienced chicken owners. I’ve had my chickens since they were chicks and they just started laying a month ago. Today while I was looking through one of my chicken’s feathers, I noticed a little mite, then I searched for more and found a lot! They were different...
  3. S

    Insane bird mite infestation!!! Need help please!

    Hi all, I have 2 wonderful hens who are suffering from a nasty mite infestation and the mites have even made their way to my bedroom from when I've picked them up. We just recently moved to a sub tropical area, Townsville, Queensland Australia. Previously I've lived in Bundaberg and Mackay and...
  4. Feathers & Friends

    BALD SPOTS!!- Bantam rooster

    I noticed a couple months ago that my rooster has these bald spots near his comb. Even though he is the dominant rooster I thought maybe the other rooster pulled some feathers out. My coop has also been treated for mites. He is the only chicken in this pen that looks like this. I also thought it...
  5. A

    Mites or Lice

    Hi guys, So I’ve been having a rough month. I have been treating my dog and cat for fleas...nothing has been working. Well today after picking up a chicken I put her down and noticed the same bugs on my hands. After a huge freak out and a long shower, I’ve come to realize that what is in my...
  6. Kungfoomanda

    Is this scaly leg mites?

    I'm pretty sure our silkie roo has a nasty case of leg mites. We took him out this evening to bathe him and saw these nasty looking feet. Here's our dilemma. He's my 11 year old daughter roo and he's a 4h chicken she is showing on Monday at our county Fair for her 4h project. She's showing him...
  7. sassfras

    Mites, mites, everywhere....

    Hey all, so I’ve been having a VERY difficult time ridding my coop/flock of mites. I have sprayed diatomaceous earth in the areas they most like to bathe, and I spray the areas where the mites seem to be hiding within the coop with a water/vegetable oil/soap mix. While this mix does seem to be...
  8. F

    Leg mites?

    I realize these are not good pics so sorry for that but my chicks are not very tame having been raised by Mother Hen. I am concerned about leg mites but I'm new at this and the ones with feathers on their legs are the ones concerning me. I am wondering if anyone can tell if this cockerel might...
  9. Leelu13

    Brahma chick with bald spots

    We have 5 brahma chicks that I believe are about 8 or so weeks old. Four are gorgeous little fluff butts, and then there is this one... I don't see any signs of mites or parasites. Eating, drinking and pooping normally and quite fiesty. I thought I read somewhere that cockerals feather more...
  10. QueenBeeMama

    Mites in Canada

    Hi I have a small backyard flock of 7 mixed breed chickens including 1 rooster. We have just noticed that they have northern mites and I need something to help them. We are unable to get the products that have been posted before and they have now banned Peremethrin here in canada. We cannot...
  11. B


    I posted earlier about my chickens. One of them seemed to be thinning in the breast. Will Diatomaceous earth kill mites? I looked under her wings today and she was covered in mites. I took some de and dusted her in that. The other 2 chickens I have show no signs of mites. I dusted them as...
  12. QueenC3


    what are some signs of mites? Our barnyard mix of chicks weren’t living in the greatest conditions when we bought them. Do mites cause the reddish skin? I’m new to the chicken life. If not mites, what is this?
  13. TKSalberg

    Correct Sulfer product to use on chickens

    HELLO _ thank you in advance! Im looking for confirmation/suggestions if I purchased the wrong thing. I ordered the following product from Amazon: Sulfur Powder - 99% purity - Elemental Sulfur - Commercial grade I would like to confirm that I CAN use this powder directly on my birds (via a...
  14. Grenadianexpat

    Chick with bald spots

    One of the more feral chicks that I saved from predation is in with 5 other similar aged chicks in a small elevated enclosure. It is Black, I noticed it had bald white areas around its left eye, and the top of the wing. Not seeing any inflammation I gave it a couple of days to see how it...
  15. Nikole

    Broken eggs

    sooo a week and a half ago my hen had a broken weak shell egg sticking out of her Vent. I got it out successfully and flushed her and kept her inside. Fed her eggs with tums on top for a few days. She successfully laid an egg the other day so I cleaned her up and sent her back outside. She had...
  16. insertwittychickenname

    one breed of hens losing tail feathers, possible bullying or issue

    So me and my father own a few breeds of hens, we own plymouths, orpingtons (i believe), some ameraucanas ,and some Wyandottes. in the beginning when our first batch of ameraucanas got old enough, their back feathers were pulled out and eventually, we lost all of them to death from what i believe...
  17. Devw

    Got Mites? I Found a Solution

    Hi everybody! I'm not sure if anyone else has posted something similar, but I figured I post it anyways for the good of all poultry owners. For the last two or three years, I have been fighting mites. I have tried Everything. I have tried garlic in the water, essential oils, weekly baths...
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