
  1. E

    How many MHPs for 100 chicks in outdoor brooder?

    I’m excited to announce that I’ll be bringing home 100 chicks to add to my little flock in June! (if you've just come from my other anxiety riddled post, welcome to another lmao) After doing extensive reading I’ve decided to outdoor brood. Originally we built a wild wall to separate the coop...
  2. J

    The Girls are here with Pictures and MHP!!

    Well, the Girls are here, and I am beyond excited!! I was only supposed to get 6 lovely girls but they shipped 9 to me so I am really happy I built and extra large brooder and a coop that could hold up to 10 ladies! Speaking of brooder you all are the best and gave great advice on my brooder and...
  3. trumpeting_angel

    First chicks, questions already!

    So our local farm and feed store told me my chicks are a week old, at most. I have 2 Buff Orps, a Gold-laced Wyandotte, and a Black Australian. First question. They don’t seem to want 95 degrees. But really, I don’t know. I brought them home after five, got them settled, then was busy making...
  4. Skellington

    Brought my first chicks home yesterday!

    Okay, my coop still isn't done... oops... but the farm store chick schedule changes for no one, and because I wanted specific breeds, I had to take the plunge this weekend. Yesterday I brought home four chicks, and next weekend I'll pick up two more. ...I was supposed to get five, but I met a...
  5. C

    First Time Chicken & Duck Mama

    Hello all, I have posted on a couple of threads and lurked around, but haven't officially said hello yet. Becoming a chick mom (or as my friends and family may call me, the crazy chicken lady) has been a long time dream for me. For the last several years I have dreamt, researched, and planned...
  6. C

    Hydrometer battery and Mama heating pad

    i have an incuview. Chicken eggs are to start lockdown today. The hydrometer battery in it just died. Can I change it before locking them down without harm? Well I set the eggs in the incuview on Jan 9th. Also I don’t remember what setting I used for Mama heating pad last year. I think it was...
  7. Roley

    Heat Pad Shuts Off

    Hello all, Was hoping someone could help. I've set up my MHP (yay! They love it!), went to check on chickies in the middle of the night only to find out my pad had auto shut off after 2 hours (I'm new to this). Thankfully the babies are ok! I must have woken up just a few after it shut off...
  8. Brooding Chicks: The First 6 Weeks

    Brooding Chicks: The First 6 Weeks

    Whether you've just hatched your own chicks in your incubator, an ordered batch of chicks from the hatchery has just arrived, or you brought home a box of fuzzy butts of joy from the feed store, if you don't have a broody in your coop to raise them you will need to brood and raise them yourself...
  9. Rick&Chris

    MHP Construction ideas needed

    I’ve done some research on the MHP method and found lots of great information on this site! We are trying to get set up for our babies that are coming next week. I’ve seen some recommendations to put hte pad over the chicks and others about leaving it on the floor of the cage for them to sit...
  10. poulet2016

    Done with Heating Pad? (Mama Heating Pad question)

    Hi All, Our chicks are now 2 weeks old and thriving outside in the coop- it was really warm this week with two days in the 80s but no colder than the higher 50s at night. I have seen the chicks nowhere near the MHP- I think they sleep in a corner huddled together at night. Could it be possible...
  11. poulet2016

    MAMA Heating Pad....I'm getting cold feet!

    Hi there, I've been researching the Mama Heating Pad and convinced myself that was the way I wanted to go this time around with raising my chicks. I built it today...and I think it's working the way it should. I'll be getting my chicks in 2 days. The only thing is..I'm getting a little bit...
  12. Thyme4Chickens

    One MHP - ideas for a segregated area?

    Hi all! Our chicks arrived yesterday - My toddler and I have been watching live chick TV non-stop! Unfortunately one of our chicks died ~8hrs after arriving home. Gave her nutridrench straight and warm water via a dropper, but she faded away. Thanks to a thread I'd seen on this forum I had her...
  13. kesrchicky16

    MHP questions.

    I have 30 baby chicks still moving in eggs due to hatch on Friday. I know a lot can still happen but I probably should plan on being ready for them all. I have only lost 4 of them so far. How large of a heating pad shoild I plan on for that many? I have looked at am planning on building a cave...
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