
  1. Very Low Cost But Tons of Work: Recycled Coop

    Very Low Cost But Tons of Work: Recycled Coop

    UPDATES: As of 2017, my town allows up to 6 chickens per acre. I have scooted the coop over to where the wire run used to be, because my air flow works better in the Summer and Winter. I have wire covered/enclosed another maybe 15' X 32' area on both sides of the greenhouse so the hens can...
  2. Fulton Coop

    Fulton Coop

    This is the coop that I created. Its roughly 8'w x 15'l x 6'h. Sketchup plans for the frame: I will post the plans for the nesting boxes and interior once I finish creating them in sketchup. It...
  3. Simple, cost-effective coop/run combination

    Simple, cost-effective coop/run combination

    This site has been a massive help this year in learning how to care for our new flock, so I'm super happy to be able to maybe give a little something back by contributing my design. Most of it is pretty common, but it's got a few differences that have been working really well and I think could...
  4. just double the size of my coop

    just double the size of my coop

    had to expand the original design to accomodate 3 generations of chicks I've hatched.120 square feet of ground space.6ft of height. Doorway in between so I can feed and clean the coop. Also the older chicken can be kepted in another area while dealing with the pullets and cockeroos escaping out...
  5. kenmlang

    A Few Coops Built In Texas

    Here are a few coops I have built for some folks who needed them. I do this as a side-job, and really enjoy doing it. I have been a cabinetmaker for 35 years, and have incorporated some of the techniques used in cabinetmaking. The first coop pictured is the first one I ever built. I kinda had to...
  6. It's a South Carolina Thing

    It's a South Carolina Thing

    Started with no real design in mind, but had some scrap lumber laying around from last year when I replaced my deck and a crate that a very large electrical panel came in from work. Added the nesting boxes. Inside view. screwed some tree branches I cleared out to an old deck board for the...
  7. Someday Farms Polish Pallet Coop

    Someday Farms Polish Pallet Coop

    Here are a few pictures from the coop build. I hope you enjoy please feel free to ask any questions and comment. I had a good level spot of ground we had at one time had an above ground pool so it already had a base level of sand as well. Our son He has this coop building down! I stood...
  8. My cheap city chicken coop

    My cheap city chicken coop

    We don't live in a farm! More like a neighborhood close to downtown with neighbors. We had to make something that wasn't too big, cheap, and followed our city ordinance. We went with a medium sized coop that could fit about 6 chickens. We spent hardly any money at all. We recycled some wood from...
  9. Our [Cheap] Log Chicken Coop

    Our [Cheap] Log Chicken Coop

    Our [Cheap] Log Chicken Coop 2015 Chicken coop design contest - - - This is my first post on this site so please be patient and hopefully I do this correctly! I thought I already posted about my coop but as I can't find it, I likely didn't succeed! Here is attempt number two! BACKGROUND...
  10. My little chicken coop

    My little chicken coop

    no chickens yet, but I have designed and built a coop base on various internet postings and believe this to be a unique coop. the coop is two story, 4x4 (2 feet + 4 feet high) , run is 12x12 (5 1/2 feet high), the construction is mostly done, but still need to add the hardware cloth and some...
  11. The "No Chickens!" Coop

    The "No Chickens!" Coop

    "No chickens!" was my mantra to my wife when we moved out to the country. For the life of me, I could not understand why we would ever want to have chickens. It made absolutely no sense to me and I put my foot down. "No chickens." Yeah, as if. For Christmas I purchased a prefab coop in...
  12. What should I do with that old trampoline?

    What should I do with that old trampoline?

    This one is easy! We had an old trampoline frame in the back yard. We just reconfigured the pieces into the frame and added a few cheap items to make the coolest chicken coop ever. Our 10 chickens and 13 ducks have lots of room, especially with the attached chicken yard. Before: (ok this...
  13. The Insulated & Detachable Chicken Coop

    The Insulated & Detachable Chicken Coop

    Our family (2 parents + 2 teenagers) are new chicken owners. After much research and debate, we built an insulated chicken coop, complete with a sky light, and a detachable galvanized steel run, and a roll-away nesting box for our 4 new Leghorns. The bulk of the construction took 3 weeks, taxing...
  14. First time builders!

    First time builders!

    I had a plan, an item shopping list priced out and all my research done! Sadly my husband does not work like that!!! Designs are figured out in his head and materials purchased as needed. To keep our marriage a happy one, he is refusing to tell me how much the project ended up costing us :) The...
  15. The Scandin-Avian Coop

    The Scandin-Avian Coop

    This is a mid-sized coop, built for about 6-8 occupants. It's insulated, and designed with easy maintenance in mind. Above the egg-boxes there's some storage-space. The whole back wall can be opened up to easily scoop out all the litter. The perches are located right in front of this door to...
  16. The Breakfast Club

    The Breakfast Club

    We are so happy to have finally finished our coop. We patterned it after The Palace design with a few changes. Our coop run is 9' by 12'. 10' tall in the front and 8' tall in the back. The raised coop within the run is 4' by 9'. We have six nesting boxes inside with two roosts. The front window...
  17. 10 pallets = 1 coop

    10 pallets = 1 coop

    I met a chicken lady several months ago, when I was looking for a rooster and a brood hen. She was kind enough to help me out with my chicken needs. I told her I'd built a "coop" out of sheet metal roofing. She didn't balk, she didn't criticize, she was very kind to me. She and her husband...
  18. Architectural Style Coop

    Architectural Style Coop

    We have a modern architectural style home in a rural setting. We wanted our coop to look good but also be functional. Our flock is lucky enough to free range most of the time, but not every day, so it was important for them to have enough space in the yard. We also got an accidental rooster...
  19. Alaskan's Smaller Coops

    Alaskan's Smaller Coops

    My big Chicken Coop Complex is on this page: My Free Bantam Coop is on this page: This page is for my two small coops, the about $8 Muscovy Coop in my orchard, and the Pond...
  20. Our Log Cabin Coop

    Our Log Cabin Coop

    When I was growing up we raised chickens for meat and I had the job of feeding and watering them. I thought it would be fun to have chickens for laying eggs. My daughters are 7 and 9 and have been helping out with the chickens collecting eggs. Our coop was built over the summer and fall of...
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