medium coops

  1. Coop Mahal 2 0

    Coop Mahal 2 0

    Welcome to Coop Mahal 2.0: I decided to embark in the adventure of raising chicken a couple years ago. After ample research, I came up with the design of my coop. I wanted to make my coop not only pleasing to the eye but also convenient to me. I originally designed a 4x8 coop with a 8x8...
  2. The Great Coop Build 2012

    The Great Coop Build 2012

    After several weeks of conversation and a vicious bout of chicken math, I finally convinced the family that it was time to build a bigger better coop to accommodate the latest members of our clutch...26 chickies sitting in the brooder. This was followed up with hours upon hours of reviewing...
  3. Coop Addition 1

    Coop Addition 1

  4. The Coop 32

    The Coop 32

    THE COOP The little red coop was the second upgrade coop. Hopefull this new coop will be the last upgrade. ...... ...... ... ... ... ... Yes it still needs some work, more nesting boxes & a paint job inside but we're getting there . Helpful Link on medication doses.
  5. Gilligans Island Coop

    Gilligans Island Coop

    Our converted playhouse coop We added an outside accessable 6 cabin nest box using a gate latch & hinges for security Vinyl window & pop hole using 2 gate latches so we can lock the boys & girls in at night. their roosts, one of which they can look out the window for when its chilly and a...
  6. Large Red Coop

    Large Red Coop

  7. Coop Build 2

    Coop Build 2

    We started with a 4x8 table for the base. Then built the wall frames. We leveled out the base in the yard and attached the walls. Thanks to somebody on BYC we used these brackets to hold the rafters for the roof. Added the clean out door, hinges, locks and painted the inside. Built the nest...
  8. MamaManda's Member Page

    MamaManda's Member Page

    Hi! I'm Amanda, a wanna-be farmgirl in suburban Vancouver WA, with 4 little ones, wife to my adoring husband of 10 years. ;) I have a goal to become as self-sufficient as possible, and figured adding chickens to our 1/4 acre backyard is essential in my goal. :) My husband calls me "The crazy...
  9. My Coop 7

    My Coop 7

    What began as a swing set for my daughters 2nd birthday this picture is NOT from the beginning 17 years later has become home to 8 baby Brahmas .She said that if I took her swingset I had to buy her a pool - that's it covered with the blue tarp's the only flat spot left WE STARTED...
  10. New Coop 3

    New Coop 3

    It all began when I couldn't get the coop I was looking for. Finally I did but somehow I was destined to buy one. I wanted to hire someone to build one for me, either no on called me back or they said my idea was "impossibe". That led me to build my own coop. It took lot longer then expected...
  11. The Wilsons Coop Page

    The Wilsons Coop Page

    I've longed for chickens for many, many years, but I spent many of those years in apartments, where it just wasn't possible. A little over two years ago my wife Erin and I bought our first home together. It's a small property in a development, but has enough room for a small flock. We were...
  12. The Coop And Run

    The Coop And Run

    Ok, so here is information about our coop and pen. When I have a picture of the actual coop, finished, I will post it here. Ok so here we are building the run and here we are building the floor of the coop. We used part of an old deck that someone had sawed into strips and...
  13. Averys Springs Coop

    Averys Springs Coop

    Avery's Springs Disc Golf Course Coop All the wood in this coop was donated from a local man who had removed it from a church. Can we say Free-cycle. I started by building the base using some 2x6's and wood screws, Got a 4x4x12 and cut it into four 3 foot legs and attached them to the frame...
  14. The Coopin Progress

    The Coopin Progress

    The HolleyDay Hen House I researched and read, sketched and re-sketched until I came up with what I wanted. My Hubby, Don, has and is doing a fabulous, wonderful job building it inspite of his limited skills as a carpenter and in extreme heat. We decided to use the kids old swingset to use...
  15. Page 4 The Coop Begins

    Page 4 The Coop Begins

    I decided to just show the progress of our coop, a pic worth a thousand words 5
  16. Movingand A Big New Coop

    Movingand A Big New Coop

    June 12, 2012 update - Got some bad news - turns out my marriage is over and I will be leaving the lovely farm and new barn discussed below. But I thought I would leave some of the details below on this page in case anyone might find the ideas useful. Guess it's an opportunity to start a new...
  17. My Coop 4

    My Coop 4

  18. 2nd Coop

    2nd Coop

  19. The Coop 24

    The Coop 24

  20. Deathstar Pallet Coop

    Deathstar Pallet Coop

    THE DEATHSTAR TURKEN COOP This coop and run were made entirely from old pallets, old roofing, and leftover wire. Broken down and recycled into a luxury ranch for the Turken Hens and the Emperor Blue Silkie Roo. Total cost: $8.00 and 8 hours. Sorry there were no plans for this. I just made the...
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