meat birds

  1. T

    Getting homeowners insurance if we sell broiler chickens

    Hello, Wondering if anyone has had this problem and if so, how they solved it. We bought a 12 acre farm property in Pennsylvania and we are starting a business raising broilers on the property in chicken tractors in our pasture. We are very small scale at the moment with only 3 chicken tractors...
  2. T

    getting homeowners insurance if we sell broiler chickens

    Hello, Wondering if anyone has had this problem and if so, how they solved it. We bought a 12 acre farm property in Pennsylvania and we are starting a business raising broilers on the property in chicken tractors in our pasture. We are very small scale at the moment with only 3 chicken...
  3. RM18

    Salmonella, do I kill the whole flock?

    My family contracted salmonella a few days back. (I had it for a day, my husband has had it for a week now, and my son had it for about 5 days) The bird we culled was lethargic and dirty. We killed it and got rid of it but now I’m wondering if the whole flock needs to be culled... they are all...
  4. 4yearsofchickens

    Meat pheasants?

    I am thinking about raising meat chickens sometime in the future (not sure when yet) and my brother mentioned that he wants to grow meat that a thing? If so, could they be raised with my meat chickens? And what is their butchering age? Like, could they be butchered at the same...
  5. 4yearsofchickens

    Meat pheasants?

    I am thinking about raising meat chickens sometime in the future (not sure when yet) and my brother mentioned that he wants to grow meat that a thing? If so, could they be raised with my meat chickens? And what is their butchering age? Like, could they be butchered at the same...
  6. KikiDeAnime

    Tips for butchering/processing alone??

    Just found out that next year after raising the red rangers, I will have do all the butchering myself. For those who don't know, I'm getting 8-10 of them so that should give you an idea. We currently don't have a killing cone to use but I will be getting one soon. I will also have to do the...
  7. chickenchicklady

    Raising meat birds outside

    At what point can I move my chicks from their brooder to their chicken tractor? They’re a week old right now. Out temperatures are 30s-50s at night and 70-80s in the day. They’re out growing their brooder faster than I had expected.
  8. chickenchicklady

    Mystery Bird from McMurray Hatchery

    Hey all! I got a mystery bird thrown in my order of Meat birds (If I could have, I would have opted out of receiving a mystery bird because I think it will be too cold for it pretty soon), and I’m wondering if anyone has any guesses on what it could be? I’ll update with pictures every so often...
  9. ChiknforME

    In tractor 24/7

    When can I keep Cornish x in tractor 24/7 ? With Cornish x when is this possible? Do I need to make a box to lock them in at night? Or just tractor....will have one end Closed in with protection from elements.
  10. C

    newbie to chickens

    My husband & i are starting to raise our own chickens. We just harvested our first EVER batch of Cornish cross. wow - it was a hard emotional day for us. Some of those birds were friendly and loved to be petted and we did! They left this earth knowing they were loved and cared for and had the...
  11. Rolleigirl

    Local Feed Store Order - Easter Eggers?

    Hi All! A month ago I placed an order at my local feed store for 5 cornish x rock cross meat birds, 3 freedom ranger meat birds, and 2 Ameraucuna Pullets (‘easter eggers’). Today was the big day to pick them up! They had them boxed and ready to go when I arrived and because of Corona there was...
  12. ShrekDawg

    Heat plate?

    Do you have to use a heat lamp for meat birds??? I usually use heat plates or a heating pad cave (MHP) with all my chicks but I’ve read you can’t really do that with meat birds? Wondering if that’s true or not??? I’m considering getting some meat birds and would really prefer not to use a heat...
  13. Lone Star Leghorn

    Texas On Farm Processing - Poultry and Rabbits

    I was searching around for Texas specific current information on small farm processing and selling of chickens, and was able to find this. Please keep in mind this is specific information for Texas thanks to HB 410, passed by the Texas Legislature in 2019. Thought this may be helpful to others...
  14. Lone Star Leghorn

    Lone Star Leghorn Reporting For Duty

    Hey there! My wife and I are new to all this, and are interested in meat chickens. Looking forward to seeing all the information provided here. We purchased several acres in the country a few years ago out in East Texas, and are looking forward to learning and putting some clean meat in the freezer!
  15. pkarkos

    Laws on selling poultry meat for pets/captive carnivorous animals?

    Hello All, Not sure if this would go better in the local chicken laws and ordinances forum, but as it is about selling birds for meat, I was thinking you all might know more. So I am starting a quail breeding independent study on my college farm. We are planning on selling eggs and as the farm...
  16. Sire12

    What breed are these chicks?

    I think they're about 3 weeks old they came from a company that sells birds for meat but I'm planning on keeping them for laying, could they be buff orpingtons? or is it too early to tell
  17. Dfarago

    Raising food for dogs

    Hello, I am an aspiring farmer and am making attempts toward making my own dog food at home. What animals would be best to raise on the farm as an effective and efficient protein source for the dogs. We already have ducks, but the recipes I've seen online make it feel like one full size duck...
  18. jjaazzy

    EZ Plucker 131-reviews, suggestions please.

    I purchased a Yardman Plucker a couple of years ago. It worked well, but on the 2nd use had to replace GFI plug. It really throws a wrench in the plans when things do not work.... After about 10 uses over a couple of years processing 20 or so birds, it's dead. What a pain getting all set up...
  19. grandma kicken

    Cornish Rock Cross overly vivacious appetite?

    This isn't the first time I've raised meat birds, but it is the first time I've had a straight run. Normally, they're all females. I've been following the same 'recipe' in feeding amounts as I have in the past, yet this group finishes their daily feed amount within 4 hours! They've been...
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