
  1. K

    my chicken looks like her organs are falling out urgent please help

    i dont know whats happening she was fine yesterday shes just laying down and it looks like an egg or something is coming out of her shes all bloody and theres maggots too i dont know what to do please fast tw for image bc its graphic also edit shes 3 years old and hasnt laid eggs in a while...
  2. O

    Maggots please HELP

    My chicken OJ who is 6 has maggots and can’t move her left leg much. It seemed like she couldn’t move her left leg back and can’t walk on the leg, she is still walking sometimes but does it on her other leg. It seemed to be a hip dislocate or brake, but after looking closer I saw a large coin...
  3. M

    Found an injured duck with maggots, healed the injury, but now concerned about fever. Help!

    Hello, A few days ago neighbors found an injured Muscovy duck and brought her to me because I have been raising ducks and chickens in my backyard. However, I have never had a bird with such a terrible injury; the duck seemed to have been bitten by something around her tail area, and the cuts...
  4. G

    Fly strike & possible rat attack

    Our biggest rooster overheated a few days ago, he's big and active and doesn't stop to care for himself if he feels "at risk" ... We're fighting a big rat problem this summer and he's killed a few himself already, so I assume he's been worried about the rats and not drinking ... Well he decided...
  5. S

    Maggots in calf's privates?

    Howdy yall small herd guy been doing it for just under 2 years so you could say I am pretty new. Our cows just calved on Sunday and today I noticed on one of the new female calves there seemed to be at least one small white wiggler in her underneath. Should I be concerned about this? What is...
  6. L

    Help I don’t know what is wrong with my hen!!!

    I have a hen that is around 2 years old! Lately she has been standing very still and once I checked on her I saw that she has brown stuff surrounding her vent and weird green/white discharge! She isn’t eating! I have soaked her in warm water and a few maggots came out! She also makes a pain like...
  7. KatiewithZena

    Silkie bitten by dog, wound has maggots in it.

    Hi Chicken lovers. My friends chicken was bitten by its sweet border collie that has never bitten a chicken before. She now has a wound just above her vent, it's round, about the size of a fingernail, and very open. It was crawling with maggots today when I had a look at it. I washed her in...
  8. luckysamara199

    Dead cat? No explanation?

    first of all thank for taking the time to read and answer this. I am extremely sad my cat he was about 10 years old he went missing last wensday and we called his name multiple times because he always comes when you call his name and he always comes back. And today we went out to look for him...
  9. thirteen wings farms

    HELLO !! IMPORTANT HELP PLEASE DUCK ATTACKED NOSEBLEED long story it’s important though

    so on friday (it’s monday) my duck mushu was found in the evening injured and covered in fly eggs. i used a lice comb to get most of the eggs off, but a few straggling maggots made their way into her head wound, which seems to go down to the bone. it is located right between her eyes and right...
  10. D

    Permethrin for Maggots

    Hi all, I'm looking for some advice after discovering a maggot infested wound on one of our hens yesterday. We initially panicked at the sheer horror of the injury, it seems that the maggots had been tunneling away under her skin on her belly for quite awhile, and we only became aware when the...
  11. Z

    Paralyzed and worms?

    Hello, I have a silky rooster who, about a week ago, started limping. It was very slight the first day, then the next he was lying down to eat, and on the third day i had turned a dog kennel into a hospital because he wouldnt get up at all. He also eats very minimum and only notceably drinks...
  12. newb1rdmom

    Maggots & Flies

    I don’t know if this is the right section to post this but I hope it is.. I’m not sure how much of a threat flies or maggots pose to guinea fowl or chickens but ever since I placed my guineas outside in their pen flies have swarmed and swarmed. A few weeks ago I noticed maggots in the mud/dirt...
  13. Thechickentrainer1999

    Help asap fly strike

    Need help asap as this morning I discovered 1 of my hens has maggots all over her vent. How do you cure this? I have searched all morning for videos/information and have not found anything. Please someone help as I dont know what to put on there for now. 3 years ago I believe one of my hens had...
  14. R

    Duck was attacked by dogs. HELP!!

    Yesterday morning, my 2 ducks were attacked by the neighbors dogs. One was already dead before I could get outside but one was still alive. It has a big chuck missing out of his rump area. I moved him to the porch until I could get a safe area for him to stay in. While he was on the porch, he...
  15. Bird-Whisperer

    Fly strike and Vent Gleet **GRAPHIC PICS**

    Hey y’all, I have a couple sick hens: Pepper is a redstar about 4 years old and Buttercup is a golden campine about 3 years old. I noticed that both of them are lethargic, not eating, and have poop smeared all over their vent area. I assumed they had vent gleet so I put probiotics in their...
  16. M

    Ivermectin with duck

    So I got oral ivermectin and gave a dose to my sweet runner. She had more maggots this morning than last night. About when should I be expecting the maggots to die? And I read that I need to give another dose in 10 days. Should I also be adding sea salt to her soaks?
  17. B

    open wound, skin gone, maggots in body

    We have a 5 or 6 year old hen, Bernadette, Bernie for short. We got her 3 years ago. We didn't know when we got her but she was infested with mites. She almost died from them. She recovered and has done well. She has laid some of the largest hen eggs I have ever seen, like the size of large...
  18. ValerieJ

    Two down, one in sick bay...

    On Friday, I shared with you all about the eagles attacking our neighborhood chickens. I lost one and had another wounded. I thought my biggest problem was figuring out how to create obstacles in my orchard, where they live, and put some Veterycin on the quarter sized wound, the only wound I...
  19. Y

    Hen has green wing with maggots after fox attack

    Hi all Our flock was attacked by a fox 2 nights ago. One was killed and another was badly injured. The injured one has several bite marks, one of which is a deep wound to her wing which has an exposed bone. Here are some characteristics... Heavy bird, 2 years old Can stand but struggles to...
  20. awyman

    Chickens Butt Infested In Maggots.

    I have a hen covered in maggots. They are everywhere on her butt. I’ve bathed her once in a tub full of fly spray and water. Then another time in water and vinegar. It seems like she has a ball of raw flesh coming out her behind. There are still a good bit of maggots on her butt. What do I do...
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