
  1. Tribute: "Little Timmy"- Youtube Star & Farm Therapy Pet

    Tribute: "Little Timmy"- Youtube Star & Farm Therapy Pet

    Little Timmy was a Micro Serama (smallest chicken breed in the world). He was hatched in my backyard in Idaho. I was technically in city limits when I hatched him, I was just getting away with it! This is his story.... Timmy (the name he "grew" into) was not even on my radar when selecting...
  2. JelloDonut

    Rooster Cant Walk

    I just came on to seek advice and vent. I got Hops, my banatm rooster, in October as a rescue. I do not know his history. He's probably young. A bit over a week ago, he started dragging a leg. I took him in to get x-rays, and there was no sign of any injury or cancer. The first couple days I...
  3. Jaxx2

    Handling guilt over chicken loss

    (I wasn't too sure where to post this rant of a thread. If it should be taken down please let me know) My 6 month old porcelain d'uccle rooster has been battling marek's disease most of his life. After he lost the ability to stand two months ago I've been taking care of him hand and foot...
  4. April and Andy

    Preparing for new babies

    Hello everyone, Devestating news. This last week, my two babies April and Andy were attacked by an eagle while I was changing their hay in their hutch. I am absolutley devestated and reeling from this loss. My partner and I have talked it over, and we are just duck owners at heart. So, next...
  5. F

    Creepy crawlies

    Unfortunately we lost a chIcken yesterday. She wasn’t looking well so I pulled her out, laid her on the snow to examine her and discovered that she was just covered with what I think were lice (A TON of teeny tiny, sand colored little bugs). She passed within 30 minutes after I found her. So...
  6. Laura_BelgianBantams_63

    R.I.P Perri, always remembered, never forgotten.

    It was around 6:15 am in the morning that I heard the commotion. I heard panicked squawks from the chickens outside my window. I thought the flock of 9 was just being annoyed by plovers...but when I looked out my window...a fox was chasing them around. I gasped and ran to the laundry door in my...
  7. W

    (sad)Healthy duckling suddenly died...

    This is Gertrude. About a week old. She was our biggest, healthiest, happiest chick. A couple days ago she started her distress chirp. I went to her and she was not ok. She died within an hour. She was panting, gasping and obviously in distress. She was limp, in and out of consciousness, hard...
  8. V

    Lost 2 chicks; concerned about disease??

    Hello experienced chicken parents. I am a second-time chicken flock owner, and I’m running into issues I never had before which have me very concerned for my flock. Please help. In short, we have a gigantic coop that a human could probably live in, and so this go-around when starting up a new...
  9. onesweetflock

    Misery Loves Company - A Grieving Thread

    I don't really see a thread dedicated to this already, so I figured I'd make one myself! I recently lost one of my sweetest girls in such a tragic way, and dealing with it has been extremely difficult. It's only been one day, so the pain is still very fresh, and I'd like to do something good...
  10. WallyBirdie

    Chicken Math [Subtraction]

    Chicken Math is s funny thing. One day you have ten or twelve chickens, and before you know it you're nearing thirty or more! Sadly, it seems like Chicken Math has a form of subtraction... Why does the loss of one chicken make a whole yard look empty? I asked a friend this very question, and...
  11. WallyBirdie

    A Hawk Came Into the Yard....

    A hawk came into the yard... Sounds like a setup for a joke with a lame punchline. But it isn't. A hawk came into the yard and attacked my chickens. I never would have believed it if I hadn't seen it, but I came onto the scene too late. It got my Polish pretty good, she was bleeding and scared...
  12. LizzzyJo

    Remembering Piper

    I lost one of my girls today. Predation is incredibly rare for me, but she wasn't my first loss and she wont be my last, I know that. But she was a good girl. She was a 9lb Blue Orpington. She was killed by a hawk. My dog got there as fast as she could, but she wasn't fast enough. Anyway, she...
  13. R

    dealing with chicken deaths

    Today around 7:30 I came outside and realized that Moosie, my favorite partridge cochin wad eaten by a hawk. None of her body parts were left besides her blood. It seems like a hawk got into the coop since there was blood on the door and on the grass. I feel as if her death is my fault since I...
  14. V

    A tribute to our lost but not forgotten

    Can we a little tribute to my lavander orpington girl, princess, and to those who lost there girls and guys feel free to bost below <3 i msis her She was taken by a predator yesterday her name was princess always ran up to me in the morning so happily and she was so sweet she was so young barely...
  15. S

    To rehome or not?

    Hi all, I have owned two silkie chickens (Dolly and Elvis) for the past 10 years but unfortunately today Elvis was put down. Obviously the two were very close and I'm lost as to what I should do with poor Dolly. As she is 10 years old I think that rehoming might be a bit too stressful for her...
  16. T

    Lost a hen, prolapsed vent?

    I lost my first hen from what appears to have been a medical issue. In hind sight, she had been reluctant to enter the coop and seemed to want to stay in the run.. I did not force her in because I was outside with my dog, but when I went to put her in a couple hours later, she was dead. Does...
  17. rascal66

    Eagle experiences

    Today I'm sad to say I've had my first Eagle attack. It killed one of my laying Brahmas... I heard commotion outside and when I got there, it was too late. It already killed and ripped through the carcass. So with my loss now, I'm scared to allow the chickens to continue free ranging for a...
  18. C

    What predator killed one of my girls? :'( unpleasant pic in post

    Hi, I'm just trying to find some answers as I'm worried about our other 2 girls. Sorry for anyone who has experienced loss(es) to predators, it's truly heartbreaking. We thought our flock was pretty safe, walled garden in an urban area surrounded by trees and neighbours with dogs, so they...
  19. berkchicks

    Lost my first girl to an impacted crop today

    Hey guys, I know if anyone can understand how I am feeling right now, its you all. I had to have my not even 10 month old sweet Pez euthanized today and I'm devastated. 3 days ago I noticed her wattle was pale and she was a little less active and had some watery poo. Yesterday she was pretty...
  20. Henrybelle

    Feather loss?! Almost winter!

    I’m worried about one of my black stars I noticed last week a lot of black feathers around the yard and thought I’d lost one to a predator but they were all accounted for. So after inspecting all the black chickens I found the culprit. I don’t know if it’s bullying or what I don’t think it’s he...
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