
  1. G

    injured (?) toe on 2 month old pullet

    She is limping quite bad for a week now. the foot looks normal (not bumble foot) - clean healthy, normal color skin. But, her outside toe joint (at the big, base joint,) is either dislocated or non-existent. She limps quite badly on it and is not getting better. I don't see any way to splint...
  2. A

    Limping chick

    Hi all, Really hoping to get some advice/reassurance for my 3 week old chick. When cleaning their box last week, I forgot to include the non-slip mat flooring, and just put pine shavings down. The next day, my beautiful chick was lying on her side and limping. I looked at her leg and saw one leg...
  3. M

    Limp/lame hen with no apparent cause

    Hi friends, I have a 6mo old olive egger who started limping either yesterday or night before. There are no wounds or splinters or anything seemingly apparent, but she will not put any weight on it as of this morning. Yesterday she would limp around on it, but today will only hop on the good...
  4. A

    Lifeless Chicken. Please help!!

    I found one of my chickens (Amelia is her name) basically just sleeping in the middle of the day and woke up for a second but couldn’t care less that I was right beside her (they all usually try to run from me at first). I picked her up, which woke her up, and within seconds she was asleep in my...
  5. S

    Duckling slipped tendon?

    Is this a slipped tendon? And is it at both the hock and the foot? This duckling has had problems with this leg from the start, and either I couldn't see this before or it's somehow been injured since then. Some kind of developmental defect happened because that back toe is completely missing...
  6. chickenhawaii

    HELP!! bumblefoot gotten worse??

    Hi all!! This is my first post on BYC but i have been using the site for some time to look up concerns etc. We recently adopted 5 production reds and one of them came to us with a droppy comb and watery droppings. I had no clue what was wrong, she was laying fine, eating fine. A couple weeks ago...
  7. M

    Mystery injury

    I have a little barred rock rooster who is on the small side and is around over 3 months old now I think. He started limping one day and it seemed to come and go, then I noticed him making a pain noise while drinking water so I checked his crop and he seemed to have sour crop. I massaged his...
  8. RosyChickens

    Limping and red skin

    Noticed my Foxy chicken limping 😢 At a quick glance I didn’t notice much wrong, she has some newer feathers on her belly. And I noticed some red angry skin right around the base is the feathers. Should I be concerned? She’sa golden sex link about 3 years old, free range, head of the flock of 5...
  9. C

    Chick with injured knee/leg (red/purple?)

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Speckled Sussex, 3-4 days old, smaller than the others 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Limping favoring right leg. Uses were wings to balance herself, hobble along. Leg shakes a little...
  10. J

    Duck With Limp, Is It Bumblefoot or Something Else?

    1 year old, female Cayuga, good weight One of my female cayuga's has been limping for around a week. There have been no signs of an open wound and no other ducks are limping. I am including photos. Her toe is swollen but doesn't have the big black scab that would make me think bumblefoot. It is...
  11. S

    Help! Chick started limping

    One of my baby chicks started limping at about a week old. It holds it's foot way off the ground and balances on one leg. It gets around fine using its wings and it still eats and drinks some. The foot is uninjured although ive noticed the toes not growing out very fast (the chick may not even...
  12. L

    Possible bumble foot

    I have a rooster that has started limping , he seems to have a bubble with possibly yellow pus underneath, I’m thinking it’s bumble foot and want to treat it . It’s in a toe not the foot pad . I’ve heard soaking in epsom salt helps and possibly wrapping the foot . What do you guys think ? This...
  13. Woodpigeon

    Coughing and mouth breathing

    Lost a chicken to similar symptoms two weeks ago, day after a neighborhood dog killed 4 of my birds. The two remaining were stressed. This one is just going down hill fast. Mouth breathing, coughing, one leg seems immobile, and her poop is clear water with bits of green. I have treated for sour...
  14. applethechicken

    help! limping chicken/ can't use one leg

    Hi! I have an almost 6 month old (not laying yet) Rhode Island Red that has been limping for the past week. It started as a small wobble, but now she doesn't use her left leg at all. Her other leg and wings are all fine, just her left leg. Also, her toes are not curled, but they're not in their...
  15. hayleyasaurus

    Advice for duck with sprained ankle limping

    Hi! Two days ago I saw my duck Pip trip over the garden hose. She started limping immediately after. I gave her vitamin b complex and put poultry green goo on her ankle. I also used my red light therapy device on her. I think it looks slightly swollen but nothing crazy. She gets around fine...
  16. X

    Chicken Limp

    this morning my chicken has a limp. she’s walking around fine and isn’t in any extreme pain. not lethargic at all, just has a small limp. it looks like hr right pad is impacted from her walk, but after looking at both of her feet she doesn’t have any physical wounds or obvious signs of...
  17. Skibum

    Selenium/vitamin e paste/ Nutritional Yeast

    I have a chicken between 2 and 3 months. She presented with a limp about 2 weeks ago I gave her water with nutridrench for about a week and have switched back to normal water because I read it can lead to diarrhea if you don’t give them a break with normal water. She does not seem to be...
  18. V


    please help me, my 2 week old Rhode Island Red chicken is limping on one foot. The foot the chick is not using is always clamped and closed and also has some kind of black dots! i can not tell if it’s a boy or a girl I think girl considering it’s fur is uneven and a little Chucky, this chick has...
  19. J

    Peafowl limping

    So this is my two-year-old male peacock i notice that his foot is swollen and he’s limping and I don’t know why and I wanna make sure he’s okay
  20. r_o_o_s_t_e_r

    Hen limping but no obvious/visible foot injury

    Hello, I have an orpington hen who is limping on her left foot(left foot being the hurt one) I checked her foot and bottom leg for Scaly Leg and for bumblefoot and any other injuries. I see symptoms of neither. She is still eating and drinking as normal, and she doesn't seem too bothered, so I'm...
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