lice treatment

  1. henroo_101

    URGENT: How Do I Treat My Sick Hen?

    About a week and a half ago I took my bantam cochin hen, Lucy (1.5 years old), to the vet for a bulge on her face. It was determined that she had bacteria in her mouth, and was treated with Enrofloxacin for 7 days to help clear it up, which it did. The main concern was everything else we walked...
  2. A

    Peacock lice?

    Hi. My mother and I just adopted a baby peacock today and I noticed tiny white bugs all over it’s face. They’re very small and go near the eye. They’ll burrow into the fur and leave tiny white particles (what I think might be eggs) on the strange of fur. I’m super concerned. I’ve done some...
  3. MCchickies

    My chickens have lice!!!

    Yesterday at my weekly cleaning I did my check over my chickens and notice my chickens have lice. I gave them a bath yesterday to help sooth in the meantime before I can get anything for treatment. I’m going to pickup a dust bath from my local feed store, and just ordered permethrin (liquid)...
  4. saving grace

    Lice Infestation - Lots of Questions

    I noticed a couple days ago one of my hens has lice. I don't think the infestation is very bad right now, but I obviously want to completely eradicate them. I have so many questions, and I'm in a bit of a situation since I can't find any permethrin/pyrethrin spray or dust anywhere nearby. None...
  5. MetroMutt

    Stubborn chicken lice eggs? (Advice on removing?)

    For the past half a year my sweet crossbeak girl was struggling with chicken lice, we tried many things to treat her and nothing worked until some prescribed imvermectin spray a month or 2 ago! We've had no more signs of live lice on her but there are some very stubborn lice egg clumps in her...
  6. A

    Older hen unbalanced on legs and going lame. Out of ideas on how to help her!

    Looking for some advice on a poorly Bantam, she is coming up to 7 years old. First noticed at the weekend she was a little wobbly and unbalanced on her feet, with her body tipping backwards and forwards as she stood. I asked for some advice from another experienced chicken keeper who suggested...
  7. C

    Help with Mites/lice treatment

    Bit of a quick Hx on the situation: I have 25 chickens, 10 were integrated after and 1 month quarantine and treatment for black mites. Only found on 2 out of 10 but treated all with a garlic juice + essential oil blend, sprayed to vent and under wings every second day, missing a couple...
  8. NatureGirl74

    Eye lice

    I found eye lice on my pullet. It looks like she has it pretty bad. I have permethrin dust. I'm going to check all the other birds and clean out the coop. How should I put on the dust without getting it in her eyes?
  9. NatureGirl74

    Is This Lice?

    I think I found lice on one of my roos. He's separated from all the other birds (they don't get along) and I don't see any signs of the others having it. They are currently molting though. I wasn't able to check all of them as thoroughly as I wanted. It's way too hot outside. I didn't see any...
  10. J

    How long for my rooster to heal from lice?

    So I found out that my rooster had lice so I've been treating him, the coop, and the rest of the flock just in case. I've been using manna pro poultry protector, a home made spray, and sprinkled some diatomaceous earth everywhere. I have only seen lice on him but I'm still treating everyone just...
  11. averyyr

    Lice and Molting

    Hi! I recently discovered a lice problem on my chickens and I’ve been trying to figure a way to treat it but it seems all my chickens are molting. They have all the signs and I would like to treat them for the lice but I’m not sure how to do it without hurting/stressing them. They have been dust...
  12. uktech

    Should I take the hatched chick from the broody hen? Staggered hatch

    Question at the bottom if you want to skip to it. 22 days ago one of my youngest hens decided to go broody and sit on 4 eggs. For some reason, I didn't think she'd stick to it as she was just 8 months old. I was away for work so the wife and kids managed the coop duties for 5 days but upon my...
  13. Neuroscigirl

    Lice eggs concern

    I have treated with Elector PSP for lice (please leave off your comments about elector psp not being labeled for use on lice, thanks) and I see zero live lice but there are still eggs at the base of the feathers. When will those fall off? Do I need to treat again? Feeling very paranoid about...
  14. Chickenwithnobrim

    Natural lice remedy.. too upsetting?

    I am in Canada, and if anybody lives here, they know how hard it is to find pest control. Long story short, im pretty sure my previously stray chicken has lice and has passed it to my other chicken (found a louse crawling next to her eye). I can only assume they are both infested. I only have...
  15. F

    Creepy crawlies

    Unfortunately we lost a chIcken yesterday. She wasn’t looking well so I pulled her out, laid her on the snow to examine her and discovered that she was just covered with what I think were lice (A TON of teeny tiny, sand colored little bugs). She passed within 30 minutes after I found her. So...
  16. K

    Feral Goat Lice Treatment?

    I adopted an orphaned baby goat a little over one week ago, and lacking an outside companion for her, she is currently a “house goat” until we can transition her to living outside (hopefully with my mother’s pet sheep. I’m bottle feeding her and introducing her to a textured goat feed, alfalfa...
  17. Silkiemama72

    White residue on less than year old Silkie Chicken

    Hi! I’ve had chickens for a few years but this is my first time raising silkies. I’ve got three, one rooster and two adorable girls. We got them from a local breeder in May. My black silkie, Judy has some crusty/crunchy white residue on the tips of her wings. Not sure what it is. All of my...
  18. musclechicken

    Treatment for Sick hen with mites

    What can be done to help aid the recovery of a hen sick with mites (in addition to killing mites?) Discovered one of our hens has a bad case of black mites. She’s obviously not feeling well, her comb is pale and she seems lethargic and anemic. We’ve already cleaned out coop, bought the ultra...
  19. velocityoflove

    Poultry Lice Treatment Advice Needed

    Well, my chickens seem to have a bad case of poultry lice and possibly mites as it looked like there were 2 different bugs when I looked at a feather with my pocket microscope (super handy!!). They all seemed to mostly be at the shaft of the feather in between the barbs. They (23 chickens and 5...
  20. oystercrackers

    Chicken Lice!

    So, we have a chicken that we just discovered has lice. not mites, lice. I don't know what to do at the moment, we checked everybody for it, only she has it. Its not a super bad infestation, but it is definitely is getting there, What do i do?
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