
  1. Harun

    Chicks sleeping quite a bit ever since I introduced new ones.

    I've had 4 chicks for about a week now(don't know the species.) They're very active and pretty healthy, only 2 have minore pasty butt problems but I've kept it under control. Today visited Rural King with my dad and picked up 4 barred rock chicks, and introduced them to my already 4 chicks. They...
  2. T

    Lethargic Cornish meat birds. Purple comb, dying.

    Hello! I have lost 4 Cornish cross in the last 3 days. They are 5 weeks old, outside in tractor. Water, move and feed every day. 24/7 food. In Michigan where temps are fluctuating right now. Removed heat a weeks ago. found two dead 3 days ago, another the following day and another this morning...
  3. L

    Second chicken has become lethargic

    Hello, A lifetime of raising chickens and I’ve never had so many issues! My mom’s chicken became lethargic and had her tail down. She had no signs of being egg bound. We separated her and gave her electrolytes and protein. She sadly died. Now two days later another chicken is starting to...
  4. BarelyBirding

    Sick hen, paleness, lethargic and spot on tongue

    One of my year and a half old black sexlink hens is sick. There is definitely something going on but I’m not sure what. She has been a bit lethargic lately, but still eats and drinks and gets around fine. Her comb and wattles are pale, and when I looked inside her mouth she had a nasty red spot...
  5. anatis_amare

    Sick Duck - Help?

    Hello everyone. Our 2-year-old female Welsh Harlequin, Churro, appears to be ill and hasn't been acting herself lately (for about the past 2-3 days). She has been quiet, lethargic, has ruffled feathers, and isn't eating or drinking too much. She seems to be a bit more active today and yesterday...
  6. E

    Help with sick Cochen chick

    I am a new chicken owner. Past few days, the weather has been unpredictable. (80 degrees down to 45 degrees) I normally keep the chicks in the shed with a heat lamp but this time I left them in their coop. The heat lamp was on but the chicks did not go to that level of their coop. The next...
  7. D

    Ducklings dying

    Hello, I ordered 4 golden layer ducks from mypetchicken. I received them yesterday morning, when I first set them out they were all active and drinking and eating. A couple hours passed and one became lethargic and soon passed away. That night the rest continued to be relatively active, two a...
  8. S

    Sick Lethargic Bantam Rooster

    My bantam has been crowing like he was starting to crow despite being 1 year old and having crowed well for the past months. Hes also a bit lethargic and he has mucus on the bottom of his mouth which smells bad and is closing his eyes a bit. i gave him a little bit of apple cider vinegar as a...
  9. C

    6-week old chicken, brought home yesterday - lethargic, hasn't sat down, hasn't eaten

    Sorry if this is a bit rushed - all of this is happening very quickly and I'm very worried. We just brought home 18 6-week old chickens yesterday, and this chicken is the only one displaying this behavior. - hasn't eaten; after we brought her inside, she made some effort at foraging and ate a...
  10. J

    6 week old chick lethargic

    Hi all, I have been a chicken keeper for 6 weeks now. I have 23 chicks that were just treated for cocidia. The treatment ended three days ago, and everything seemed fine. This morning I went into the basement to change their food and water, and noticed one of my chicks alone on one side of the...
  11. B

    Lethargic, pale vent, dark comb, sleepy SICK HEN

    Please help! This is for my bantam hen. 1) Weak, Sleeping. She is literally limp most of the time. If she manages to stand, she is shaky and cannot walk straight. 2) Her head is down and her feathers are fluffed out. Her eyes are closed. 3) Her comb is dark and shrunken. 4) Her vent is pale and...
  12. Waqar4

    Lethargic, pooping clear liquid and lost lots of feathers. Please Help.

    Hi, I have a 18 month old frizzle hen. For the last 2-3 months she has been loosing lots of feathers. Has been excessively preening, Has lost most of the feathers from her back, her wings, tail and vent. The vent area is almost completely bald. And for last two, three weeks she seems very...
  13. Z

    Chicken, lethargic and mobility problems

    Recently I created a thread about Sunny (https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/chicken-mobility-problems-lethargic-need-help.1446727/) but I think creating another will garner more attention as she needs further help and I'm not sure what I can do for her at this point. She is a seventh month...
  14. D

    9 month old crossbeak chicken latargic and not doing well

    My little crossbeak Americana is 9 months old and yesterday we found her just about upside down in the run of the chicken coop. I had started to notice that day that she was feeling unwell and was getting my husband to help bring her inside and that is when we found her laying on the floor. She...
  15. T

    Help! Rooster lethargic

    It’s been in the freezing temps the last few days and I checked on my coop this evening around 4 and my rooster was laying down on his side with his head down. I brought him inside and used warm towels to heat him up. His energy level has not improved. I dipped his beak in water that had added...
  16. BrahmaMom1797

    Sick Silkie. Head Tilt and Lethargic.

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Silkie, approx 5 years, was a rescue. Very tiny bird so feels the same but I’m unsure. Rescued from the same flock a couple years ago as the bird I posted about recently who passed. They...
  17. MenachemEliyahu

    Lethargic and underweight Leghorn

    I found one of my chicken lying on the ground. I can’t say exactly when she stopped laying but it seemed as if she was molting. She had lost all her tail feathers and her comb is pale. She is about 10 months I’ve noticed recently that she has been lethargic. When I took her out I could feel her...
  18. WatkinsCluckers

    Lame Chicken??

    One of my Silkies a few weeks ago started to show signs of lethargy and would have her head tight to her body like a ball. Then, she digressed and kept falling over to one side to the point where she now can’t sit up anymore. I thought she was egg bound so I tried to help her that way, but...
  19. C

    Lethargic chicken

    My Australorp chicken, Tweety, who is 2 1/2 years old Is eating normally, but does not forage with the other chickens and has to be encouraged to get up and walk around. She often finds a spot and lays down for much of the day with her head down. Her tail is always down and she does not interact...
  20. AMaggio

    Turkey acting oddly

    Hi all, this is my first year with Turkeys and I have one broad-breasted white that started acting oddly last night. With it being winter I have been keeping them medium sized coop overnight and on pasture during the day. Last night one went and sat down under one of my shade structures and...
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