
  1. Tanya22

    Baby Chick around 6 weeks, is very sick! Coccidiosis treatment started but could it be a deficiency?

    We found a baby chick around 6 weeks back lying on the road and brought her back home. She (her name is Tooki) might be of the broiler breed. Not sure. But now for the past 5 days she has suddenly gotten very sick and stopped moving around. We had purchased a baby chick (Brownie) so that Tooki...
  2. lurae

    Lameness - 2 roos

    I'm not sure if it's breeding injuries but both my Marans roos are mildly lame, some days worse than others. At first I thought that a couple of the feather shafts in one of the toes of Mukluk (roo #1) was causing him to gimp around, now I'm not so sure that's it. He walks like he had chinese...
  3. T

    Lame/Peeling Leg?

    3 days ago, I separated my Ayam Cemani, Cinder, from the flock because she was limping. I've been checking her feet twice daily and there is no sign of bumblefoot. Today, I took her out so she could get some grass, and noticed her lame leg looks like it's peeling. I was hoping it was just a...
  4. MaxwellHouse

    Chronic Infectious Muscovy Illness

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) WILD MUSCOVY DUCKS 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Lameness usually only one leg and will eventually resolve. Open mouth labored breathing which never resolves. High respiratory rate...
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