khaki campbell

  1. Papaye

    Questions about different duck breeds

    Hello. I would like to add some new duck breeds in my yard... I already own Indian Runner ducks and chickens. I would want to add at least one breed that could live and free range together with my birds - with these qualities if possible : 1 - good egg layers (a breed that lays even in winter...
  2. NewJourney

    Breed identification of day-old ducklings

    At TSC there were assorted ducklings. The ducklings appeared to be blue swedish, and maybe saxony or F&W runners today. I am NOT good with identifying ducklings (yet) so I stood there scrolling through several websites showcasing ducklings. I chose to buy what I think is an Ancona, and the is...
  3. NewJourney

    Khaki Campbell Ducks and Drake(?)

    My five Khaki Campbells are now 24 weeks old. I am getting 3-4 eggs per day. Sometimes I get a double-yolk egg! I've had two so far in the 2-3 weeks that I've been getting eggs from them. I believed (until I got 4 instead of 3 eggs) that I had two drakes. Two of my birds have very orange feet...
  4. 5 Khaki Campbell ducks

    5 Khaki Campbell ducks

    Possibly 4 hens, 1 drake. Purchased as day-old asst. ducklings at TSC 7/22/2023, pic taken 10/7/2023. First-time duck owner. We had no idea they would make what we call "duck holes" in our dirt yard... I see no way to stop them except attempt to grow grass. 55-65 lbs doggy playmates also pictured.
  5. Khaki Campbell ducklings

    Khaki Campbell ducklings

    Purchased 7/22/2023 as "asst. ducklings" at TSC, this pic is when they were approx. 2 weeks old. They are Khaki Campbells. Likely 4 hens, 1 drake but still unsure at 13 weeks old 10/20/2023.
  6. K

    Need help sexing my ducks

    Hello, I have 4 ducks about 7 weeks old. They are a mix of Khaki Campbell and Appleyard and I am having a hard time determining the sex. They are still making baby peeps so I haven’t been able to determine by sound. Below are photos of each of them.
  7. C

    Khaki Campbell Gender

    I am 95% sure I have a young drake here, but thought I would see if anyone sees something different. The duckling is 6 weeks old and I believe is sounding raspy. It has some new feathers coming in on its wing that have a blue iridescent tint. Legs are yellow. I have included some up close...
  8. FrancisFarm

    Rouens & Khaki Campbells

    Hello everyone! I have been enjoying the group by searching the threads and reading everyone’s posts! My Mother’s Day ducks I’m guessing are around 7/8 weeks old. I have been trying to figure out their genders by their voices, I think the two Khaki Campbells are ducks and I think I have 2/3...
  9. M

    Khaki Campbell sexing

    My Khaki Campbell ducks are starting to get their voices in. So far I can’t tell the difference between a female quack & male noise. I’ve been looking at their beaks and have noticed that some are getting lighter, some darker, some with caramel colored beans, and some dark beans. Does anyone...
  10. C

    Is this Wet Feather?

    Hello, my khaki Campbell hens feathers are not looking ok. Is this wet feather or just damage? There has been some Drake chasing happening on and off by other “groups”. Everyone is “twitterpated” right now 🤦🏻‍♀️ lol. If it is… I can’t figure out the cause as we have a natural pond and a small...
  11. saving grace

    Duck Won't Bathe Anymore

    Hello, I've got another question about my Khaki Campbell hen who I've been having issues with. Here's a previous thread in which I put some of her details about her past, so I don't have to rewrite all of that...
  12. ben-marko

    KC are supposed to be bad parents...?

    Well, my hens were secretly laying eggs in an old henhouse and I was surprised to see them taking turns going in there throughout the day. They've laid a LOT of eggs. Good grief!
  13. S

    Khaki Campbell duckling with curled toes

    I have a roughly 3 week old Khaki Campbell duckling and both of its feet are curled. How do I make a splint for it? Or is it too late? The poor thing just scrambles around and I'm not sure its getting to the water in their brooder. I included photos of its feet. All of my ducklings get niacin...
  14. E

    New Ducklings Hatched! Breed ?

    Good Morning! This is the first time we decided to hatch our own ducklings from our eggs collected from our ducks! However, I have two drakes. So I’m not positive what mix I ended up with! They’re adorable either way just curious what y’all think!? I have a male khaki Campbell and Blue...
  15. Flipcat

    Three day old duckling having seizures?

    This is my first hatch, from which only four Khaki Campbell ducklings came out. Three siblings hatched on the 6th of March and this one took one more day to hatch. He was the first one to make a dent on his shell but then it stayed like that for two or three days until it finally hatched without...
  16. akf93

    Khaki Campbell Sexing

    I’m struggling with this one! 3 month old Khaki Campbell. I have two hens for sure. But this third still hasn’t changed wing colors. It’s bill is more green than the others. But it’s quack is not super distinguishable either way. It doesn’t sound at all like my drakes but it’s not loud or...
  17. akf93

    Khaki Campbell Sexing

    I’m struggling with this one! 3 month old Khaki Campbell. I have two hens for sure. But this third still hasn’t changed wing colors. It’s bill is more green than the others. But it’s quack is not super distinguishable either way. It doesn’t sound at all like my drakes but it’s not loud or...
  18. Northern U.S. Duck Coop for Ducks

    Northern U.S. Duck Coop for Ducks

    I took all of the stuff out and I'm putting in a circulating waterer. 5 gallon bucket with 1/2" PVC with nipples and some cup type waterers, but I don't trust those. I of course will still have plenty of clean fresh water in rubber bowls from TSC. I've also moved the fence back by 2' further...
  19. ducksndaisies

    Khaki Campbell Cannot Stand, Any Advice Appreciated

    Hello all! This is my first post on BYC, and while I would have preferred it to be on a happier note, after two weeks of worrying, I feel I need to seek all the advice I can. We have a 2.5 year old Khaki Campbell duck who lives with one other Khaki and two Anconas, all females and all the same...
  20. MrsGray1211

    New duck owner

    Hi friends! I’m new to the duck forum. We have 8 hens and a rooster and decided we’d like to add ducks to our flock. I am looking for suggestions as a first time duck owner. I just ordered four female Khaki Campbell ducklings from McMurray hatchery. We have a large kennel for them to roost in...
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