japanese bantam

  1. harice4806

    Japanese bantam mix?

    Got this little guy just yesterday. After some input from folks on the BYC Facebook page it seems he's some sort of Japanese bantam mix. I guess bc his legs are dark instead of yellow? Any ideas of what mix? He's more slender than other pics I've seen online while looking. More streamlined like...
  2. MasterOfAllChickens111

    Japanese Bantam Questions.

    I got some new Japanese Bantams. I’ve never had this breed in my life. They are black tailed white Japanese Bantams. A woman sold two clutches to me. One hatched on April 2 and the other hatched on March 28. The March’s one are 3 weeks old today. I just want to know if I have boys/girls. It...
  3. MasterOfAllChickens111

    Japanese Bantam Genetics. Questions?

    I was reading about Japanese Bantams. They are True Bantams and all I see are smooth feathered. Do they have pure breed frizzle Japanese Bantams. Do they make them and if they do. How?
  4. hhouck514

    What sex is my Japanese Bantam?

    I hope you can help sex Quintin, the Japanese Bantam.
  5. Cyprus

    Japanese Bantam x Serama

    I have two male mottled Japanese bantams. They are hard enough to come by as it is here, much less the females. My boys are rather large. In the interest of lowering their size, and due to limited availability, I purchased today two young black mottled Serama pullets. One is smooth, the other is...
  6. D

    Mixing Hamburg and Japanese Bantams

    Hi, I have 3 bantams, 1 Hamburg and 2 Japanese. The Japanese stick together and the Hamburg tends to get left out. Is this common? If I got another Hamburg, would they bond like the Japanese have done? Many thanks.
  7. RainForestBird

    WANTED ROOSTERS: Bantam Blue or Black Cochin, Japanese Buff with Black Tail, Svart Hona

    Hi, Looking for the following roosters: Bantam Blue or Black Cochin Japanese Buff with Black Tail Blue Serama (Trade for splash and mottled roosters) Looking for the following hens: Bantam Blue or Black Cochin Svart Hona Call Duck (Nutmeg, Fawn or Buff preferably) Australian Spotted Ducks...
  8. RainForestBird

    LOOKING FOR ROOSTERS! Bantam blue Cochin, Japanese Buff Black Tail, Svart Hona

    Hi, I am looking for these roosters Bantam Blue or Black Cochin Rooster and a Japanese Buff with Black Tail. I also need two Svart Hona hens to go with the lone rooster that hatched (from shipped eggs) I need two female Call Ducks - preferably nutmeg color and / or two female Australian...
  9. CacklingRanch

    Fun fall photoshoots!

    Here's a few from one of mine, show me yours!
  10. RainForestBird

    18 Serama Eggs & Japanese Bantam Eggs (buff w/black tail)

    Exactly 18 Serama eggs and 6 Japanese Bantam (buff with black tail) eggs. These Seramas come from 4 different bloodlines (including show quality birds) and are all smooth feathered, and tiny, most hens weigh in at 8-12 ounces. Most colors and splashes are included in my flock. Japanese Bantams...
  11. Pugsabi

    First Hatching Experience. Serama and Japanese Bantam.

    Thank you so much @RainForestBird ! My shipped eggs arrived today. They were packaged beautifully. Unfortunately, USPS not only took them on a scenic route, but they also bounced them about a bit. Even though they only had to cross one state line, it took them four days to get here. They were...
  12. S

    Black or Gray Japanese Bantams?

    I'm just getting into bantams, I am currently breeding Svart Honas, and a couple breeds of call duck. I am a 4-H shower, but do travel to Jr/Open shows, so my question is which one would provide better for breeding and showing, or just other little facts about the breeds? I know the Black...
  13. Clucklandia

    I wanna know more: Broody Japanese Bantams

    :frow Hello there! I got a 10 month old Japanese Bantam hen. She and her roo have made a great pair with her previous owner and has hatched eggs. Now that they are settled here, broodiness had begun! It's day 7 and they have 9 eggs. I wanna know more about them for now and in the future. Some...
  14. toomanyjewels

    ISO Japanese Bantam chicks in MA

    Hello, I hatched out some Japanese bantam chicks and I am looking to add a few more birds to my flock. I am in Attleboro MA. Thanks !
  15. forfelyx

    Chabo Silkie Cross

    Hiya! I'm excited to announce that my dear silkie hen Malf has successfully hatched four beautiful chicks. The father is a young Chabo (Japanese Bantam) roo we call Solaire. The little crosses all appear healthy and happy, but I had a question. The first three eggs all hatched right on time, all...
  16. Nedy

    What are my teeny Bantams?

    I bought two teeny weenie chicks from local feed store that didn't know what they were other than bantams. They had come in as assorted Bantam chicks. I believe one is a black breasted red old English game chicken and I'm hoping the other one is a Japanese bantam. It's a little black fluffy...
  17. suntonova

    Chicken with weak/paralyzed leg

    I have a Japanese bantam hen, around 6 months old. Koko suddenly started limping on one leg about a week ago. She was totally fine one day, then apparently paralyzed in her left leg the next. She's not walking on the leg at all and the foot is curled under. I'm not totally sure it's paralyzed...
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