indian runner

  1. Tannerpauldean

    ISO Indian Runner Hatching Eggs

    I just lost pretty much my entire flock of juvenile ducks (13 of 14). I went away for a weekend with my wife and had a friend watch the ducks for us. One thing led to another, and now we have one duck left... Anyway, I really want to get my flock back. I would like to buy 12-18 eggs to work on...
  2. Indianrunner123


    My indian runner duckling came of of his shell 8 hours ago and was fine until now. He has started violently throwing his head back and it seems like he is goin to die. I had this problem last year with lots of ducklings but i blamed it on inbreeding ( i had bought their parents as a pair )...
  3. Goldenjen

    Hello from Oregon

    Hi everyone, I've been reading this site for ages and figured it was time to introduce myself. I live in Portland (OR) with my husband, daughter, mouse, fish, and two chickens, and I am currently on day 26 of incubating 8 Cayuga ducklings. I currently have one barred rock and one retired rescue...
  4. A

    Best place to get Indian runner ducks?

    I want some Indian runner ducks and TSC doesn't have them. Where is the best place to get them?
  5. QuickGirl16

    My New Obsession

    Hello, I'm about to move on to my very own farm. While thinking of all of the possibilities I began thinking of all of the different animals I had growing up and all the ones I always wanted. I knew first thing I wanted ducks! As a kid we would raise ducks and sooner or later they would love...
  6. S

    Sick Indian Runner Duck?

    We have two ducks, a Black Cayuga and an Indiana Runner. They just turned 3 years old and today I noticed the Indian Runner, Maisy, acting stranger than usual. He started acting like he was chasing his tail, like a dog runs in circles chasing his.. They usually spin in circles while playing in...
  7. GratitudeGates

    Starting Over

    We live in Idaho and in 2012 I got my first batch (4) of chickens as of today we are down to just one hen left RITA - Ameraucana she was the meanest of all of them and she now finds herself alone my ducks tolerate her. We also have (4) ducks that are about a year old 2 pekins Lilly and Daffodil...
  8. jbear697

    What breed am I? Ducks.

    Bought these two at the auctions today dirt cheep as they are un-sexed and unknown breed. If anyone had ideas on what they could be it would be greatly appreciated. I thought Indian runners because they do stand more upright than my Muscovys but the white one also looks like a pekin. There is a...
  9. Ducktown

    Non-flying ducks and their desire to fly

    Here's the thing, I have 3 Indian runner ducks which are not supposed to fly - at all. During their 7 months or so, they had shown extreme desire to fly and on several occasions, I have noticed they can lift off and fly 3 meters above ground, possibly higher. Longest distance so far was today...
  10. S

    Puffed up cheek Indian Runner Duck

    Hi, it’s me again. Lol I finally found a female duck for my drake, took her home 1 week ago ago and put them in their coop outside for the first night last night... it was quite cold (-1C) but they had a nice dry bedding with hay. This morning I noticed that the girl had a puffed up cheek (see...
  11. S

    Indian Runner Drake Behaviour

    Indian Runner Duck by Spelnight posted Dec 10, 2017 at 6:00 PM Hi, This is the one duck hatched from my first incubator, he’s now 12 weeks old and the curly feather just appeared on his tail. We raised him in the house like you would do with a normal pet. In the last two days he started this...
  12. goreybabe

    Drakes only flock question

    Hi everyone. We have group of 3 Indian Runner drakes (6 months old) that free range in our backyard during the day. They forage a lot, but I also put out feed for them. The chickens eat their food as well. I was reading that it is okay for ducks to eat chicken feed if you supplement with Niacin...
  13. jess.richo

    QUACK - where is my bloody sister?

    Okay, so I have two ducks, one Ancona and one Indian runner who is blind in one eye. I also have thee Isa Browns and they all best beautifully in their coop at night and lay eggs in the nesting box attached to the coop. My two ducks sleep under the coop at night however now my Indian runner is...
  14. danielleparry

    Duckling emergency

    hi, I've got 3 broody ducks with no drake (they are not good breeds to be mothers so decided not to get a drake). so obviously nothing was gonna happen there, I let them sit for just shy of 4 weeks, before I decided they had earnt some ducklings, I bought 10, day old ducklings to share between...
  15. Exbattheros

    Broody Indian runner duck

    Hello :celebrate One of my Indian runner ducks (Emma) has became broody! She did this before around a month ago but after about 3 days of me being vigilant and taking the collected eggs out of her best she was fine! Although this time it has been going on for about 6-7 days now and Emma has...
  16. gooseler

    Day 28: Tapping but not pipping? (Indian Runners)

    So it's day 28, and two of my five eggs have (I assume) internally pipped, and are actively tapping on the inside of the shell. My problem is that they have been doing this for over a day now, and there still hasn't been any pipping. I'm sure I'm getting worried for no reason and that they know...
  17. Ducklebutt

    HELP!!! Limping!

    I woke up this morning to find one of my runner ducklings limping on his right leg and sat down every chance he gets! I'm worried he did something in the night or maybe slept on it wrong? I'm so unsure. I want this guy to survive as I only have four ducklings and he's such a sweetheart. When he...
  18. noodlebell

    Indian Runner Cayuga Ducks need good home

    So, I think I need to find a home for two of my 5 month old male ducks. They are becoming aggressive with each other and with my females. The fact is I have too many males (6:4). I hate that I even have to write this. But, if any of you knows someone in Georgia that would give these 2 sweet boys...
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