
  1. Fallenone05

    Brinsea Mini 2 Advance questions!

    Hey y'all! I got my first incubator and it's a Brinsea Mini 2 Advance. I'm on my last week of incubation, my six eggs are growing and thriving!! I've got a hygrometer/thermometer inside the incubator and my humidity has been around 35-40%. It's been reading about 2F cooler than what the...
  2. ShrekDawg

    KDOGG331’s Hatch Thread!!!

    @FortCluck thought I should make a thread for my hatch and I thought that was an excellent idea so here I am!! :D Sooooo.... I kind of sort of accidentally ordered hatching eggs about a week and a half ago. :lau :hide They just shipped out today!! I am super excited!! They are assorted...
  3. D

    incubation to 2500m over the sea

    maybe somebody, has incubated eggs to 2500m over the sea, do you have any recomendation about temp or humidity. I have a incubator from farm innovators pro series incubator 4250, and from 30 eggs i have hatch 2 TKS
  4. Eggs2chicks

    Help. 3, 5 day old chicks and 2 abandoned eggs starting to pip.

    Ok so hen gave up after first 3 hatched and we had to bring them in as it’s cold outside. Now 1 has started to pip and the other should be right behind that. How do I integrate them with the mother and other two chicks when they finish zipping out??
  5. B

    Hatching Quail eggs day 19 no movement

    Hi all, new here :) I've been incubating some quail eggs I bought from the shops (Saw a few of the Youtube videos saying this was possible!) Thought it would be a good experiment. This is my first time incubating quail eggs. I started out with 33 eggs, was candling a quite a few and couldn't...
  6. OneFowlMama

    Pip but no movement - shrink wrapped?

    I woke up this morning to see a pip in one of my eggs, super exciting! It looks as though it's the bubs elbow slightly sticking out of the pip hole. It's been a few hours with no movement or peeps to be heard, the humidity was at a steady 70% so I left it be. I came back inside around an hour...
  7. Quail_Kid

    Incubating Quail Eggs! Hatch-A-Long!

    Today (9/29/2019) i'm incubating quail eggs. 15 JUMBO Pharaoh Coturnix. I'm using the Farm innovators Model 2250 Digital Circulated Air Incubator here's the link--> I'm also dry incubating which from what I've seen has better test results.
  8. Muscovy Wunda


    Long story short, I thought hen was sitting on dud eggs so we went to investigate., I didn't think to tell my husband careful picking up incase she's holding eggs... well one dropped and top of shell broke off. Membranes still intact. Chick is wiggling inside membrane. Rushed egg to incubator...
  9. P


    New to breeding show chickens. Can you recommend a good incubator?
  10. FortCluck

    Incubator and incubating advice

    We are looking to incubate eggs in January but I really want to learn everything that I can before we jump into it. When you collect the fertile eggs do you just leave them out until it's time to incubate them? Is there a period of time that the eggs should sit out before you put them in the...
  11. Beaglemomof5

    Quail eggs. What am I doing wrong?!!!

    I put 96 quail eggs in the incubator, kept the temp at 99.5-100 degrees, humidity between 40-50% the first 20 days, then when we took them out of the automatic turner, we kept the humidity around 65-70%. On day 21 they started pipping (yay - even though it was 2 days early!) The ones that...
  12. A

    Chick internally pipped yesterday, now no noise or external pip

    It’s day 22, my eggs are a bit delayed because of temperature fluctuations, but this morning (UK 9 am) I had two eggs cheeping, one has externally pipped, but the other one has gone quiet, with no external pip or movement, (5:30 pm). Should I intervene? I really need replies on this ASAP
  13. S

    Teaching my daughter! (First time I’ve hatched eggs in 10 years)

    Hi all, thanks for reading. My two year old daughter is desperate for hens and ducks, and for someone her age she is extremely inquisitive. She understands they come from and egg and grow - and even that in some cases they’re eaten! So this will be my first hatch in 10 years (I used to keep...
  14. MasterOfAllChickens111

    Fertile Mystery ??

    I have a hen that laid 3 eggs. All three eggs were fertile. The hens name is “Elizabeth”. Elizabeth had a man before the one she has now. She laid a egg and it turned out fertile. On the 2 day, the unborn chick had passed away. She gets one of my special roosters. She laid 2 eggs and they were...
  15. heavenzeyes

    Mixed Breed Incubation Lockdown

    Ok so I've gotta lotta different chicken breeds and sizes. I've typically placed the same size & breed eggs together for incubation and have started their lock-down at day 18. However I have a few bantams that have recently started laying eggs & sharing the same nesting spot with the larger...
  16. Chickadee-Dee

    Hatching button quail eggs

    Hey all, My female is constantly wanting to hatch eggs, but every time one hatches she ends up trampling the poor soul to death and then ignores the other eggs and they eventually dont make it. I haven't been able to acquire an incubator that I like for their tiny eggs so I normally just take...
  17. Nathalie

    Wassup, peeps! :)

    Hello to everyone! My name is Nathalie, I'm 48 years young and I'm born, raised and live in Belgium - Europe. Since there are no proper forums to be found in my region concerning the "problem" I have, let alone in a language that I actually do understand, I decided to give this one a try. I've...
  18. Happy Henny

    June Silkie Hatch-A-Long

    Hi, I'm Hatching shipped eggs for the first time from Magnolia silkies. They are Blue and Splash silkie bantam hatching eggs and I put all 3 of my eggs in the incubator already. I candeled them yesterday and they are all developing well but one has a detached aircell. They are due to hatch...
  19. bazhoward2803

    Day 14 hatching King quail, all i see is darkness apart from the air sack

    PLEASE HELP I am about to go in to lock down with my king quail eggs, i have candled them but all i can see is darkness and the air sack at the fat end of the egg. Are these eggs still viable? or would you guys say that nope, they are a lost cause, any help would be great! Thanks
  20. Knighstar679

    Rotating egg recommendation with detached air cells

    I am in the middle of a self debate right now. I have two set of shipped eggs both have really bad air cells, extremely wobbly. I can leave them in my “China” bator that has an auto turner that turns the eggs every two hours, or I can put them in a homemade bator with an incukit incubator system...
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