incubated eggs

  1. W

    one egg not hatched day 23, but still alive, no pip

    Hi I just incubated 8 eggs, one was an early quitter. When I candled on day 16, all 7 were developed and moving, but one looked noticeably smaller maybe by a few days (but moving with good veins). Fast forward to hatch day and 6 chicks hatched on day 21. The one I had previously noticed as...
  2. ChickaChicka1

    Day 21 no internal or external pips **PICTURES

    Hi there! This is my first time incubating eggs, so I don't really know what to be looking for. On March 2nd, I set 7 Barred Plymouth Rock eggs (they are shipped eggs I got from Meyer Hatchery) in the incubator around 1pm, which makes today day 21. 5 eggs made it to lockdown. The temperature...
  3. M

    First time Hatcher needing Help!

    Hello! I have had a heck of a first hatch. There are currently 11 eggs in my incubator, which was at 71% humidity when the first chick hatched yesterday. All was well, but her hatching bumped humidity up to 85% very suddenly. Shortly after, the next chick hatched but was not fully developed...
  4. ChickaChicka1

    Tips for hatching shipped eggs

    Hi there! I ordered some Barred Rock hatching eggs from Meyer Hatchery last week, and they are supposed to come sometime next week around Tuesday or Wednesday. This will be my first time hatching eggs in an incubator. I have a Kebonnix 12 egg incubator set up at home. Do y'all have any tips for...
  5. T

    How long should I wait to remove chicks

    Hi there! So I have around 21 eggs in the incubator and 8 or 9 have hatched. They began hatching on day 20 very early in the morning. We're now early morning of day 22. Im wondering when would be a good time to take out the chicks that have hatched. I still have 11 eggs left but I know if I open...
  6. Cheetah Chicks

    Broody hen sit on machine incubating eggs ?

    Hi All Its an urgent situation. Since several weeks one of my.hen was getting puffy like puffer fish if any rooster comes near or behaving touch me not types. I realise that this is a precursor behaviour of being broody. Now she is broody since yesterday,and i am already incubating the eggs...
  7. F

    PLEASE HELP! Eggs dying before hatching?

    I have hatched peacock eggs for a couple of years now and have always had good hatch rates. Usually I have a 90% hatch rate but lately I have had about 25%. Pretty much all of the eggs are fertile and seem healthy right up till it’s time to hatch and then they die. They don’t even internally...
  8. C

    How is hatching stored and unrotated eggs possible ?

    Hello all, I am honestly a bit stumped. I am wondering why the eggs in my incubator are developing when they have been stored incorrectly ? They have been stored pointy side up in an egg carton for who knows how many days long and not rotated at all ! I have seen a handful of videos and...
  9. C

    Is my duck dead or alive? It has a black tail

    Hi. A duck came to nest in our garden a while ago. She was very camouflaged and didnt know she was there for a long time. Sadly she abandoned the nest, we left the eggs outside for about 2 days hoping she'd return but didn't, so we've taken them in. I've recently been incubating the eggs and...
  10. RachsChix

    Hatching in an incubator — advice

    This is my second time ever trying to hatch my own eggs. I had only 1 hatch my first go around so I got a new incubator because the one I was initially using was an old hand me down. Round 2, I followed everything. Candled at day 18 and got them ready to go for lockdown. 4 hatched… on day 19…...
  11. A

    Working with the yellow box of death

    Hi everyone! I've recently incubated my first/second batches of eggs but wanted to do a bit of troubleshooting/verification around my process and see if the deaths I got was user or seller error. I purchased 6 French wheaten maran chicks and began incubating them in a Janoel 12 borrowed from a...
  12. TheBirdBabe

    Irresponsible hen!

    I went out to check on my mama hens this afternoon. I have two of them, one with 3 hatched chicks & one with 4 unhatched chicks. The hen that's supposed to be on a nest was out on the town with her friends. This isn't the first time she's left the kids home unattended. 😒 So my CPS (chick...
  13. MiniBarnFarmMaine

    Which Is The BEST Incubator?

    Thinking of hatching some of my eggs that my new layers just started laying. Cracked one the other day and it is indeed fertile (white bullseye). Which incubator have you used faithfully that gave you the best hatch rates?
  14. katie_94

    Help! Quail was stuck in egg for 10+ hours so I helped it out and now I'm worried.

    Disclaimer: this is my first time raising and hatching quails. Last night around 7-8 pm (day 17 of lockdown), one of our eggs in the incubator was zipping and I could see its beak. I then went to bed believing it would get itself out eventually. Fast forward to 1pm the next day, I noticed it...
  15. So you want to start raising chickens? Here are a few things to consider.

    So you want to start raising chickens? Here are a few things to consider.

    Raising chickens isn't for everyone, but if you want to get started on bringing up your own flock, here are some things to consider. Space: Before even considering starting your new flock, you must make sure you have the space for them in the first place. How much space do you need? Well, this...
  16. FiestyFeathersFarm

    Shipped Eggs Busted *Questions*

    Looking for advice on what to do. Today I got my shipped hatching eggs after 7 days of transit. Some arrived smashed and the box smelled really bad of course. I cleaned up the ones that weren’t cracked but I’m worried the eggs that survived the trip could have been contaminated by bacteria of...
  17. Pollito Pelon

    July Hatch long

    Hello everyone I will be raising dual purpose chickens for the next few months to have a small supply of eggs and meat and to sell locally I will be posting pictures of progress feel welcome to join this journey here are my naked neck and orpington mix chick's hatching
  18. C

    Entire batch dead in shell

    Day 24, had 1 pip but no movement for 24 hrs. All other eggs silent, still and starting to smell. Decided it was time to investigate. The pipped egg I slowly slowly started to help out but soon realised the chick was dead. The pipped hole had shrink wrapped to it, it was malpositioned (pipped on...
  19. Deejo20

    My intro / Dee / suburban mom / brandon

    1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? yes I’m totally new. Thought about it for years but this is our first foray. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 10 incubating eggs (3) What breeds do you have? Unknown possible black silkies or mixture (4) What are your...
  20. Lpskitfit

    Incubating Duck Egg with Insulated Lunch Box

    Hello all! My ducks are not being broody at all and I've finally decided to try and incubate them myself without an incubator. I've got an insulated lunch box, a heating bad, and some warm wet wash rags with an egg. My mom put the mallard egg we had in the fridge so I've been left with a large...
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