
  1. CRH

    WHAT CAN I DO????

    I made a post about how my duck stopped laying on her eggs.. and when we held them to the light this is what they looked like (pic in post).. So my question is… I believe my duck laid on 5/27/23 we checked the egg on 6/11/23 (that’s the pic) and we noticed on like 6/13/23-6/14/23 she had...
  2. CRH


    The title is a little much but I’m in need of serious help. My ducks had eggs turns out they were fertilized there about 10 of them? there mama has been sitting on them daily but 2 days ago, I picked up an egg and out it to our Hatcher light (pic in post). To see if it was fertilized and it...
  3. J

    105F Temperature spike

    Hi all! I was having a bit of a incubator crisis. My Nuture Right 360 was having problems, so i switched my eggs to A Little Giant that I installed a fan in. I always have extra thermometers in my incubators also! The eggs are technically in lockdown and last night I woke up and decided to...
  4. 2 Snowflake Bobwhite Quail Eggs in the Incubator

    2 Snowflake Bobwhite Quail Eggs in the Incubator

    Here are 2 Bobwhite eggs developing. You can see active little chicks inside with good veining which is an indication the incubation is going well and the c...
  5. basiljowii

    Embryos/Ducklings Dying late in incubation

    Ive already made a similar post to this and tried the feedback I got from there with unfortunately no success. We've been trying to hatch a duckling for nearly 3 months now and haven't managed to hatch one. The Ducklings/Embryos develop well and always look healthy inside of the egg. Yet, when...
  6. J

    Fan next to incubator

    Does anyone run a fan next to the incubator to help with humidity and circulation. This is the incubator we have. No turner and no fan inside. I used to do like 50% humidity until day 18 with about 50% hatch rate. Then I switched to 35-40% and got about 85% hatch. This time I can’t seem to get...
  7. basiljowii

    Duck Embryos Dying late in Incubation

    we’ve been trying to incubate duck eggs for about two and a half months now with no success. We have gotten to day 26 and then the ducklings would just die. The temperature we’ve tried incubating them at is 37.5 degrees Celsius and the humidity is 50%. We’ve had about 15 fertilised eggs that...
  8. J

    Urgent! Day 29 no pipping

    So it's day rocking, no pipping, nothing. The second day of incubation the plug came out so they cooled and we started again on day 3. Could this mean the eggs will just take longer to hatch? Or have my baby duckies died?
  9. M

    Are these fertilized??

    Hey! I’m new to the incubation process and am trying to figure out if my eggs are fertilized or not. I’ve cracked a few open and think I see “targets” or “bullseyes” but I’m unsure lol so here’s some pictures. Any input is welcome! Thanks!
  10. stephmarie333

    First hatch was a success

    I just hatched my first ever eggs in the incubator! I started with 12 eggs and lost 2 during early candling due to them not progressing- All 10 of the eggs left hatched! Not bad for my first time! I have no idea the breed of these chicks so I'm excited to see what they grow into. (neighbor gave...
  11. N

    Is this a blood ring?

    Hello all and thanks for this amazing forum! I’ve been reading many threads in here and also incubating some duck eggs. This is my first time incubating, and I’m quite worried about this egg. The first few days, we turned the eggs horizontally by hand, twice a day. Everything was going great...
  12. A

    Newly Hatched Duckling Cracked Other Egg

    Hi everyone! I just had my first duckling hatch! There are 3 other eggs in the incubator, and she was moving all around after hatching and looks to have bumped into and somehow cracked a piece of shell off one of the other eggs that just started to internally pip last night. The crack is on the...
  13. ravensravelry

    Day 21

    I'm on day 21 (starting from the first 24 hours) incubating some barnyard mix babies and I'm getting worried because on day 18 the air cells looked fine to me (this is my second time hatching ever, my first attempt was unsuccessful) but I didn't see any movement in any of them. To be fair...
  14. M

    Are my eggs dead after 3 days of incubation?

    Hi, could someone please tell me if these eggs looks dead in the attached photos? They have been incubating for only 3-4 days.
  15. C

    Is my duck dead or alive? It has a black tail

    Hi. A duck came to nest in our garden a while ago. She was very camouflaged and didnt know she was there for a long time. Sadly she abandoned the nest, we left the eggs outside for about 2 days hoping she'd return but didn't, so we've taken them in. I've recently been incubating the eggs and...
  16. M

    Age variances

    I am hatching some eggs given to me by a friend since her current mother's aren't willing and I own an incubator. However, the ages are unknown. I candles them and I believe majority are early on but that one will hatch very soon. With in a few days. So what do I do about temperature and turnin...
  17. T

    Pipping early!

    Help! This is my first incubation. I’m not going to be home today or tomorrow so I took the eggs from the turner last night and added more water to raise humidity (day 17). This morning I checked on them before leaving and one is pipping and chirping. What do I do? If anything? If/when it...
  18. Reawsphant01

    Problems with Brinsea OvaEasy 380 floor

    Hi guys, It been a while, unfortunately I sold all my hens and my hatching business because I had to focus on my Alevels. But I still have my Brinsea OvaEasy Incubator in my garage sitting there collecting dust. So I decided to sell it, upon doing so realised that the metal on the floor of the...
  19. T

    Need help figuring out what went wrong

    I am new to incubating chicks and had a first batch come out decently so I am on a 2nd batch now. Its almost lockdown time but when I went to check the eggs that were alive almost a week before, half of them were not developed almost since then. The eggs were accidentaly stored blunt end down...
  20. D

    Chick hatched 1.5 days before others

    Hi all! I had a chick hatch 1.5 days before the others, now followed by 6 others and now another is just coming! I know I cannot open the incubator while the one is hatching out and drying But I am wondering if there is any concern of the one who’s been now without food/water since hatching...
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