
  1. NineChickens

    Can fly veils fit under fly masks?

    I found a fly mask I like but it doesn't have ears. Would it be comfortable for the horse to put a fly veil under the mask?
  2. ShrekDawg

    Who has horses?

    I know there's a lot of threads on horses already but I don't think most are active anymore cause I replied to a bunch so I figured I'd make my own. I don't own any horses yet but I want to eventually. I don't think I will on this property or anytime soon because I'm trying to save to move out...
  3. NineChickens

    What color is this horse?

    I was thinking maybe a palomino roan. Does anyone know?
  4. NineChickens

    New horse checklist

    Just looking ahead. Does this look right, should I add anything? Bathing: [ ]Bucket [ ]Rubber curry [ ]Sponge [ ]Sweat scraper [ ]Shampoo [ ]Detangler [ ]Tote Grooming: [ ]Tote [ ]Hold picks [ ]Stiff brushes [ ]Soft brushes [ ]Rubber curry comb [ ]Fly spray [ ]Sleekez Stall: [...
  5. MT Stringer

    Down on the farm

    My step daughter's family lived on a farm a few miles out of Bristow, Ok. They had 70 acres, most of which was used to produce hay for their animals. They had a contract with a guy that would cut, bale and haul all they have and they got a percentage stored in their barn. Horses, hogs...
  6. D

    What is going on with my mares Skin!?

    I've recently noticed these weird patches on my mare, there's large dandruff like pieces and some hair is falling out. Mainly on the side of her neck, on the throat latch and shoulders. Doesnt seem to be bothering her but it needs to be dealt with. Does anyone know what it is or how I can treat...
  7. B

    New chicken owners

    Good morning! We have a dozen Buff Orpingtons, (9 black and 3 yellow chicklets (we are calling them that, since they are much younger, got them a week ago)) and now 2 roosters! My husband had chickens when he was a child and since we now own a small hobby farm we wanted to have some chickens to...
  8. PouleNoire

    ♞Equestrian Chat Thread!♞

    Hello!:frow Welcome to the equestrian chat thread! This thread is for anyone who absolutely adores horses or just rides every so often! No one if left behind! If you ride, train, breed, show, drive, etc, welcome this is the thread for you! I am so excited to get to meet others who are as...
  9. sannabelle

    Snowballs in unshod horses

    Hello there!!! Here in the Midwest it has been quite cold (-6) and icy/snowy for us the past few days- this morning I noticed our mini pony, horse, and donkey all had snowballs on their hooves. The big horse wasn’t too bad but the mini and the donkey had a good amount packed in their hooves...
  10. MyISAbrownhens

    Chickens want to hang with the horse?

    I have five hens and unfortunately, since so many people in my neighborhood let there dogs run loose without a leash, I can't let my chickens free range a lot for their safety, they have a big enough run with 15 sq ft per chicken, I try to let them have supervised free ranging as much as...
  11. kostistlac

    Schleich Horses - Am Limes 69 D-73527

  12. abigalerose


    I'm currently buying 5 acres (with a house in the middle) and I'd like to fence it for a couple horses and a cow, I plan to do t-posts and 5 strands of barbless wire and 1 strand of hot wire at the top, that way there's no barbs, but the hot wire keeps them from leaning, and if the hot wire gets...
  13. abigalerose

    Horse Talk 2

    Well, I can't find my original "Horse Talk" post that was a million pages long, I'm not sure if it's just because I have no idea how to work this new site, or if it's gone forever, but I guess it's time to start a new one! So, @Bunnylady, @Kusanar, and everyone else who's usernames I just can't...
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