
  1. FreddieJack

    Clucking in the City

    Greetings! We found this AWESOME site by clicking a link within an article about busy people raising chickens. So glad we did!! We are on a journey as new homesteaders in beautiful San Francisco!! Within this journey, we have always wanted to have chickens for the fresh eggs, and looking...
  2. LizzzyJo

    Please share your tips and tricks! Any homesteaders out there? Anyone trying to live sustainably or off the land?

    What are your goals in hobby farming or homesteading? Off grid? On grid, but no grocery store food? Just the best parts of all lifestyles? I think that homesteading and sustainable living is about community - none of our ancestors did it alone! They had the wisdom passed down to them. We've...
  3. 2willowsfarm

    Hello from Hemmingford, Qc, Canada

    :frowHi everyone! My husband and I bought our homestead last summer. We did have a small hobby farm when we were in our 20s with chickens and some hens. This time it’s a bit more complicated as we added rabbits and ducks. Ducks… oh boy! :wee We have now about 55 of them. Plus the drake (Winston)...
  4. Modern Ancestor Farm

    Duckie Cafe

    I love, love, love my ducks, but am not a fan of stinky, wet messes. The idea of having a feeding and water coop in the duck run rattled around in my mind for a few days. I know we don't have the room outside, so why not build a duck cafe inside? I waited almost a week to post these photos...
  5. Jannalifeday

    Shalom! First time poster

    Hello! My name is Janna, also known as JC1776. I am a Torah Observant Hebrew Roots Christian, a wife, mother of 3 grown boys (but I'm still young!), and a Registered Nurse for a Christian nonprofit providing free Healthcare to those without insurance. My husband, KC and I are shepherds of...
  6. Joyfillednomads

    I Love having Chickens

    From first chicks to first eggs, and every grain and pellet in between. I absolutely LOVE having and raising Chickens. The waiting for the first eggs and one by one filling an egg carton. Trying to bake something special with each one. The Rewarding factor is amazing, and best expressed in the...
  7. Katiewshrum

    Hi from North Carolina!

    Hi y'all! The name is Katie. I have been raising chickens for two years now and have loved EVERY second of it. What started as an original flock of 5 laying hens I found on Craigslist turned to a flock of 17 in less than my first week. :D It's safe to say I fell in love with them. My husband and...
  8. R

    New member :] Hello from PA ♡

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes and No! I helped my mom take care of hers occasionally growing up and now that I have my own land I have raising some myself ♡ (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Way too many to count. I have 45ish show chickens just in...
  9. LizzzyJo

    Any sustainable homesteading friends out there? What skill should I learn next?!

    For the past 4 years, I have been on a journey of minimal-waste, sustainable homesteading (zero-waste is not an achievable goal for me). I have been reading constantly and immersing myself in youtube zero-waste and homesteading communities. I've learned to can, sew, use much less plastic, knit...
  10. A

    Mentor me on livestock and farming!

    Hello everyone! My family just moved to the Chardon area and we have about 2 1/2 acres and are looking for more land potentially. I want to learn all the things livestock in farming and there are so many places to start and Google can seem overwhelming. I would love to find someone in the area...
  11. Blooming Hills Homestead

    New Here!

    Hello! My name is Ashley and I'm from Wisconsin. My husband and I have been saving to move somewhere with some acreage to start our homestead for a few years, this July we finally moved to a seven acre home and are slowly making plans to create the homestead we want. (1) Are you new to...
  12. Kimi BK

    Former backyard chicken mom, future chicken rancher

    Hey there, I'm new to the forum. We had backyard chickens for ~10 years in Madison, WI. Then we retired June 2019 and moved to a high desert mesa in NW New Mexico. We are starting up a farmstead here and have our greenhouse and outdoor garden up and running. We've been living out of a...
  13. Rranita

    Howdy from New Mexico!

    My hubby and I operate LeeFran Homestead in a tiny, 84-people village in central New Mexico. We've had chickens for several years (most are rescues), and they are actively protected with two pot-belly pigs. They absolutely love each other. We did have 94 hens and 7 roosters until last month...
  14. S

    New member, could use some pointers on types of chickens for my area! (Delaware)

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I'm a complete Chicken Virgin; I have some close friends that raised chickens for many years and I've had an interest in it - my area never allowed them before unfortunately - HOWEVER I'm currently in the midst of moving into a new...
  15. J

    Hello from Ohio!!

    Hello all!! My name is Jami and I raised chickens for most of my childhood with 4-H and helping my big brother with his flocks. I’m a 31 year old SAHM of 3 very special turddlers (I always reference them as X, Y & Z) and wife of an army veteran that’s still serving in the Guard. Recently we...
  16. humblehillsfarm

    My Chicken Coop (& and some garden adventures)

    I wish I had thought to photograph the bedding, but I use Grounds bedding, which is just recycled coffee grounds. I've been using it for about two months and love it so far! Thus far the flock free ranges, but I hope to change that by the end of the year. This is my newly transplanted apple...
  17. TheSunflowerButterfly

    The Sunflower Butterfly Homestead 🌻🦋

    Hello! My name is Kat and my husband is Kyle, we’re new to the homestead life and are doing it in our rented townhouse for now. We have a menagerie of animals. Two dogs, 2 pet bunnies, 5 fish, 2 adult female quail, and 31 quail eggs in our incubator. They’re due to hatch around May 17. A wise...
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