
  1. Feathers1984

    Fun Chicken Woodworking

    Hi everyone! We are a small woodshop that specializes in farm themed woodworking. We make signs, door hangers, ornaments, and magnets. We have an etsy shop where everything gets posted and available for purchase. We also have a Facebook page if you just wanna follow us to see our newest...
  2. Incukahlan

    Need Some Help With Fermented Feed Issues

    Alright, I am just a couple weeks into fermenting my feed and getting everyone on a schedule. But I'd like to talk to someone who has experience with it, as I feel I'm doing something wrong. I'm guessing it's my ratio of what I mix in, but I'm not 100% sure. I have laying hens, a turkey...
  3. Quacking ducks

    Gender or breed? 6 week old chicks

    I have 13, 6 week old mix chicks any ideas on gender or breed mixes they could be? Thanks #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 hen? #7 #8 hen? #9 #10 #11 roo? #12 roo #13 roo
  4. L

    Are these 11week old ladies Buff Orpingtons?

    I have 8 chickens who 5 are 9 weeks and 3 are 11 weeks. These ladies (the light tan ones) are 11 weeks old and I think they are buff orpingtons. Am I correct?
  5. F

    Straight Runs - Turned Out To Be Roosters

    Hello! It seems to be that out of the 5 RIR straight run chicks I got, 4 are most likely male, and possibly even the 5th but still hoping the 5th is a she. They are 5 weeks old. Its my first time with chickens and was hoping the ratio would have turned out to be better. Does anyone have any...
  6. HeritageFan

    Best breeding set up for heritage turkeys?

    I have had ducks for about 6 years, and am almost to the 1 year mark w my turkeys. No other birds or fowls before we got our first ducks. So. I consider myself a relative newbie.... although I have learned a ton! I have recently separated breeding pairs of turkeys (they decided spring had...
  7. Paige2213

    6 hens but get i get 9 eggs a day..?

    I have a small flock of 6 hens (I had a roo but he sadly passed protecting his girls. He was a old boy that took his job very seriously) we collect eggs twice a day. Once around 930 am and then again at 8-9 pm when I do lock up. When my roo was here we would get 4-6 eggs a day (2 of my girls...
  8. L

    My chicken photography

    Some of our hens free ranging while supervised, I finally got a photo of one of our black diamond roosters
  9. RiXiBLu

    What are these 2 hens doing?

    I have one broody chicken(the brown one) that sits on her eggs. Whenever she’s off of her nest, another hen (the grey one) starts to sit on them too but this one doesn’t seem broody and is just sitting on them and turning the eggs like normal broody hen would. I don’t know whether they’re...
  10. hannahsocal

    Hens Not Laying For Almost 2 Weeks?? Why??

    Hello! Just thought I’d post here in case anyone has any thoughts or suggestions on what to do. :) So I have 4 laying hens (all are about 8 months old and have laid eggs before). In with them I have 3 roos that they grew up with and are friendly with (the roos mate all the hens and I’ve had zero...
  11. C

    How many roosters can I have to hens?

    I’ve heard 1 to 10 is a standard ratio currently raising 11 chicks who are “pullets” from TSC but we know how that may turn out lol i am also getting 2 light Brahma coop ready pullets in June bringing the total to 13 so will I need more than one Roo? How many roosters have you been able to keep...
  12. Chick_Crazy

    Ducks and chickens together?

    Hey y'all! Just wanted to get some advice about keep ducks and chickens in the same flock. I know it's done, but before I do it, I want to know if there are any items I should know that may cause harm to my hens. I've heard of things like male ducks breeding hens, and it causing problems with...
  13. T

    Is it weird that when I talk to my chickens, they shake their heads very fast?

    So when I go up to their house, they stare at me and try looking at me by turning their head facing one eye looking at me. Chickens can’t look straight. And when I talk to them, they shake their heads now. I don’t think they did that before or maybe they always do when I talk to them. My voice...
  14. Karel

    Looking to buy hens. KS MO Kansas City

    Hi all, Still rather new, trying to post for consolidated Kansas (or Missouri). I'm looking to buy 1-5 hens in the Kansas City area. My current one is black, so looking for black or a mix of colors, so she wont stand out and get picked on too much. Breed does not matter. I love mixes. Would be...
  15. Quacking ducks

    why do my chickens have runny noses and eating their straw bedding?

    Hi, The last couple weeks I have noticed that some of my chickens and ducks have had runny noses and have also been eating their straw bedding. what causes them to have runny noses? what can I do to help them? why are they wanting to eat their straw bedding? they can't be hungry because there is...
  16. M

    Hen attack

    Hello y'all. Last Saturday the 21st two dogs got into my girls while I was at work. Three were killed, Clementine was badly injured and Lilith was not harmed. I took Clementine to the vet because she had two nasty spots from the attack. They gave her a pain med twice a day and antibiotics as she...
  17. sammi_lynn12

    First egg!

    I got my first egg on Saturday from my Rhode Island Red hen! She laid Saturday and today but my question is why aren't my Australorps laying yet? My two autralorps are three weeks older than the rest of flock and have not laid yet. My barred rocks and RIR are the same age and as of right now...
  18. sammi_lynn12

    What to expect?

    I found a home for our rooster that has been with our girls for about a month. Is there anything I need to watch out for after removing him? I know pecking order will change and we’ll have some conflict but anything else?
  19. Sara_nowo

    Blue Wyandottes?

    So I’m not finding a lot of info on blue Wyandottes, most threads and articles are on blue laced red Wyandottes. Is this type of breed not common? I’m new to this and it’s my first year with chickens. I have 8 Wyandottes and LOVE them to death but they are still not laying and I can’t find much...
  20. sammi_lynn12

    Rooster at night

    I just added a rooster to our flock today. He has been fine with them all day until tonight. This is the first time I allowed him on the roosting bar with them and from the time it took to let the horses in and then go back and check on them there was blood dripping down the roosting bar. I...
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