help please

  1. B

    Urgent help needed please!!! unwell quails!!!

    My male coturnix quail seems to be unwell. He isn't his normal self. Has a sad face on too. He has slight redness under his eye/above nose. He keeps itching that red area and his body too. Cries sometimes as well. Has lost a slight bit of weight but not significant . Eyes seems to be swollen. He...
  2. Potato and Eilonwy

    Barred Rock Chicken Limping

    Our barred rock Alaska we just found limping around the coop this morning. She seemed energetic and stuff but she was slow and limp. We dont know what the problem is, so please help us if you can! Also we are pretty sure she isn't eggbound. PLEASE HELP!
  3. Kattzombiee

    15 weeks - Chicken not feeling well

    Hi all and thanks in advance, I have moved one of my 15 week old girls inside the house to the "er" cage.. I noticed she just seemed not like her self yesterday and wings were droopy. Brought her in, she drank some, made her a scrambled egg with her normal dry food on the same plate and I swear...
  4. A

    Using brand name: Optimum Vitamin B-Complex for pekin ducklings

    I have provided the nutritional facts about this certain brand, I was wondering if I could use it for a duckling, and if so, how to properly dose it, as in cutting the pills or something like that. Please help, one of my ducks seems to have niacin deficiency, so I want to get that sorted before...
  5. B

    Rooster run over by lawn mower

    My rooster, Bobbo, was accidentally run over by a lawn mower today while it was backing up. It is a Club Cadet tractor mower. I looked at the many feathers he lost, and there wasn’t any blood. He has an eye infection that he is taking medicine for, and the eye has some blood in it. He can walk...
  6. ChickChic00

    Sex-Linked Chickens

    I'm hoping to find some people to help me with sex linked chickens. Would a Cream Legbar x Barred rock hen make sex linked chicks? Any idea what they would look like? I'm hoping for colorful roosters. Cream Legbar x Delaware? Cream Legbar x Silver Laced Wyandotte? Cream Legbar x Columbian...
  7. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    My Pullets are nearly 7 months old and haven’t begun laying yet, weather or diet maybe?

    Heyo hope everyone’s doing well. Just curious as to why my 3 pullets and also other pullets from the flock haven’t been laying at all but they’ve already reached 6-7 months old? Understandably my older hens have taken a break especially due to cold weather lately and just overall egg productive...
  8. T

    One of my Oldest chickens is suddenly sickly. Help Please

    My Oldest chicken of a flock of 6 is suddenly sick looking. She is about 6 years old almost 7 in a few months. Yesterday I noticed she was sleeping a lot more around the yard, and not moving too much. Today she spent all day near the coop under a tree, I hadn't seen her go eat or drink all day...
  9. I

    egg hasnt hatched on day 24 when others hatched on day 20, WILL IT HATCH???

    one egg of my clutch of 8 has not hatched, i know they were all fertile and developing in week 2 and the rest of the babies hatched on day 20. how do i know if this egg will hatch?? any help or advice would be appreciated!
  10. K

    Need help with newly hatched chick (photo)

    Hi first time hatching eggs this is the third chick to hatch not shore was wrong with him, please help if you can it took 36 hours from pip to it started to zip so I already assumed the worse but then it come out like this I've keeped it separated from the other two
  11. P

    Female quail turned into a bully after reintroduction - help!

    Hi! I'm brand new here but have used other people's questions as resources for my quail and chickens for a while. I just can't find any answers to my particular problem, so I thought I would register and turn to you all for help. First off, I have three cotturnix quail hens in a decently large...
  12. C

    Call duck colour identification help

    Hi all, i have several calls that i am not 100% on colour identification and would really appreciate some help if possible?
  13. NubbyRyuu

    I Need Answers ASAP

    I need answers for this, and I needed them 3 days ago. I've contacted a few chicken people, Facebook (with a group that probably won't accept my join request, leaving me only to rely on a Silkie Group), Reddit, and called NUMEROUS vets today, with only ONE that sees chickens but is expensive...
  14. BokBokBeginner

    Please help me Make Easter Eggers for my flock

    Could any of you please help me? I have only successfully hatched 2 Lavender Araucanas a roo and a hen. I will pen them together as I hope to add more from their eggs when they mature. I thought I might also add some other breeds to make easter eggers so I am thinking of putting a couple of the...
  15. Nefelibata

    Ducklings have lump on foot - bumblefoot or normal?

    My ducklings have been having some balance issues. I recently noticed some small lumps on their "heels". (both ducks are in this picture, these feet are not both the same duck) They are khaki campbell ducklings, a little over two weeks old. I noticed the bump when I first got them (the 25th)...
  16. L

    Accidentally becoming a homesteader

    I live in the UK, England. Homesteading is really an American concept, and we sort of fell into it. Over time our life choices have slowly led us to homesteading. The last time we moved we wanted land to grow trees, we bought an ex farm. We started to build an arboretum,. The land was flat, the...
  17. Elizna

    Chicks leg cant straighten

    HI ! So I've hatched my baby chicks in a incubator, and had two leg deformities, one was a splayed leg , which is currently being treated , but the other one , cannot straighten it's one leg , I've tried everything !! He sometimes stands on just the one and hops around , and at other times...
  18. A

    Edmonton area

    I need to find a temporary indoor home for my female ancona. We have to move somewhere I cannot have her. This is just temporary on both issues. I will supply everything she needs. I just need her to be safe and warm. She has never been with other ducks, since she was 3 days old.
  19. E

    Ill Quail

    Hi, this is my first post and I'm a new user so forgive me if I didn't write this properly. Open to suggestions to improve. I have 2 female silver quails about a year old and 1 one them bullied the other when I first got them. I had them in my bird cage temporarily until I bought a big cage for...
  20. Jensbetty

    What is this chicken egg

    Help never seen this before does anybody know what and why this has happened thanks
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