help aggressive

  1. Exspiravit

    My rooster is being aggressive towards me for no apparent reason?

    Hi so basically as the title says my rooster just started showing me some aggressive for no reason, he was completely fine I went out to feed the hens some left overs he was eating fine from me as he has before, I finish Feeding them and I get up start walking away and he charges at me? I...
  2. D

    Rooster help

    I have 7 chickens (6 hens and 1 rooster), Richard the naked necked rooster has always been super docile and never given me any issues or tried to harm any of the hens. I just got a female pekin from a bad home and when I went to introduce them he just started attacking her with his beak and...
  3. Katakornchicks

    Rooster has rejected hen. How to get him to accept her

    Hi there. I have a 2 year old EE frizzle rooster who I love. He's very gentle with people and with his hens, and has been accepting to every new hen I put in his coop. However, I recently added 1 new hen that he doesn't like. The other hens seem to have accepted her, but he has not. She hides on...
  4. Gerby26

    Aggressive Female Muscovy

    I own 3 Muscovy Females and 2 Goose Females. Recently the dominant Muscovy(Dotty), has been bullying (chasing, harassing, etc.) one of my other Muscovy's(Penny). Penny has started not staying with the flock and instead watching them from across the yard and sitting alone, Dotty however is...
  5. J

    My chick is a bully please HELP

    I have 3 chicks and one is being a total bully. It picks on just one chick specifically. I didnt realize it could get this bad but while we were out one day the chick apparently beat up the other one so bad that blood was drawn and and we had to have the poor baby’s eye looked at. We separated...
  6. edgy6ellie

    Hen being very vocal and aggressive, completely out of character

    One of my hens, Pootle has recently started being extremely aggressive and vocal. shes a 2yro ex-batt, ive had her for over a year and she is normally the most friendly cuddly chicken in my flock. this last week or so she has been attacking my other hens alot more than normal, being a very vocal...
  7. GryphonXV

    Hen beating up my poor rooster

    Hi, dearlings. I create a couple of chabo bantans as indoor pets since they were babies... My hen is one week younger, but they both are almost 2 years old now and are living together since I adopted them. 10 days ago, my hen got her first and only baby chick and her aggressive behavior became...
  8. 5

    🐓🐓Flock Integration Advice

    Hello chicken enthusiasts! Back in April, I was only able to get two barred rock (due to some specific circumstances). I had them in the run for a few weeks, so that they would know that it was their home and such. My older flock, free ranges and would come and go from the run as they would...
  9. Z

    help one chick about 6 weeks old getting attacked

    one of our chicks is getting constantly attacked. we have four 6 week old chicks that our broody hen hatched (they are not her eggs we don’t have any roosters i’m not sure that matters though). i’m pretty sure two are roosters and the other two are hens based off colors and behavior. one of the...
  10. Prophecyx1

    Should I be worried?

    So this is a duck, but regardless. His little foot, and beak are out of the shell, but he doesnt have enough shell gone to get out? Is he stuck? Is there something I need to do? Or does this happen often? I never experienced this with chickens, but it could be because I have never noticed...
  11. HenreyTheRooster

    I need help desperately

    Hello I am here to ask for help/ tips introducing a one year old Jersey Black Giant who lost her flock too a group of sixteenish week old chicken that include, one Candy Corn Polish, One Cream White Legbar, and one Barnevelder. They currently live in two coops next to eachother but I dont want...
  12. K

    Help. My Khaki Cambells are fighting.. On Week 4.5 and 2 of the 6 Khaki's are getting bullied/are Injured

    Hi Guys.. New to the water fowl world. Two of my ladies are getting bullied excessively and they're currently bleeding from the wings as they're growing in. I am trying to figure out fowl behavior. I have a sneaking suspicion one of them might be a drake in disguise.. but I am not sure when...
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