help !

  1. MCchickies

    Can I move my less developed eggs into incubator? URGENT

    I am in a little of a pickle… My hen has gone broody and has been laying on eggs for 17 days now. There are 3 eggs that are on day 17 expected to hatch on January 13th (21 days). There are also 3+ eggs that are developing but probably on day 7-10. This happened because my other hen has been...
  2. C

    Molting or something else?

    Hello! I’ve had chickens almost 2 years but this is my first year I’ve dealt with molting. A bit about my flock: 8 hens are 1yr 11m (golden comets & Easter eggers) 4hens 1yr 1m (Rhode Island reds, buff Orpington & copper maran) Egg production started to decrease in October and then only...
  3. BuffBrahmaBantams

    Polish cock with wry neck, suggestions and help wanted!!

    My 1 year old silver laced polish rooster got wry neck in early december, not long after his brother died on Pneumonia. He tuckes his head under his body and only on his right side. He is eating and drinking on his own, and will ge up to walk from one end of his temperary housing to the other to...
  4. ChickenNugieuwu

    My chicken was acting weird and now can’t stand

    Hi, I hope whoever this reaches can help me understand my hen better! I’ve never had this happen and naturally, I investigated on Google, lots of sources lead me to Marek’s disease, which I’ve never even heard of up until now. I’m really concerned, triple eve. The hen is my mother’s, but due...
  5. Sonson

    Meyer hatchery BBS Ameraucana without beard/muff?

    Hello! Long story short, can anyone confirm if it's possible for a Blue Ameraucana to be without a muff or beard? I was under the impression that they always have a muff and beard and that the Meyer ameraucanas are true ameraucanas; Meyer's website even lists them as having beards and muffs...
  6. W

    Purple Comb

    My Black Copper Marran has become lethargic; his comb is purple and bleeding in some areas. The temp has not gotten below 39 degrees Fahrenheit, so I am unsure if it is frostbite. It has always gone through stages where it would get a little bit of purple when he gets excited or stressed, but...
  7. Eggsandbeyond

    Cocidia?? HELP!!

    I scoop the poop out of the coop every morning and noticed this one with blood tinged mucus in it. I have a younger flock on medicated feed and they will steal theirs sometimes. Should I treat with corid? Is it safe if they're eating medicated food? Do I need to toss their eggs while on the...
  8. BRyan1997

    Chicks keep dying

    Looking for advice. This is my first time raising chicks. I bought 10 and received 11 pullets. I received them on Thursday. This morning I checked on them before going to work and two were dead. My husband got home this morning and another was dead and one or two are dying. They were vaccinated...
  9. Ashcole

    8week old chick broken wing

    I have an 8 week old rir & light buff Brahma chick with a broken wing. About 2 hours ago when I went to let them out she was stuck between the coop wall and nesting box, (thankfully mama let me get her out without attacking me) the wing was splayed outwards but she jumped out of my hand and ran...
  10. OstarasEggs

    12 day EE chicks is this cecal poop or blood?

    12 day old EE chicks. We have noticed orange-reddish stuff in their poops, some almost stringy as if there is tissue in them. This has gone on 4-5 days now. Though maybe normal cecal, especially because they smell... All three seem fine otherwise, eating, drinking, lots of energy trying to fly...
  11. Tfunny

    I need help!

    Ok, we’ve had our ducks for… 2 months now. They eat feed, plus they get both brewers yeast and a niacin supplement on top of that in their water and food. I’m at my wits end with one of my precious babies 😞 Now we learned about the niacin when they were about 5 weeks old we noticed two of them...
  12. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    *EMERGENCY* Can I put only one egg in a incubator?

    So, there was a pigeon sitting on a chicken egg, but she decided to give up at 10 days. I put this chicken egg under her on October 1st. I'm wondering if I can save the chick? I have a TrioCottage incubator that I have, but I don't have any other fertalized eggs. If it's too late it's okay :D
  13. C


    Hi, so one of my hens has been acting differently I’m not sure what’s wrong but I’ll explain the details. She hasn’t been eating much she does eat certain things but not to much of it currently where I live there is a heat wave so I think maybe it’s because of that I have been giving her...
  14. 4


    I need help so my chicken chest a crazy cackle toppie loves to run with me. So when I let them out I run out into the yard but he runs under me and i run over him twice and he lost so many feather, will he be okay??
  15. W

    Comb Dying???

    My black copper maran rooster used to have a beautiful comb. However, lately, I've noticed that his comb has turned purple. He is around 8 months old and enjoys a good comb massage. IT FELT COLD when I touched the purple area while the rest of the comb felt hot. I'm concerned and I'm not sure...
  16. A

    Help please!! Very sick quail!!

    The past day Ive noticed my female(almost 3 years old) quail throwing water/mucus? I’m only 16 so I am not able to take her to a vet, and it is hard finding one that treats quails where I live. She has other symptoms like being very lethargic, not moving, can’t walk very well and her feathers...
  17. I

    My sick chicken

    I have a chicken which is in the photo below who seems to eat and drink normally but always seems to be quite slow and always has her wings out as if she is hot all the time. I am in England so it doesn’t get that hot and today it is 17 degrees so I don’t think it is heat and also none of my 6...
  18. CRH


    Hi guys, I believe my hen is broody. I’m not sure how many eggs she has under her. I’m very scared to candle them because the last time one of my hens went broody she stopped laying on the eggs. This is a different hen though. I want to know if she’s sitting in something or nothing. How can I...
  19. Fangeddeer

    Is she pregnant or no? (Goat)

    Hi, it’s me again. Sorry I just need to know, yes or no? A maybe is fine too, thanks for the help on my last post! And it was 4 mos since her last kid. One side is hard while the other isn’t, wasn’t like that before.
  20. L

    HELP! No electricity from storm

    We just lost power from the storm & I’ve got duck eggs in the incubator. How can I keep them warm enough while also keeping proper humidity? All I can find online for no electricity incubation is it being supplemented with sunlight which we don’t have right now.
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