
  1. JosieMae

    Cooling 'em down!

    Hi all! Every night my hens roost inside the coop and we close the door to the run for that extra protection. Its REALLY hot right now, and I'm wondering, what should I do to keep them cool inside the coop? Also, I've been misting the sand during the day in the run and putting ice in the water...
  2. ChickenDrummond

    Summer Heat

    We did it! We brought our little dude back to life! After I had left for work Thursday morning, my boyfriend, Jake, found little Rudy barely breathing in the coop. He was undoubtedly moments away from losing his life. Jake called to tell me what had happened, and knowing that he had to leave, I...
  3. pjstar

    Excessive heat days in Arizona

    Ok, so I've had chickens for about four years now in this Phoenix Arizona heat. The second year, I had one die, most likely summer heat or suffocation. Temps were over 100 as usual. And it seemed like the other RIR girls liked to pile on her ? Americauna? since she was the biggest one. Fast...
  4. A

    Question About Summer Heat

    Hey all! First year chicken-keeper here. I've got four girls living in Southern Illinois with me. Today hit 98 F and they were looking hot! They were "panting" pretty hard and sticking to the shade at all costs. We let our chickens free-range in our backyard all day where there's various shade...
  5. O

    Keeping cool in the summer

    I'm in california and we have officially hit 100° weather. I'm wondering if anyone has any tips or tricks to keep my babies refreshed and cool for the already dreaded summer. All ideas are appreciated. Thanks :)
  6. katies19

    Upcoming summer Heat

    My babies seem to be getting a little hot already (all hiding in whatever shade they find) and I was thinking of getting a mini personal A/C device (the kind thats no bigger than a cellphone) or mini fan to put in the coop to give them a cool spot. Has anyone done this and have suggestions on...
  7. scoopsmom

    Can my Cochin get wet in extreme heat?

    I have 3 bantam Cochins and I live in Texas where it gets over 90 degrees in the summer. I've read they are not supposed to get wet but I also read that chickens like to play in water. Besides the Cochins I have 2 gold sexlinks and 1 unidentified hen but she's regular size (not bantam). So my...
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