
  1. Ra_

    The birds love the Comfrey!

    I planted the root cuttings on July 6th. The earliest ones broke ground in 11 days. All came up within 2 weeks. Here they are in 3 gallon grow bags 6 weeks after planting the roots. I took the 3 smallest plants and they are now in big 10 gallon pots. Fertilized with aged chicken manure. Before...
  2. A

    Coughing, spreading like wildfire

    Hey guys! I had this beautiful blue Cochin pullet that came down with a cough. She starting getting lethargic, sleeping all the time and closing her eyes and unfortunately she died suddenly one day. Now the rest of my chickens are coughing. They aren't acting lethargic or down or anything, they...
  3. Stick Chicken

    Why is my call duck not laying?

    I have a black call duck hen that I hatched in May of last year. So far, she has yet to lay an egg and I am worried if she may be ill or have some condition that is causing her not to lay. I do not really care if she lays eggs so long as she is healthy. I would appreciate anyone who could tell...
  4. A Balanced Diet for your Flock!!

    A Balanced Diet for your Flock!!

    Okay people!! This article is about how I feed my girls a balanced, healthy diet. 1. Never EVER give your chickens junk food. Chickens are very hardy creatures and could probably handle a little junk food, but it is best not to try. 2. They must ALWAYS have access to clean, fresh water. 3. Feed...
  5. How to keep healthy, happy hens!

    How to keep healthy, happy hens!

    Hi guys! these are my top tips [rules] in maintaining flock harmony and health. PS: these methods may not work in a high predator area or you may be buying a new flock pretty soon! 1; ALWAYS, ALWAYS make sure your girls have enough to eat, enough to drink and are given a balanced diet of greens...
  6. T

    Rehome Healthy Laying Hen Santa Fe, NM

    One of our gals is noisy and needs a new home where neighbors are not so close. She is a great gal, healthy and laying daily. Around 1 year old. Free to a good home.
  7. Chickiee

    But, Chickens don't eat Hostas!

    Good Morning All, I've had chickens now for 6 years. Not once have they had issues eating the hostas that border my driveway by the house. My approx. 4 month old chicks of various breeds are trotting to the hostas every morning within 10 minutes of my letting them free-range. My poor hostas...
  8. Cricketnd

    13 week-old, healthy cockerel/rooster in need of new home-Orlando/Central Florida area

    Anyone in/near the West Orange County area? I am looking to re-home a 13 week old polish cockerel. I cannot have a rooster. We got him as a 1-day old chick thinking he was a she. I would like to give him to a good, loving home-to someone who wants and can have a rooster. He is my daughter's...
  9. CarrieDee86

    Tips for Healthy Happy Chicks?

    Hi there! This is my first year raising chicks, and I have read so much that I'm a little overwhelmed! I have six chicks that are about three weeks old in a large brooder in my garage, and 9 chicks that are all around 1 week old (little more, little less). We have a GREAT BIG coop and run for...
  10. AshleyNicole06

    Proud Duck Mama!

    I’m so happy! My ducks know how to use their ramp and can go in out of their coop on their own now! :) and they do it all the time. They are still put away at night and when it’s really cold. Yesterday was the first time they actually got to walk around the yard! It’s been so cold! And the...
  11. dehowery

    Coccidiosis in chickens , how much do I use?

    Coccidiosis in chickens I just got Corid 9.6% solution to put in water, this is the one they use for cows, etc. But the co-op told me I could also use this on chickens. According to the directions they talk about 100 lb weight , Obviously chickens don't weight quite that much! Any idea as to how...
  12. Chicken Tunnel

    Chicken Tunnel

    WINTER IS COMING Fall is here and it's time to start prepping the garden for winter. To help in the work involved I have enlisted my Golden Comets. The challenge I faced was how to allow the chickens safe and consistent access to the garden that is on the other side of the yard. My solution...
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