
  1. UpstateSCChickens

    Bielefelder/Black Australorp Cross?

    Wondering if anyone has crossed Bielefelder with Black Australorp? I have a gorgeous Black Australorp Roo that I have thought about crossing with a Bielefelder hen. Curious to know if anyone has and what the results were. Thanks!
  2. M

    Hatching ducks under Duck hen

    Hello all! I am fairly new to duck keeping, and I allowed a momma to get a clutch of eggs and start laying on them. The problem is I realized the other hens are laying in her clutch when she is gone, and I now have 2 almost ready to hatch duck eggs and 15 egg of various stages nowhere near...
  3. 1

    Humidity Spiking When Quail Eggs Are Hatching

    Hi there everyone! This is my first time hatching Quails and we are on day 18!! We have had 15 baby's hatch as of right now but we still have about another 15 to go. The problem is that since they have started hatching the humidity has spiked up to 79 and I am concerned for the eggs that haven't...
  4. A

    First hatch, needing help!

    It is my first time incubating eggs, I started off with 10 and candled them at 7, 15 and 18 days. I seen good veining and movement in 8, so I took the 2 out that didn’t have anything going on inside. After I candled on day 18, I put the lid back, increased humidity and have left it alone. On...
  5. LizFl

    Can I use this power cord for nurture right 360

    Hi! My friend is letting me use her Nurture Right 360 (I believe she has an older version) anyways, she gave it to me with this power cord and in the videos I’ve seen it has a different one. Now I’m wondering of this works for it?
  6. Sandwitch

    Silkie hen hatching/brooding questions

    Hi! So let me start off by saying that this is all still rather new to us so I have a couple questions. So we have a little silkie hen who has recently started to go a bit broody. We've still been taking the eggs but I'm starting to think about if we should just let her keep a couple and see if...
  7. alluzivesducks

    Duck Names

    Today I have started incubating 6 duck eggs again :) Most likely, all 6 won't hatch but hopefully a few of them will be successful this time! So, I'd like to know what I could name my duckies and would love to know what everyone else has called their ducks! <3 Me and my partner currently like...
  8. jabou29

    Broody hen hatching first clutch of eggs.

    I have a Bantam Cochin hen who went broody on Dec 30-31. She’s been sitting on 4eggs. We didn’t want much chicks as we already incubated 23 eggs 21days before and hatched out 18 chicks but only one of these eggs belongs to her and the rest to our other bantams. The problem is we don’t know the...
  9. alluzivesducks


  10. Aprilxoxo

    The Last 2 Eggs Hatch-Along

    Hi everyone Unfortunatly this is going to start a bit sad. My most favourite quail passed away today. She hadn't been doing too well lately and after a bad leg injury she sustained today we decided it was better for her to rest peacefully. Upon returning home we found her final 2 eggs she...
  11. A

    Day 21 only one quail :(

    Hi friends, New to incubating/hatching! We purchased a dozen coturnix quail from a local breeder. Placed them in the incubator, and on day 19 we welcomed one plucky little guy. He is doing well. Sadly, none of the other eggs have shown much. We are on day 21. I feel I can faintly hear...
  12. proudduckowner22

    Questions on Muscovy ducks hatching goose eggs

    Hey y’all, I am gearing up already for hatching goslings next spring, and was curious on letting Muscovy ducks hatch out most of my goose eggs next spring (I only have 1 pair of geese, they are Chinese geese) and I was also wondering how many goose eggs can one Muscovy hen hatch out in a clutch...
  13. B

    Hatching ducklings

    Hello everyone! This is my first time hatching ducklings and I’m not 100% sure what to do. They pipped internally over 24 hours and did not break through the egg. After watching several videos and reading articles, I made a small hole in the egg for breathing. I broke a bit of the egg away so I...
  14. katiee

    HELP!! Incubating hatched ducks and eggs

    I have two duck baby ducks that hatched this morning just a few hours apart. I have three eggs in the incubator and two of them have pipped (one yesterday and one today). The two that hatched this morning is being pretty “rowdy” in the incubator. The incubator isn’t that big to start with...
  15. T

    Hello to all from Northeast Pennsylvania

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I have raised ducks, chickens, guineas in the past. I now just have Pilgrim geese for the last 2 years. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have had as many as 20 - currently I have 4 until hatching season starts again...
  16. MysticOutcast

    Unusual looking Brahma rooster

    I hatched a lot of eggs from my mixed flock of chickens over the summer, one of the chickens I hatched is a dark Brahma rooster. He hatched from a dark Brahma egg and I’m positive he came from the dark Brahma rooster, the only other Roos were a golden laced polish and an old English Wheaton...
  17. ChickChic00

    Egg weight Grams

    Does anyone know the best egg weight for hatching eggs. I'm thinking about doing an experiment with different weights for the best chicks. I have some that range from 40 to 60 and above grams. Any ideas or help? Thanks so very much!!
  18. eclectic-em

    SOS chick hatched <30 mins ago, intestines or unabsorbed yolk hanging out???

    hatched in an incubator within the hour but also have a broody hen simultaneously hatched a chick this morning she happily took this one while i figure out what to do. is this intestine and needs to be pushed back in gently or just unabsorbed yolk?? what do i do?? tyia
  19. gquiltbird

    Incubator Temperature too low - Day 22

    Hey the last two hatches I did in my Brinsea Incubator have hatched early day 19 and 20. I didn't think about the temperature possibly being wrong till it reached day 21 and no pips. Found out the temperature has been sitting about 35.8 Degrees Is there still a chance they will hatch? I'm...
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